The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1598

Chun Ji blinked her eyes, stopped, turned her head and bowed to Luo Pei.

Not spoken, but worth a thousand words.

This girl is the type who is very willing to believe in others. Even though the last time she believed, she ended up living in Orari's Fengyue Street, Chun Ji is still not disappointed in this world and people's hearts.

Under the leadership of the elf woman, Luo Pei came to the tallest and most splendid building in Fengyue Street.

Almost all the women who caught my eye were Amazon women.

There is nothing wrong with this, Amazon women are brave and warlike, and absorbing them into a family will become an excellent combat power. This is common sense that everyone in Orario knows. Not to mention the wild beauty of those Amazon women, which is also very popular with Istar.

After the elf woman led Luo Pei to the position, she quietly retreated.

Lopez ignored the crowd of women who were curious about him, and walked straight into the main hall of Istar.

The "Beauty God" Ishtar sits high on the gorgeous throne.

Although Istar and Freya are both gods of beauty, Istar's beauty is indeed displayed in a completely different way.

She is not as subtle as Freya, but like a poisonous flower, bright and in full bloom, but anyone who looks at it knows that it is a "harmful" and "dangerous" thing.

"Welcome, God of Miracles~"

Istar sat on the throne and greeted Rope without being rude.

She stood up, swaying her steps, and walked to the side of the black-haired young man with a gust of fragrant wind.

"Please take a seat quickly. To invite you to such an inappropriate place, I am a little worried that you will not come. I did not expect you to accept my invitation letter. I am really grateful."

After Luo Pei was seated, the maids successively served exquisite dishes and fine wines.

But Luo Pei directly raised his hand and waved those women away.

"You have a purpose for inviting me, and I also have a purpose for coming here. Let's just open the skylight and talk to each other, Yista, what do you want?"

Hearing this, Ishtar's expression collapsed for a moment, but immediately returned to normal.

There was nothing surprising, Rope's reaction was not beyond Ista's expectations.

He can ignore Freya's charm, and of course he doesn't care about her own charm.

"I was there on the day your movie was released, and I am very grateful that you can produce such an amazing work of art. The gods of our world are hungry for fun, although the lower world is never short of fun, but fun It is also divided into concentration, your movie is undoubtedly the highest enjoyment."

Ishtar said.

"However, what fascinates me the most is your miraculous means. I heard earlier that some children from the lower world created the "Philosopher's Stone" in order to live forever, and it took an astonishing amount of manpower, material resources, and lives. As a result, you took out the "elixir of youth" with no side effects in just a few days. I really don't know how to admire you. "

Luo Pei smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the sweet red wine.

"So, you invited me here today because you want to discuss with me how to admire me?"

"How come~"

Ishtar laughed.

"Originally, I was a little worried about inviting you. After all, I don't know whether the pursuit of beauty in other worlds is the same as ours. But I heard that you and God Hestia have established a love that even the gods envy. Come to my heart and invite you to come and take a look at my Fengyue Street."

Goddess of Beauty walked to the edge of Luo Pei's table with gentle steps, and sat down opposite him.

"This is a gathering place for all the beautiful girls in the world. You can find girls of any personality and race here."

"In your eyes, am I the type who would be interested in prostitutes?"

Rope's eyes narrowed, and there was sarcasm in his words.

But Istar waved his hands naturally and said as if he didn't hear what Rope was pointing.

"Of course not those low-level prostitutes. If you want something, I can prepare countless beautiful and unprofessional girls for you, as long as Mr. Luo Pei is satisfied."


Rope put down his glass.

"Then I just want a girl."

"Oh?" Ista's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and she asked with interest: "Which girl is so lucky to be favored by the God of Miracles?"

"Her name is Haruhime Sanjo."

Hearing this name, Istar's smile visible to the naked eye twisted.

She stood up all at once, and her voice was no longer as gentle as before.

"Master Luo Pei, although Chun Ji has just joined my family, she is also a member of my family. Could you please change to another girl? I promise, I would like to give you any other girl as a gift except Chun Ji. "

How could Yista give up Chun Ji.

Haruhime possessed the magical "Magic Mallet", which was able to temporarily raise an adventurer's level by one level, a unique ability.

She also hoped to stimulate Haruhime's ability through some means, so that the entire family could enjoy the effect of the "Magic Mallet", and then defeat the Freya family who ruled Olari.

For this plan, Chun Ji must be firmly in her hands.

When Luo Pei heard this, he couldn't help being amused by the short-sightedness of the goddess in front of him.

Even if Ishtar was not present, he must have witnessed the divine power that he displayed across the sky that day.

The power he possesses can shake the cornerstone of the world, and using a young girl to make his friendship is better than holding on to a mere Haruhime, but Ishtar is blinded by interests and ambitions, and cannot see the form clearly.

Freya is the queen of Orari, while Ishtar is just the goddess of Fengyuejie. This phenomenon is not unreasonable.

At least if it's Freya, she can definitely see which one is more cost-effective.

"Ishtar, Ishtar."

Luo Pei pointed at the table and said calmly.

"Don't use some boring words to perfuse me anymore, the purpose of your invitation is "the medicine of youth", right? I don't do such shabby things as robbers, I will give you an "elixir of youth" for free, and then you will hand Chun Ji into my hands. The "elixir of youth" worth hundreds of millions of mana must be able to offset your losses, right? "

Istar's expression changed a few times, and after a few struggles, he still gritted his teeth and said.

"Master Luo Pei, the Istar family is willing to use money to buy your elixir, but I can't let Chun Ji alone..."

"Think carefully, you still have another chance."

Rope's fingers on the table slowed down.

"Is it stubborn to hold on to the immediate interests, or to reap the elixir and my friendship."

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