The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1599

It appears that negotiations have failed.

Just when Ishtar sighed inwardly and felt that the negotiation had collapsed, there was a noise from the inner door of the temple.

"Phryny! You can't go there, the goddess is summoning a distinguished guest!"

"Wow! The smell of wine is so strong... How much wine did you drink, Phryne?"

"Go away, you all! I heard that the most outstanding and beautiful god of another world has come to this happy street! He must be looking for a woman when he comes to happy street, so let this old lady, the most beautiful woman in the world, go and meet for a while The god of another world... hiccup."

Soon a woman who looks like a toad appears.

Tall and bloated, an ugly woman who would call a "monster" at a glance.

The leader of the Ishta Familia, "Man Killer" Phryne Jameel.

Ishtar stood up angrily.

"Phellini, who gave you the guts to barge in when I was hosting a banquet?"

"Hi..." Phryni hiccupped, and looked at Luo Pei lewdly: "Don't be so stingy, Lady Ishtar, since you have the top prey, you should let your child taste it." Try it..."

"What are you still doing in a daze! Drag Phryni out of here!"

Istar gave the order, but none of the family members dared to approach Phryne.

The reason is that Phryne is holding a weapon in his hand.

The strongest "LV.5" of the Istar family, coupled with that crazy character, Phryni has killed people not once or twice in the past. If she was not strong enough for Goddess Istar to tolerate these mistakes, she would have been kicked out by the family long ago.

"Such a beautiful male god, let me, Phryne Jameel, take good care of you..."

Rope's fingers tapping on the tabletop stopped.

He stood up and stared at Istar with cold eyes.

Being stared at by this kind of gaze, Meishen couldn't help but backed up a few steps in fear.

The gaze from the top powerhouse sequence in the multiverse is not something she, a little beauty, can resist.

"Master Luo Pei, this is a mistake, not my intentional arrangement."

"Ishtar, your deal is over."

"I will personally come to your door to apologize to you later, and now please enjoy the entertainment of Happy Street for a while..."


Rope said indifferently.

"Your deal is over, but mine isn't."

Chapter 42 The first god to die in history

Endless malice spread in the palace.

Ishtar sat slumped on the ground, no longer the beautiful image before, and cold sweat rolled down her forehead and back.

In her sight, the slight anger on Luo Pei's body affected the killing intent, and just a little bit distorted the atmosphere into a weird appearance, baring his teeth and claws into a devouring appearance.


After the teeth-stinging sound, there were screams from members of the Ishtar family.


"Phrynny, Phryne is dead!"

That ugly toad couldn't make any more disgusting noises.

She was pierced by countless spikes rising from the ground, hanging in the air like a piece of bacon, and lost the breath of life in the painful struggle.

The women of the Familia were screaming, and Ishtar couldn't believe it.

During the whole process of killing Phryni, Luo Pei didn't take his eyes off at all.

Even looking at that kind of rubbish, he felt it was an insult to himself.

After the scream, the sound of Rope's footsteps echoed in the peaceful hall.

He walked up to Istar, reached out his hand and roughly grabbed Beauty God's long hair, and smashed it on the mahogany table with terrifying force.


Where did Ista suffer from such pain, and immediately let out a muffled grunt, feeling dizzy.

She was like a fish leaving someone, trying to struggle to get up, but Luo Pei held her head tightly to prevent her from moving.

"Now is my trading time."

Rope said in an emotionless voice.

"It's a very simple new transaction. Yista, you give me Chunji, and I will spare your life. You have ten seconds to think about it. If I don't hear a satisfactory answer after ten seconds, you don't have to." Necessity is no longer in my sight. I will make it impossible for you to return to the heavens."

In pain, Beauty God's pupils shrank suddenly.

Be serious.

This alien god is absolutely serious!

There is no basis, but Yista can feel the killing intent that seeps into the bone marrow.

The hand that grabbed her head and pressed it on the table contained power that would make even a god tremble. Coupled with the scarlet sword that was shown that day, Ishtar has no reason not to believe Rope's words.

But the long-term pampering and the dignity of the gods still make Istar struggle endlessly.

A surge of anger rose in her heart.

"Rope, are you crazy? Are you going to kill a god?"

Istar didn't beg for mercy or choose to agree to the deal, and asked the black-haired young man sharply.

"No matter how lazy the gods of the lower realm are, they still have principles. If you dare to kill me, do you think our gods will let it go? You outsider!"

Even if a god is killed in the lower world, he will not die.

Being killed in heaven is just waiting for rebirth.

Since the birth of the world, no god has yet entered the state of "absolute death".

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