The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1600

"Five seconds."

Rope ignored Istar and continued to count the numbers.

Istar raised his head a little with difficulty, with a gloomy expression.

"Ropei, you have to think carefully, let me go now, and I can still pretend that nothing happened! Phryne can also be counted as her own fault!"

"Three, two, one."

Luo Pei paused, then sighed slightly.

"I thought you were smarter, Ishtar, it seems that I overestimated you."

"Wait, wait, you..."

"When the time comes, I will take what I want. Ishta...then goodbye."

Ishtar's voice caught in her throat.

For a split second, she wanted to try her best to break the rules and break the seal to show her divine power. Intuition told her that even if she was sent back to heaven, it would be better than what happened next.

But she was moving too slowly.

Before Kamui was released, Rope's actions were completed.

A supreme ray of light rises from the Fengyue Street of Orari, and runs straight through the sky.

Different from the pure white light sent back to the sky by ordinary gods, the light was as red as blood, and it also showed the will of disaster and death, stirring up the basic laws of this world.

Originally, the night of the thousands of miles of starry sky was covered with dark clouds.

Not only Olalie, but all the gods in the world who noticed this abnormal phenomenon trembled in their hearts.

They instinctively understood what it was.

Can't be regenerated, can't be resurrected.

—absolute death.

From the creation of the world to the present, the first god to fall from immortality.

The ferocity and terror of the alien gods are like monsters hidden under the calm sea waves. If they are slightly provoked, it will definitely not be Luo Pei, but the gods and mortals on the Luo Pei entertainment chessboard.

All the gods were stunned, and they, who had no concept of death, finally came into contact with the death of their own race.

The night is boiling, the city is boiling.

Without any hesitation, all the gods gathered their families, led by themselves, and rushed towards Olalie's Fengyue Street.

Another sleepless night.

At the same time, Yog Sothoth was lying on a chair outside the city of Olalie, quietly watching the elves commanded by him to create an extremely beautiful inland ocean.

The white-haired girl looked up at the beam of light coming from the direction of Olalie, and shook her head helplessly.

"I've said that, little Luo Pei still doesn't understand the essence of happiness..."

As she spoke, she laughed again, and changed her posture to look up at the surging wind and clouds in the sky.

"However, it's not bad. Occasionally looking at such a youthful and vigorous scene will make you feel alive, that's what the Chosen One needs to do..."

Yog Sothoth felt relieved.

Violence has its usefulness, and a high-level demigod with the divinity of "war" would be a headache if he has no temper.

However, under the influence of this incident, Yog feels that it will take a lot of effort for Luo Pei to launch movies, games, and entertainment to dominate the world as originally planned.

Let the immortal elves in this world die, no matter how open-minded the ordinary people in this world are, they will feel a sense of crisis with a sword hanging over their heads.

Yog didn't care at all, though.

She was called by Rope, and her focus is on the caller.

If the trouble caused Luo Pei to feel troublesome, she would restart the world, and the two of them would start over.

"Then next, Little Luo Pei probably won't come back tonight, let's sleep for a while..."

The white-haired supreme evil god closed his eyes on the eve of the turmoil among the gods in the world.

In the Happy Street, Lopez, who killed the "God of Beauty" Istar, stood on the balcony, looked at the gods of Olalie running wildly, stretched his waist leisurely, and stretched his neck.

Behind him was the Ishtar family kneeling on the ground in astonishment.

No, it should be said to be the former Istar family.

Without their goddess, they will of course no longer have the power of the family, just ordinary mortals.

Aisha Belka murmured blankly.

"God Ishtar... has returned to the heaven?"

"No, it's dead."

Rope answered her question.

"People will die if they die, and God is the same. I have given her plenty of opportunities. When I am angry, I can still receive my mercy for ten seconds, which is enough to give her face. After all, your goddess is not very smart. appearance, so I can only kill her."


"If you don't understand, you don't need to understand. These things have nothing to do with you."

Lopez looked at Aisha and said.

"It's called Aisha, right? Go and bring Chunji to me, and let all those eyes-obscuring people leave. After that, this place will be the place of the gods."


Aisha Belka didn't hesitate, turned around and ran out of the palace with fear.

Her premonition came true.

The violence of this demon god even brought disaster to the gods. The big incident happening now is no longer the problem of the Istar family or Orari.

It's a conflict between a world and gods from other worlds!

Chun Ji, why are you...

Now, even if Aisha Belka wanted to take care of Chun Ji, she couldn't help herself.

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