The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1630

"I'm not familiar with Artemis, since Loki said yes, so be it."

"What do you mean by 'that's it'? "

Loki said anxiously.

"That's the arrow of the number one archer in the heaven! If the arrow of Artemis shoots to the world, the world will be over!"

"It seems so."

Freya wanted to pick up the red wine glass to drink, but Loki was one step ahead of her, grabbed the glass from the hand of Beauty God, and then drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

Freya sighed helplessly with an expression of being helpless against Loki.

Loki wiped his mouth, then said.

"Although I don't know why that guy can use divine power in the lower realm, but you must know something by looking at your expression? At this time, don't hide it from me, and tell me the details!"

"I don't know the specifics. Hermes told me about Artemis. He faltered, and I didn't bother to listen carefully." Freya said, "But one thing is certain. Yes, there is nothing to worry about right now."

"The "Moon Bow" has been activated, so don't worry? "

"Lord Rope is beside Artemis."

Freya spread her hands.

"As long as that lord doesn't want to destroy the world, I don't think it should be a big problem."

Upon hearing Rope's name, Loki instantly cooled down.

The power of that person, no one in the gods of Orario should know.

With Rope following Artemis to deal with things, Freya's calmness is not without reason.

"...Then we'll just watch it like this?"

"My family has gone out to maintain order, but I don't know why you are still here at this time."


In terms of eloquence, Loki is really not Freya's opponent.

The goddess with short red hair was as if angry, she picked up a bottle of red wine on Freya's table and walked outside.

Regardless of Olalie's ups and downs, in front of Rope and Artemis, the monster Andaris was finally forced to appear under the sky from the ruins.

It was like a deep purple creature mixed with a scorpion and a dragon, exuding a strong magic power.

"That's Andaris."

Artemis looked straight and said.

"Your attack just now should have destroyed the remaining seal of the great elf, and now Andaris is free."

"He soon ceased to be free."

"Your Excellency Luo Pei, my family is still in the sealed land of Andaris, the blow you just made..."

With the promise of the god of another world, Artemis worried that the corpses of her family members would be intact.

There is a chance of resurrection here, if she is completely evaporated by Luo Pei's casual blow, she really can't bear this kind of ups and downs.

"My control is excellent, and the corpses of those girls will not have any effect." Luo Pei said: "Besides, the medium I am referring to is not necessarily the corpses, but other items that have a relationship with them before they were alive can also be used."

Only now did Artemis feel relieved.

In a trance, Luo Pei in front of the goddess has disappeared.

When Artemis saw Rope's position again, the black-haired youth had already arrived in front of Andaris.

With the sharp roar of the beast, Andaris kept retreating while maintaining the generation of the moon bow and arrow, as if it also knew that it was not the opponent in front of it.

With a random move by Luo Pei, the girls who died tragically in the cave flew up and gathered under a tree in the distance.

"I know you can understand human speech, release the god in your body, don't trouble me to do it myself."

Rope gave orders to Andaris like a king.

As the benevolent father of monsters in the two worlds, and even the father of all demons in the multiverse in the future, he is fully qualified to order Andaris.

Even though Andaris is intelligent, he is still a monster, different from heretics like Rey and Mari.

It instinctively does not want to give up the power of God it has already obtained.

The indifferent power of the gods makes it unprecedentedly high-spirited, and even intoxicated in it. This mighty power to subvert the world is incomparable to all the vitality of the land and sea.

Andaris let out a threatening growl.

In the sky, the gathering speed of the "Moon Bow" suddenly accelerated.

Amidst the screams of Artemis, the huge arrow condensed by the brilliant moonlight fell vertically towards the earth.

This is a scene that terrified the whole world. With a full blow from the divine power, it is completely possible to dismember the entire continent.

But facing the bow and arrow that came in an instant, Luo Pei just shook his head regretfully.

"Even if you have wisdom, you can't escape the greed of the "beast"..."

The moment the voice fell, the incomparable moonlight arrow stagnated in mid-air only fifty meters away from the ground.

Then there's the phenomenon of turning back time.

Rope did not reverse the time of this world, nor did he stop time, but simply locked in the concept of "Moon Bow and Arrow" as a whole, and reversed time.

An experience that made people break out in cold sweat, and Artemis even knelt down on the ground.

She never thought that her divine power was such a scary thing.

Andaris couldn't understand why the power of the moon god suddenly disappeared. It stared blankly at the sky, and the eight legs of the scorpion stepped on the rock restlessly.

In the next instant, Andaris' screams sounded again.

Rope cut off all its feet and hands, and jumped onto Andaris' back, sparing his life.

The cutting of space is omnipotent. After peeling off the shell, Luo Pei saw the girl imprisoned in the crystal.

Long water-blue hair, pretty face, and the lingering haze between her brows.

The real body of Artemis, the "God of Moon and Chastity".

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