The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1631

But just as Rope was about to pull Artemis out and end Andaris' life, the crystal fell off by itself and rolled to the ground.


Luo Pei glanced sideways at the head of Andaris under his feet.

"Do you realize now that you were wrong?"

Andaris didn't dare to make a sound, and bowed his head obediently like a kitten.

When the difference in strength reaches a certain level, even beasts know when to do something.

The ants even know how to escape from the fingertips of humans, let alone the wise Andaris.

Seeing that the strongest attack of manipulating divine power was easily ended by the opponent, how could it not be afraid, and finally ended the seal, wanting to survive, let it bow its head in front of this supreme being who exudes an aura of closeness.

"It just so happens that I lack a housekeeper pet in my courtyard. If you can restrain your ability to absorb the life force of the earth, I will consider letting you die, how about it?"

If not, Luo Pei would not bother to continue communicating and just kill him.

One less Andaris is a lot, and one more Andaris is not much.

Hearing that he had a chance of surviving, Andaris didn't dare to have any objections, and nodded quickly.

As if to prove its determination, it began to restrain the ability to extract life force around it.

Luo Pei could feel that although it was difficult for the ravaged land to return to life, it was still not squeezed clean by Andaris.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Rope nodded and jumped off Andaris' neck.

He snapped his fingers, and the monster king was put on a collar with etched inscriptions.

Artemis, who came down the slope, saw that Andaris was still alive, and subconsciously took out the Orion gun behind his back, but saw Rope patting its head next to Andaris, and for a while Opening his mouth wide, he looked like he didn't know what happened.

"This, this is...?"

"The Andaris problem has been solved."

Rope said with a smile.

"Artemis, instead of worrying about why Andaris looks like this, you should hurry back to your body."

The crystal melted like solid ice.

Lopez squatted down, lifted her upper body in front of Artemis, and placed it in his arms.

The Moon Goddess hadn't recovered from the shock yet, seeing this scene again, she almost fainted from embarrassment.

Her body is not wearing a single piece of clothing!

"Look carefully, Artemis, your main body is more beautiful than that body that reveals illusions everywhere..."

Lopez ran his finger across the cheek of the goddess of the moon.

Artemis watched herself being molested, the feeling was really indescribable.

"Are you also interested in corpses? Unclean!"

The black-haired young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately realized that the main body of Artemis, who had lost his mind, was no different from a corpse?

Rope said with a smile.

"I haven't tried a corpse yet, maybe it would be nice if it was Artemis?"

"You... I misread you!"

"Hahahaha, don't be like this, just kidding, go back to your body quickly, I'm going to start preparing to resurrect your family..."

Absolute power can sweep away the haze.

The tragic event that originally wanted to use Artemis' life as the price, came to the result under the understatement of the demon.

The process shocked everyone in the world into a cold sweat.

Chapter 61 Moon Goddess Raiders 99% progress

Life and death, soul and reincarnation, may seem so miraculous to the people in this world, and even the local gods cannot manipulate them freely to bring the dead back to life, but in Luo Pei's eyes, they really are just like that.

In front of his "advanced demigod"'s soul-using means, it couldn't be easier to let the souls of a few human girls return to their bodies, and then make their limbs full of vitality.

When the early morning mist gradually dissipated and the morning light showed a corner from the east of the horizon, twenty girls, the followers of Artemis, had woken up from the eternal silence of death.

They stood up in a daze, still wearing the clothes and armor that had been destroyed by Andaris and his monsters.

Feeling around, the girls wondered why they were in such a warm and comfortable place now, when they were in a tragic death just before.

"Very good."

Artemis didn't care about the confusion of the girls.

She hugged the headed short-haired girl, touched her head and said in a slightly crying voice.

"It's great that you're all right. If it wasn't for the gods of another world, I would have lost you forever..."

"...Lord Artemis?"

The girl looked around, and first she caught sight of the bright young man with black hair and blue pupils.

Then there was the monster crouching beside the youths, bringing them nightmares of death, and Andaris, who withered the world.

The other Artemis family members also noticed the existence of Andaris. They rejoiced in a moment of confusion, and tried to pick up any thing around them that could be used as a weapon, and took a defensive posture.

Andaris made a dull voice like a sneer, even if it spit out the power of the goddess of the moon, these little girls of humans and elves cannot be its opponents.

But Rope hit it on the head with the spine of the book.

"Restrain your monster's habits, the pets in front of my gate don't need much emotional expression."

Andaris fell silent for a moment.

Artemis signaled the girls of the family to put down their guard, and then explained.

"The crisis in Andaris has been resolved, and the only pets that are there now are the pets taken in by Your Excellency Luo Pei. You don't have to worry about the danger brought by Andaris anymore."

When saying this, Luna's beautiful brows kept frowning.

Obviously, being in such a predicament by being devoured by a monster is not a happy memory. Even though Andaris is no longer the original odious monster, she still has a bad opinion of him.

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