The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1632

If it weren't for the golden signboard of Rope, Artemis would have immediately summoned the gods and families of Oraris, and sent Andaris away forever with the god-killing spear Orion.

With the main god's explanation in front, the girls of the family all put down their weapons and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The short-haired girl who looked like the head of the family asked.

"Master Artemis... what happened?"

"To put it simply, you are dead and resurrected."

Rope took the question.

Turning the pen in his right hand, he closed the book used to write the script.

"The resurrection of the dead should not affect your memory. Don't doubt your experience, that is the real thing that happened to you before. You followed Artemis to the sealed place of Andaris, and then were killed by Andaris At the scene, Artemis was also swallowed by monsters."

"Afterwards, the mind body of the god left the body, attached to the sharp gun of the heavens, and wanted to go to Olalie to rescue soldiers. Then your goddess found me... Well, you probably haven't heard of my name Right? First time meeting, I am the god Rope from another world, the benefactor who gave you a second life."

The girls of the Artemis family were dizzy when they heard that too many incomprehensible phenomena came out of the mouth of the black-haired youth.

"So we've already died once?"

"Probably so." Rope shrugged.

An Amazon girl looked at her palm, and couldn't believe the words of the black-haired youth.

But when she looked into the eyes of Goddess Artemis, the touch and reunion contained in those eyes convinced her of this.

"Ah, this kind of thing happened. I seem to remember that at the last moment when my memory was broken, I was indeed given by a monster..."

The short-haired girl scratched her head, wondering if this was the strangest adventure yet.

The qualifications to return from the underworld, I am afraid that there is no second group of people except them, right?

"I want to apologize to you."

Artemis said guiltily.

"As your main god, I am too self-willed. If I hadn't insisted on leading you to check the ruins that sealed Andaris, you would not have stepped into the abyss of death. I am not qualified to continue to be your main god... "

"Master Artemis, what are you talking about?"

Smiling girl with short hair showing thumbs up.

"We all respect you from the bottom of our hearts and regard you as our spiritual symbol. I can guarantee that even at the last moment of life, no member of the family will have any resentment for your decision. After our struggle Doesn’t the life you sacrificed justify the correctness of your decision? Although it’s a bit weird to be with Andaris now…”

"Your Excellency Luo Pei said that there is no problem, I am willing to believe him!"

Artemis was very firm.

After Luo Pei's enlightenment and a series of incidents, the goddess of the moon has already begun to worship Luo Pei.

The short-haired girl was a little surprised. She looked up and down at Artemis, and then at the sculpture-like black-haired young man sitting beside Andaris, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Iron tree blooming? Or is it a stubborn stone?

Although I don't know which one it is, but the main god who gets along day and night has changed, which is obvious.

It is not a wise choice to dwell on the past, the girl from the Artemis family is more open to the second life after death. If her main god can get rid of the destructive love prohibition, then they, the family members who work under the main god, will be much more relaxed.

The sisters are suffering and cannot tell.

They are both at a good youthful age. It is perfectly normal to find a boyfriend if you want to fall in love.

But Artemis' ban made them stop talking about falling in love, and now they don't even have the chance to hold hands with the opposite sex. It's so miserable.

Without mentioning the little thoughts of the girls, Luo Pei asked Artemis.

"Artemis, the children of your family have been resurrected, and you have also escaped the state of the missing body. Do you have any plans in the future? Still hunting sporadic monsters on the land as before?"

"I have to return Orion first, such a weapon cannot be left in the lower realm, it is too dangerous."

The goddess of the moon looked at the god-killing gun in her hand, and showed a bright smile to Luo Pei.

"Then I'll go to Orario. After such an incident, I should also consider whether to learn from my fellow countrymen who I once hated. Listen, you made a lot of new things in Orario for entertainment. Hua Hua, I don't know if I can bring the children to bother me?"

"You are always welcome." Rope smiled and said, "If Artemis can come to live in Olalie, I think Hestia will be very happy too. Before she left, she kept begging me to help you , now the promise to her has been fulfilled."

Then Rope turned over and sat on Andaris' body.

"I'll wait for you in Orario, Artemis."

With steady steps, the big monster carried Luo Pei to the distance.

Artemis kept watching that free and easy figure until Rope disappeared at the end of the forest.

"Master Artemis, could it be that you..."

The short-haired girl smiled ambiguously.

"Ah, it's finally your day. I thought you would stick to your terrible idea for the rest of your life."


"That god from another world, Master Luo Pei? Don't you fall in love with him?"

Hearing this, Artemis blushed, but she didn't feel much panic.

She covered her chest, Nan Nan said.

"I don't think this kind of throbbing can be called "like"? At most, it’s just a respect for His Excellency Luo Pei’s omnipotence and brilliance..."

"That's what I like!"

"You have just been resurrected, so don't tease me!"

The goddess of the moon, who was originally serious and serious, showed such a state, and the members of the family would not let Artemis go.

This also indirectly dilutes the shock of hearing about his death and the inexplicable sense of loss after his resurrection, allowing the atmosphere to return to a normal track.

Although he still didn't understand what kind of emotion was surging in his heart, Artemis had already clearly realized one thing.

The so-called goddess is just an ordinary girl.

Chapter 62 The Goddess Wrongly Evolved, The Dead House Goddess

It took nearly a month to set off from Orari and return from the sealed ruins of Andaris, because Rope did not use advanced travel shortening methods such as space movement.

However, walking and stopping along the way can be regarded as enjoying a lot of interesting scenery.

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