The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1638

At that moment just now, he sensed a terrifying malice.

That malice is extremely familiar.

When he fought against the "God of Technology" Felak in the last world, he once faced similar malice.

Filled with the ancient god's breath of cold order, Luo Pei's absolute mortal enemy.

Before Rope teleported Artemis away, the scenery around him changed.

The sky full of clocks and clocks, the verdant grassland blowing the breeze, you can't see the edge at a glance.

——The Kingdom of God.

The sudden change did not overwhelm the tempered spirit of the high-level demigod. He observed his surroundings calmly and keenly, while at the same time the divine power surged in his body, and his divinity was burning fiercely.

Luo Pei wanted to move, but found that his body seemed to be controlled, unable to move a little bit.

"Laws are a very wonderful thing. Drops of water fall according to gravity, and limbs act according to their will. These are all laws that follow the rules..."

A misty human figure gradually appeared in front of Luo Pei, and it slowly solidified, showing a graceful woman's body with human limbs and white jade-like complexion.

The woman's eyes were decorated like peach blossom makeup, but the ferocity in the crimson eyes destroyed the original beauty, making the whole person look particularly unfriendly.

"I don't know if you, who are doted on by Yog Sothoth, have the ability to break free from my "rules"? "

Chapter 65 The God of Time Records, the Father of Demons, and the One Who All Things Are

Luo Pei stared at the ancient god who suddenly appeared, and his heart gradually sank.

He didn't ask nonsense like why, just as he didn't have any worries or hesitation about taking action against the ancient gods, the same goes for the group of ancient gods.

What made Rope feel bad was another aspect.

The ancient god with malicious intentions in front of him, his "higher demigod" can't see the depth of the line of sight.

Coupled with the big-name handwriting that dragged him directly into the Kingdom of God from within the world, it is hard not to doubt whether this ancient god with a human-like appearance is an "incarnation" grade.

"What? Holding the huge legacy left by the "Snake", you are the only Chosen One in the multiverse, is that your level? "

Xanos asked sarcastically.


Rope chuckled lightly.

Immediately, the divine brilliance of "Royalty" burst into a dazzling light, covering the figure of the black-haired young man in a hazy majesty that could not be seen directly.

Power is a symbol of submission and control, an arrogance that does not allow anything to override its head.

Even in the face of the ancient gods, the noble embodiment of never bowing his head.

The divine power of "Royalty" surged like a sea, and a powerful control magic was automatically generated to take over the body of Luo Pei who had been "abolished from the law". Within a few breaths, Luo Pei gained the right to freely operate his body.

Xanos did not take the opportunity to do anything, and observed Rope carefully.

When she learned of the existence of "The Chosen One" from Yog Sothoth, the God of Chronicles was indeed quite shocked.

Xanos did not expect that a certain picture of the One Who Returns All Things to One would be so big this time. Not only invited the seeds of order to her and the arms of the evil gods, but also miraculously bestowed the soul of Azathoth, the leader of the demons, into the inheritance of the "snake".

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The Chosen One walking on the path of evil gods, the separated soul of Azathoth returns to his body, if Yog-Sothoth accomplishes these two things silently, then it is conceivable that the catastrophe may not be far away future.

Moreover, the summoner in front of him has already reached the rank of "higher demigod"... No wonder he used "reconciliation" as a cover.

The unhappiness of being used as a gun made Xanos furious, but at the same time, the nature of deviation from order made her look forward to this kind of future.

Complicated thoughts, impure soul.

The God of Shiji couldn't bear the painful mental torture. With a sudden wave of his hand, five stone pillars instantly rose from the surrounding verdant grassland. On the stone pillars are etched clocks that move forward frantically, and the divine magic mixed with the power of order and time traps Rope in it.

"Why don't you attack me?"

Xanos said harshly.

"Could it be that you think that with me as an enemy, do you still have the qualifications to stand still and think? If you don't show some real skills to satisfy me, I will trap you here and kill you."

"I think so too……"


A voice came from behind, and a scarlet blade pierced through Xanos' chest, and the frenzied divine power of "War" destroyed everything the blade touched.

Yi Luo Pei's character has always been to take the initiative to attack, he is just observing carefully.

The moment he observed the ancient gods, he relaxed.

Behind Xanos, dark purple smoke gathered into the appearance of a black-haired youth.

Luo Pei was expressionless, and gently turned the scarlet blade.

The majestic and beautiful cheeks of the goddess are covered with scarlet lines like spider silk.

Every ether that constitutes the sword of strife is trembling and whining, and the incomparable power cuts forward in a cone shape, and this unknown world is immediately shattered by the bombardment of divine power. The prairie shatters, revealing the crystalline rocks below. The sky fell, and the space presented a blood-colored dusk.

After one blow, Xanos's right waist was completely sliced ​​open.

But her beautiful cheeks remained unchanged, and her right hand stroked the sharp knife that pierced her chest.

"Oh? This is "war" there still "time"? "

Looking at Luo Pei in the stone pillar again, he had disappeared without a trace.

"Yog-Sothoth, 'All into One' gave you its divinity? No, this is not pure Yog Sothoth's divinity. Minutes, and death and oblivion in it... You took this "time" divinity from my stupid brother, Azakalon? It seems that Azakalon's return, Ru also occupies a large seat. "

Judging Rope's background and the cause and effect in an instant, Xanos's terrifying vision can be seen.

Responding indifferently, Luo Pei immediately space-jumped to a place tens of thousands of miles away from the ancient god.

But the first time she appeared, she saw the beautiful Yujie who was pierced by a scarlet sword.

This is the power of the Kingdom of God.

The kingdom is the body of God, and God is the will of the kingdom.

Xanos stretched out his hand to hold the sword of strife, his fingertips showed no signs of exerting force, and the blade formed by the divine power of war shattered into crimson fragments flying all over the sky.

This time it wasn't the ancient snake man who held the shards of the Kingdom of God.

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