The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1639

Fighting against the ancient gods in the opponent's kingdom of God, Luo Pei suffered too much in terms of strength level and venue.

The power of "law"; calling Azakalon his elder brother; Rope, who is proficient in secrets, already knows the true identity of the ancient god in front of him.

——"God of Laws and Times" Xanos.

The ancient god of order, who lives in the psychedelic time domain all year round, is also one of the few gods with the power of "time".

Its adherents believe that every passage of time has the sacred meaning of Xanos in it. This wonderful law symbolizes the eternal theme song of the long river of time in the universe. Every morning and noon are the best times to worship Xanos. Xanos and one of the incarnations of Yog Sothoth, "God of the Future and Time", Avgomon is a mortal enemy. When there are signs of Avgomon appearing in the world, it is often like Xano, praying will reap meaning. Unexpected effect...

In an instant, he was overwhelmed with thoughts, and the black-haired youth didn't stop moving.

There are traces of reverse erosion of the "White Gospel" under the feet. The dark blue demon god grows wildly, and the infinite power of corruption spreads from under his six-legged tentacles.

The dark mist was blown up by the wind, blowing Xanos' waist-length hair.

After the "higher demigod" was thoroughly serious, a different color appeared in Xanos's crimson pupils for the first time.

Like a slight surprise, seeing a rare and rare thing.

In the eyes of the ancient gods, the divinity in Rope is no longer "kingdom", "war" and "time", but the fierceness of multiple powerful divinities vying for the first place, and among them is Nyarlathoti, the god of jokes that she hates the most. Pu's "chaos".

"No wonder you were able to defeat Ferak's incarnation. I thought it was because the iron block was no longer good at fighting. It turned out that there were these reasons..."

Being close to Yog-Sothoth is not entirely a bad thing. Xanos occasionally perceives some secrets that were buried by the one-man himself, such as the "God of Technology" Ferak.

A pathetic convenience for freedom.

The goddess smiled slightly.

"Very good, you are worthy of the honor of being chosen! As a "higher demigod", you are indeed the first person I have ever seen! "

Xanos' figure tends to return to the mist.

The surrounding ether was filled with strong divine power in the blink of an eye, becoming an invisible pressure on Rope.

But before it really started, a small hand firmly grasped Xanos's left wrist.

"That's it."

A familiar voice sounded, and the white-haired girl appeared beside Xanos out of thin air, and said helplessly.

"I just left for a while, and you caused me such an incident. Xanos, don't extend your dislike of me to others..."

"Don't touch me!"

Xanos seemed to be touched by something dirty, and with a sudden yank, Yog's right arm was torn off.

Because of the change in the goddess' mood, the awe-inspiring pressure also disappeared from Luo Pei without a trace.

Yog looked at the bloody right hand, and while shaking his head, he had returned to its original state.

It was another sudden change, and Luo Pei was a little puzzled. He didn't quite understand why the two gods who clearly annotated the label of "mortal enemy" seemed to coexist so peacefully. And it seems that the appearance of Xanos was also expected by Yog, or it was her instigation.

An alliance between evil gods and ancient gods?

Not even if the multiverse is broken.

The atmosphere of the battle was swept away by the white-haired girl, and Luo Pei's eyes continued to flow around the two goddesses, and the boiling divine power gradually cooled down.

Depending on the situation, it should be impossible to fight.

The black-haired young man spread his hands and said to Yog-Sothoth.

"If it is convenient, I would like a more detailed explanation, His Majesty Yog. The current situation is a bit too inexplicable to me, whether it is that you would stand with the ancient god of order, or why the ancient god of order will appear before me..."

"If it is detailed, it will have to involve the story of a long time ago, and it is very troublesome to tell."

"This kind of trouble can make you stand with an ancient god, so no matter how long it takes, I will be interested in listening."

"In short, forgive Xanos for his recklessness just now, she is just in a bad mood. Now she is on our side."

Yog said with a smile.

"It took me a lot of effort to turn this guy into a female appearance that fits your aesthetics, little Luo Pei."

"Don't talk to me in such an intimate tone, everything about you makes me sick! Yog Sothoth!" Xanos said disgustedly: "It's not that I was in a bad mood just now, it's just that if the caller If it doesn't reach the expectation line in my heart, I will definitely not mind killing your hard work!"

"That's what you said, didn't you just have no intention of doing anything..."

Before he finished speaking, Xanos punched the white-haired girl in the abdomen.

Yog Sothoth's pretty cheeks were slightly distorted, obviously the blow just now was not a purely physical attack.

The substrate she is manifesting at this moment is "God of the Future and Time" Avgomon, so everything about her is powerless in front of Xanos.

However, the Goddess of Time doesn't care.

Xanos turned around and stopped looking at Yog-Sothoth, with a gesture of out of sight and out of mind. The white-haired girl's pain eased for a while and then returned to normal.

"Her brain is still a little bit overwhelmed, and I will take care of it."

After finishing speaking, Yog's expression slowly became serious, and he walked up to the speechless Luo Pei.

She held a ball of air with both hands, and handed it to the black-haired young man.

"Rope, you have reached the high demigod, and the next step is the final threshold of "Crowned True God". Before that, I, as the cause of all events, must ensure that you become a god unimpeded. This is "harmony", one of the three keys to activate the power of order, and it can provide you with very good help. "

Chapter 66 The past of the ancient serpent of order, four trillion years of wind and rain

The identity of Azathoth, the "chief of all demons" is well known in the multiverse.

Because of its chaotic nature, Azathoth often does things that are both chilling and ironic. After being stripped of its soul, its blind and ignorant behavior has become the laughing stock of many gods.

But for the "snake" that formed a dual opposition with Azathoth, few people outside the high-level ancient gods knew the origin.

Most people think that, like Azathoth, it is the embodiment of the power of order.

This is actually a wrong perception.

Just like all existences call the ancient snake of order a "snake", but its real appearance is far from that of a snake. It is a canvas-like thing that spans the surface of the multiverse.

The household name "snake" is due to the fact that it is the most commonly used snake form connected end to end among its thousands of incarnations.

The universe began with indescribable chaos, and after that, order was born. The immature and fragile order cannot have its own clear definition like Azathoth, so it can only retreat to create a substitute, which is the beginning of the universe. The first god of order "Snake".

As a light of enlightenment, it ushered in the era of order, and countless ancient gods of order were born one after another, joining in the tragic war against primitive chaos.

You can find out what happened after that by flipping through the secret secretary's book.

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