The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1644

She suddenly remembered something and lowered her head.

"Sorry, teacher, I missed your appointment due to personal reasons..."

The naturally dumb girl made the atmosphere of the scene freeze again in an instant.

Under the sharp gaze of several girls, Luo Pei helplessly supported his forehead.

It seems that his Shura field is still going on.


It was another sunny morning, and the lingering heat of the New Moon Festival a few days ago had not dissipated, and the urban area of ​​Olali was still noisy.

Adventurers and residents gathered in front of the store of the Hermes Familia.

They are waiting for the magic stone handheld and game consoles to be released again. The recently released "Minecraft" has occupied the hearts of Olalie people like a plague with its excellent entertainment and online interaction.

Those conservatives who were a little hesitant about new things, after borrowing handheld or game consoles from friends and family members, were all conquered by the cross-age entertainment without exception.

This makes the Hermes store at this moment even more lively than when it was released.

The family members of Hermes all wore enthusiastic smiles. The covenant relationship established between the main god and the god of miracles allowed them to earn a lot of money without running around.

After the sale started, the newly released handhelds and game consoles were sold out almost instantly.

"What's this?"

Some adventurers looked curiously at a large number of boxes placed on the main seat.

There seems to be something like a disc inside, and it can be easily seen from the texture that it is made of magic stones.

"It's a new game."

The Hermes family said with a mysterious smile.

"The game "God of War" costs 20,000 fares."

"What? Isn't it "My World"? I have been here since early in the morning just to buy that game." The adventurer muttered: "Why is it called "God of War"? The Ares family is not against us Ou Do Larry's adventurers have any objections? They have sent troops to attack Olalie before..."

"Believe me, this game, still written by the gods of miracles, is definitely not inferior to Minecraft."


"The Hermes Familia never lie."

Adventurers with spare cash bought it dubiously.

After they each returned home and installed the game "God of War" with difficulty and jerky, a picture that was completely different from "Minecraft" and full of strange movie feeling appeared.

It looked like a bald human being.

Pale skin, with strange red tattoos wrapped around it, and resolute and deep eyes like soldiers who have experienced countless bloody battlefields.

Accompanied by a flash of lightning across the sky, the words "God of War" slowly appeared on the screen...

Chapter 69: The Gods Who Praise the Godslayer

The recent Olali has been full of ups and downs. First, the goddess Ishtar died, and the family was disbanded. Then the god of miracles announced that the alien "heretics" among the monsters would coexist with humans, and there was another shroud. The two moons in the sky and the miraculous backflow phenomenon...

Even though the gods are eager for the unknown and fun, the turmoil of these days still makes the gods of Orari a little tired.

But reality doesn't seem to plan to give them a chance to adjust their mentality and return to their usual indifference.

Released by the Hermes Familia, the world's second game "God of War", just like "Minecraft", swept the streets of Orario like crazy.

This time it's no longer "starting with a square man, all equipment depends on digging trees and rocks".

"God of War" has a clear plot background, just like the emerging movies dominated by the god of miracles.

And different from movies, players can make their own choices, and manipulate the protagonists to complete various hearty and graphic battles.

But will this give the gods another headache?

Of course not, if this is the only way, they will only praise and publicize another miraculous act of the God of Miracles loudly like accepting "Minecraft".

Accompanied by the gods who bought the game, they continued to advance the plot all night, watching the bald Kui in the picture spark and lightning all the way, their expressions were very exciting.

It was fun, it was fun.

Compared with the slow and leisurely "Minecraft", "God of War" is like a shot of stimulant, which ignites the adventurers who fight in the daily maze, and can't wait to become the protagonist Kratos to kill monsters in it . The gods who have no power to restrain the chicken are playing heartily.

The problem lies in the plot of "God of War".

Although the name seems to be praising Ares who is far away in the Kingdom of Lagia in disguise, but it is only after the adventurers and gods really get started that they are wrong.

Not only does this game not praise the gods or write the great epics of the gods, it is simply doing the opposite.

The soul of Sparta; made an oath; became a puppet of the "God of War" Ares; massacred and killed the enemy; and accidentally killed his wife and daughter because of the conspiracy of the God of War; embarked on the road of mortals killing gods for revenge...

Ares in the game is simply heinous, not only the adventurers want to give Ares a knife when they see it, but even the gods are secretly muttering.

"Is Ares so bad?"

"That idiot is at most a war fanatic, how could he commit such vicious behavior."

""The plot is purely fictitious, if there are similarities, please don't take it seriously"... How can we not take it seriously, and just use the names! "

"Half god, killing god, becoming god. How is this possible! If mortals can become gods, do we still need the lower realm?"

"Wow! My children are already asking me if I will become a god if I kill the gods. I'm so afraid that the children will be taught badly..."

The gods who sensed that something was wrong with this game took the "God of War" after clearing the level to Hermes to make a theory on the spot.

They were not angry because "God of War" belittled the gods. In the lower world, they could work for humans in exchange for money. The gods of Orario had long thrown aside their boring dignity. As for the reputation of Ares, anyway, that guy is thinking about attacking Olalie all day long, so the gods don't bother to care so much.

Just like those parents who worried that games would affect their children in later generations, the gods were only worried that "God of War" would teach those young family members badly and make them have unrealistic delusions. At that time, not only may he not be able to become a god, but he may even do things that he regrets deeply.

For the menacing gods who seem to be reported by their parents, the god of business is very single.

He is able to fight with all the heroes with ease, grasping the "fictional plot" without letting go, and laughing at the gods who came to him for questioning for worrying, being overprotective, and having an excessive sense of crisis.

It was just a fictional game.

The relationship between the gods and their families has lasted for thousands of years, and it is not uncommon for humans to kill gods and send them back to the heavens, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

"But this is too inductive, Hermes."

"Let me tell you a little bit, this is still the beginning."

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