The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1645

Hermes knocked on the table and said with a smile to the gods who surrounded his room.

"This game will not only be released in this one, it will be released one after another in the form of sequels, and the second one is already on the way to my place. The theme is not much different from what you have now. By the way, not only Ah Reiss, Zeus and those guys, I will also have a character with the same name in the third part of "God of War"... probably also be hacked to death by the protagonist in it?"

"Aren't you worried about the consequences of this kind of game for children?"

"Families who can't judge virtual and reality, this is the teaching responsibility of the main god, right?"

Hermes retorted without hesitation, and silenced the god who made the opinion.

All the gods present are gods who have lived for an unknown age, and some truths can be understood by simply waking up.

Most of them did not bring the worries they had when they came, and resumed their usual ridicule.

"Did you take a lot of commission for maintaining "God of War"?"

A god asked, and Hermes smiled mysteriously.

"Business secret~"

"The God of Miracles is not in Olalie now. If the influence of this game is fermented in the near future, Hermes, you will be the most direct unlucky person at that time."

"I have the confidence to deal with it, so I don't need to bother you."

"What I mean is, you sold me the second game in your hand in advance. I'll help you wave the flag and cheer for it then?"

"Oh, who pushed the door of my shop aggressively just now, and now is asking me for "bad works" in your eyes? "

"...It's really fun! And Kratos is so handsome!"

Orario's gods are hard-pressed to resist the allure of fresh entertainment, even when its content is worrisome.

——The god who is full of praise for the godslayer.

I am afraid that this kind of weird stuff can only be found in Olalie.


Olalie is another curtain of wind and rain, but it can't affect Luo Pei who has already entered the maze.

He was sitting in a dark tunnel, holding a brown wood guitar in his arms, and a bonfire was burning beside him.

The flames shone on the cheeks of the girls, including Rey, Mari, Ais, and Lefia.

Although the destinations of several people are different, at this moment the girls are still quietly sitting by the campfire, listening to the playing from the god of art.

The melodious music spread far from the maze.

Usually, Ais and Refia had stood up and guarded against the monsters attracted by the sound.

But the God of Miracles seemed to cast some magic, and the usual adventures were not hindered, but once the group sat down to rest, there would be no monsters to disturb them.

"sounds so good……"

Refiya looked expectantly at the instrument in Lopez's hand.

"Lord Luo Pei, is that also a musical instrument from another world?"

"Not really." Luo Pei said with a smile: "Based on the development of your world, it is estimated that similar things will appear in the near future. I just get what I want in advance by virtue of my eyes that span time. "

"It's so profound. Can you lend me a look?"

"I can give it to you, Refia."

"Ah! Thank you!"

Luo Pei smiled and handed the guitar to the forest elf, looking at the obedient Rey.

"This time, you will be able to bring all your compatriots to the colorful surface world."

"Well!" Rey lowered her head deeply: "All of this is under your protection! It is the dream of all of us heretics to go under the blue sky openly!"

"Going to Olalie, as my servants, you can't embarrass me."


"Similarly, Rey, you also have to work hard to restrain your grumpy compatriots."

Luo Pei raised his legs, crossed his hands and said lightly.

"During this time, Olalie has attracted me a lot, and I don't want to go too far. The integration of heretics and other races such as humans is bound to be a difficult process. I don't want heretics to be unscrupulous because of my support. .”

Rey nodded seriously, and said word by word.

"Don't take the initiative to provoke and participate in the battle, but once your own response is reasonable and the other party is relentless, then use force to defend your dignity!"


Mari is still innocent, these persistence and beliefs will never have anything to do with Miss Mermaid.

Aisi poked the fire absently, her mind obviously flying to the mysterious woman who called her "Alia".

Only Refia was eating dry food while listening to the chat between Rope and Rey.

Suddenly, Luo Pei caught a familiar voice coming from the wind.

It was extremely far away from here, faintly as if seriously injured.

Just by scanning his memory, the demon could easily detect who the familiar feeling in the voice belonged to.

A little human girl from the "Soma Familia" who had met a few times before.

Lily Luca Erde.

Chapter 70 Lily Luca Hates Adventurers

When the mountains are lonely, there are breezes and clouds, and when the earth is thirsty, rain falls.

But the world is not gentle to Lililuka Erde at all.

Lily is a child born to a couple who are members of the "Soma Family".

In other words, from the moment Lilyluka was born, she was obliged to become a grassroots member of the "Somo Families" and serve her innate "Sumo Families".

The parents have never fulfilled their responsibilities as parents, they will only ask the young girl to make money, and regard her as a tool to make money.

This kind of life continued until I don't know how many years old, and another malicious chapter was ushered in unknowingly.

It is said that Lilyluka's parents were bewitched by the divine wine, and in pursuit of money, they got into the deep labyrinth floors recklessly, and were sent to the underworld of the dead by monsters in two or three strokes.

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