The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1649

But even the bright flames couldn't dispel the gloom on the girl's face.

"Although she has never had the guts to murder other people's lives, Lily thinks that as long as this continues, sooner or later she will take that step for money and become a guy who is truly cast aside by everyone..."

"Are you ashamed of stealing and cheating?" Rope asked.

Lily thought about it, and then changed her words when she admitted it.

"Lily is not qualified to talk about the word "shame", because whenever money is obtained through such means, the joy of being relieved is undeniable. "

Lilyluka didn't know that mortals couldn't lie in front of the gods, so she said these words out of her own heart.

"It is enough to live clearly. Sometimes many people spend their lives in a muddle-headed past, and they can't even see clearly what they have done."

Rope said.

"Regardless of whether your actions are evil or not, if the root cause of your departure is "survival", then no matter what you do is reasonable, the subsequent series of events are nothing but chain reactions. "

No matter how great the truth is, it is nothing more than "survival".

Lily blinked, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Lily, does this count... as being affirmed by the Lord God?"

"My words don't have any meaning, just like I'm sitting here with you now, not talking about identity or position, just chatting."

With a buzzing sound from the girl alone, the black-haired young man took out a bottle of wine from his arms with a smile, and handed over some meat.

Lily Luca took it carefully, and then thanked her.

"And do you need other people's affirmation? You have not given up some seemingly unimportant insistences, such as killing people, or entering prostitution to make money more easily. Isn't this your self-affirmation?"

"I can't completely accept this, my lord..."

Lily said distressedly.

"It's not just Lily's problem, the "Sumo Familia" is also troublesome. Lily was engraved with the sacred characters of the Sumo family since she was born, and became a family member. Without the approval of the main god Sumo, let alone transfer, she would not even be able to withdraw from the Sumo family. In addition, Lily's main god looks like that..."

Suma, the main god of the Sumo family, was originally a main god who loved his children very much.

When the family was just formed a long time ago, Sumo wanted to use the brewed heavenly wine as a prize to reward those children who had made outstanding contributions to the family.

Who would have thought that the resistance of mortals to the divine wine is so low, just take a sip, and indulge in the wonderful and indescribable taste of the divine wine from the heavens. In order to be able to drink another sip of the divine wine, the people of the Suma family almost went crazy, and various methods of distorting their nature emerged one after another.

The Lord God Sumo never thought that his kindness would end up in such a situation. Not only was he disappointed with the children in the lower realm, but he also turned a blind eye to the family members. He lived in the wine cellar to numb himself by brewing wine all day long, so that the power of the family members fell to the head of the family members.

And the head of the family is a guy who does anything for his own benefit, and the internal environment of the Sumo family has plummeted since then.

The main god who doesn't care about things, the leader who is greedy for money, and Lily once drank a sip of divine wine, all of these have created the current appearance of the little human girl.

After Lily finished eating the food that Luo Pei gave, she stood up and saluted.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Pei, for your rescue. Maybe Lily is not worthy of your kindness, but you saved Lily's life. Lily apologizes for being scared of you before. You are a very good person god."

"Are you leaving?"


Lily patted the dust on the backpack, and carried it on her back.

"It's almost time to hand over the Farley to the "Suma Familia", if you don't hurry, Lily will make a big mistake. "

The little human girl put on a rare bright smile.

"The movies and games you created will definitely be enjoyed by Lily when she has money in the future."

With a thought in Luo Pei's mind, emerald green vines grew out of thin air from the rock wall, blocking the path of the little human girl.

Lily tilted her head in confusion.

She didn't worry about what the God of Miracles would do to her. If the God of Miracle had the idea of ​​killing her, Lily would have turned into an indistinguishable pool of flesh and blood just like the three adventurers.

"Lily Luca Erde, I'm a little interested in you."

The luxurious black-haired youth said.

"If you know something about Olalie's faction, then you know that Hestia, the goddess who has a deep relationship with me, is in a state of shortage. Your mind and aptitude are good. Do you want to become Hess? Tia's family?"

"Eh? Are you kidding me? You know Lily's behavior..."

Lily didn't understand why the God of Miracles would have such an idea just for a small talk.

She thought that Luo Pei was teasing her, but after seeing the serious blue eyes of the black-haired young man, Lily confirmed that he was serious.

"Of course, the decision is up to you."

Rope spread his hands.

"I like the familiarity of "mature loli" very much. It seems that you and I are destined to give you a chance to get rid of the current situation. "

It came suddenly, but Lily's keen intuition did not let her let go easily.

Her almost silent heart started beating again.

There are only a few people who have expectations and obsession with dark and despicable behavior, and Lilyluka Erde is obviously not that kind of person.

Lily also longs to be someone who walks under the sun and doesn't have to worry about making a living and satisfying her family's desires.

The little human girl was silent for a long time, she asked tremblingly.

"Please forgive me... But, but I am a member of the "Suma Familia"..."

Luo Pei tore off a piece of the evil emblem of the "Tree of Two Faces" from the black robe, and threw it to Lily Luka.

"Take this badge and go to Hestia, and ask her to tell the Sumo family about the conversion for you. If the Sumo family has any reluctance or makes mistakes, then let Hestia inform me intact That's it."

The black-haired young man spoke calmly, but Lily shuddered.

She recalled what happened to Orari's leading family, the Istar family.

Of course, it was impossible for Lily to know exactly what happened in Fengyue Street at that time, but the return of the goddess and the disbandment of the Istar family must have something to do with the God of Miracles, which everyone in Olalie knew.

If the Sumo family offends the God of Miracles...

When Lilyluka thought of such a scene, she was inexplicably excited and looking forward to it.

But it only lasted for a moment, and the little human girl did not forget that the God of Miracles was still waiting for her to answer.

In fifteen years of life, Lilyluka felt the radiance of God's mercy for the first time.

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