The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1650

Lily clenched the Demon God's evil emblem tightly in her hands. Maybe the God of Miracles' seriousness is just teasing her appearance, or the God of Miracles just intends to see how she is struggling towards a new life. These are all possible.

But Lilyluka Erde had made up her mind in the flash.

——This opportunity cannot be missed.

"Yes, Lord Luo Pei." Lily Luka knelt on the ground: "I will go to Lord Hestia and tell her exactly what you ordered..."

"I look forward to seeing you in my villa."

Rope got up from the seat made of flowers, and the flames went out.

But that flame took root in Lilyluka's heart.

The little human girl saluted again cautiously, then clutched the magic sword in her bosom, and ran out of the dungeon without looking back.

Lopez watched Lilyluka leave, shrugged, turned and headed deeper into the maze, preparing to join Aisi and the others.

In fact, to be honest, he is not very interested in Lily Luca, and being able to do the act of hanging an olive branch is also due to the nature of collecting.

But isn't this kind of world just looking for fun without fun?

Just like he would follow Aisi to the maze, intending to see "Sword Princess Sacred Story" with his own eyes, the demon god will not easily let go of things that can bring a little entertainment because it is "unnecessary".

However, it's not just about "Sword Princess Sacred Tan".

Luo Pei also has to teach the girl who has been ambiguous with him for a long time, Ai Si, what it means to face her heart.

To pluck the brightest golden flowers of Orario—

Chapter 73: The Female Student Who Falls in Love with the Teacher

When Rope arrived in Rivera Town to meet Ais and Refia, he was surprised to find that the two girls were injured.

It would not be surprising for Lopez to say that Refia was injured. After all, the level of the forest elf girl is there, and she is a relatively fragile magician. It is normal for her to be attacked by monsters with a huge support backpack.

However, as a LV.6 adventurer taught by him, Ais also mastered the superb and incredible swordsmanship. Under such circumstances, it was incredible to be able to break through Ais's line of defense and cause both of them to suffer serious injuries.


Refiya was lying beside the unconscious Aisi's bed, weeping uncontrollably.

Although the blond girl's external injuries have been healed by the panacea, it seems that she has been bombarded by some heavy magic, and her bones and internal organs are extremely damaged. If it weren't for the vitality of LV.6 to hold Ais' breath, it probably wouldn't be able to last until Refia fought Ais back to the safe town.

While patting Refia's shoulder lightly, Lopez squatted down and placed his palm on Ais' forehead.

The gorgeous and warm light suddenly appeared, and the pain-absorbing divine skills were displayed, and Ai Si's injuries were fully recovered within a few breaths. The blond girl's sleeping expression also relaxed, as if An Ran had a sweet dream.

"Refia, what happened?"

Luo Pei withdrew his hand, frowning and asked the forest elf.

"Why did Ai Si and you suffer such serious injuries? Didn't you come to Rivera Town first?"

After a search of divine sense, there is no adventurer above LV.5 in the entire town of Rivera. It is impossible for the adventurer in Rivera town to attack Ais and Refia.

Refia sniffed and said.

"Miss Ais, Miss Ais said that she didn't want to trouble you because of her own affairs, so she went to the deep part of the maze alone, where she met the animal trainer woman we saw last time, and a woman wearing a bone Mask guys. Aiz and I fought them..."


Luo Pei knew that his student, the blond girl, had strong paranoia and aggression, and she really didn't like to cause trouble for the people she cared about, but she didn't expect it to reach this point.

"You mean those two guys beat Ace and you like this?"

Between Luo Pei's words, murderous intent was revealed involuntarily.

The entire floor trembled under the anger of the demon god, and the maze wailed and pleaded, but was completely thrown away by the black-haired youth.

Outside the hotel, the adventurers in Rivera Town also started to commotion.

Refiya's teeth chattered from the demon god's murderous intent, and her words became cautious.

"No, no, Master Rope. Ais defeated them both, and killed the guy wearing the bone mask. It's just that the red-haired woman seemed to say something before she escaped The young lady couldn't let it go, and driven by these words, Miss Aisi went to a deeper part of the maze."

The elf girl said regretfully.

"We encountered a monster running away between the 49th and 50th floors, and then we were forced to around the 50th floor. Finally, we encountered a "monsterized"'s all my fault! If I had stopped Miss Ais at that time..."

——Fairy Spirit.

In the years when the gods had not yet descended to the lower realms, this race known as the "children of the gods" assumed the duties of the gods in the lower realms. They have magical talents that even the elves royal family cannot match, and a long life.

Many heroic stories will not lack the figures of those beautiful fairy spirits, so fairy spirits are also called "hero guides", and they are very powerful ancient races.

Hearing that it was not man-made but caused by monsters, Luo Pei's murderous aura gradually dissipated.

"Corrupted fairy, I remember that in the records of Olalie, those guys are not weak. Why didn't Aisi retreat immediately, instead, she risked her life to fight that fairy?"

"I have no idea……"

Refia shook her head blankly.

"It's just that the fallen fairy monster also called Ms. Aisi "Arya"... Plus I was in a coma due to injuries, and Ms. Aisi couldn't escape with me..."

As she spoke, the elf girl began to cry.

In Refiya's eyes, all of this is her responsibility, and she is the one who drags Ais back.

This makes Refia, who regards Ais as the object of longing and love, extremely uncomfortable.

There is nothing more painful than hurting the ones you love the most because of yourself.

Luo Pei looked at the elf girl with pear blossoms and rain, and didn't say anything more. The light just now glowed in her hands and sprinkled on Refia's body.

"You've also been seriously injured. I've come back, and there won't be any accidents." The black-haired young man said softly, "Go and have a good rest. I'll take care of Ais. You've worked very hard, Lei Fia."

Refiya nodded obediently.

At this time, there is a powerful god standing here as the backing, which is indeed better than her crying blindly.

The elf girl originally had a trace of jealousy towards Luo Pei for taking Ai Si away, but now she only has peace of mind.

After Refia left, Luo Pei moved a chair and sat by the bedside of the blonde girl, watching her quietly.

After almost half an hour, Ace slowly opened her eyes.


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