The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1651

Sensing that Luo Pei was beside her, how could Ais not know what happened.

She pulled up the quilt a little bit, a little afraid to look directly at the handsome face of the black-haired young man.

She obviously didn't want to cause trouble for her teacher, but it turned into the current situation. Ai Si was a little ashamed.

"Why didn't I know you would be so stupid?"

Luo Pei's tone revealed helplessness.

"It's a good thing not to look back on one thing, and to seek the truth, but you must do what you can. I heard from Loki that the overall progress of the Loki family's maze strategy has only reached the fifty-eighth floor? What gave you the courage to let You took Refia to the deep labyrinth because of a word from the enemy?"


Aisi timidly apologized, and stretched out a hand to grab Rope's sleeve.

"Teacher, I didn't mean to disobey your order. That woman..."

"I don't care what the name 'Arya' means to you, Ace, even if it has something to do with your mother, you can't play with your life. "

Rope said.

"Judging from the injuries on your body, it should be "Fire Magic", right? What do you think you would be like now if there were no "Tooth Attachment Slash" and "Flame Return"? "

Probably a pile of coke?

The magic chanted by the fallen fairy at high speed was even stronger than the strongest magister Rivilia Ais had ever seen. Without the "Tooth Attachment Slash" and "Flame Return" taught by the teacher, it would be impossible for her to come back from the depths alive.

Seeing that Ai Si was about to shrink into the quilt, Luo Pei didn't dare to look directly at him, and stopped preaching.

Although he can revive the dead, it doesn't matter much if he dies, but his beloved girl is so paranoid that Luo Pei really doesn't know what to say.

"If you have any doubts, I will go with you."

Rope said.

"I won't overuse my strength to spoil your "adventure", but at least there is a helping hand that can be extended at the limit, so you can make progress with peace of mind, right? Don't make such selfish actions next time, Refiya has been implicated by your willfulness. "


Ace nodded slightly.

Then she said again.

"Teacher, what's going on in the labyrinth... That fairy also has a "orb" and that cloudy magic stone, I think I should inform Orari about this..."

"I don't care about Olalie's affairs. I only care about my lovely students. If you want to tell Loki, you can talk about it yourself after everything is over."

Lopez stood up and said to Ace.

"Relax as much as you want, I'm in this hotel, just call me if you need anything."

The blond girl looked at the back of Luo Pei walking slowly to the door, and she didn't know what kind of mood she was in, so she blurted out a word.

" you like me?"

With his hands on the doorknob, Luo Pei turned around and looked at the girl with a naturally dull face quite interestingly.

he laughed.

"Wait until you fully understand what liking is, and then ask me this question. I can only guarantee that my answer will never disappoint you, Aisi."

After Lopez left, Ace lay peacefully on the bed, staring at the wooden ceiling.

Riveria said that she was too concerned about the God of Miracles. It's not just about the relationship between the teacher who teaches sword skills and the students, but also asking Ais if she likes God.

Ace didn't answer Riveria at the time because she didn't know herself.

But at this moment, recalling from the first acquaintance with the teacher to the present, there is an indescribable warmth in Ai Si's heart, as if it is interesting for the two of them to stay silent for a whole day. you like it?

Since entering Orario, she has been obsessed with the improvement of strength and self-training. At this time, "Sword Princess" Ess Wallenstein finally had a little understanding of the love between men and women.

Chapter 74 Revenge killing is also justice, the fairy girl impregnated by the demon god

After Aisi and Refia rested for a day, apart from mental fatigue, they no longer had any injuries.

Just like the name "miracle" that Olalie gave to Rope, the devil is synonymous with miracles.

Although mystics definitely have more methods of professional killing and corruption than healing, but at the level of Luo Pei, the boundaries have long been blurred and invisible.

Watching the two girls sip and reserve the breakfast he prepared, Luo Pei smiled knowingly, and brought the fragrant and unintoxicating wine to Refia and Aisi.

"Ais, are you still planning to explore the dungeon?"

"Well, teacher."

The blond girl nodded.

"Although I may know that what the animal trainer woman wants me to see is that "filthy fairy". But I want to investigate clearly the relationship between that fairy spirit and my mother and father. "

"Have you never heard Miss Aisi mention your father and mother?"

Refia asked curiously.

Ai Si's expression darkened, and she spoke slowly after a while.

"My father and mother disappeared before my eyes a long time ago... The reason why I embarked on the path of an adventurer is also because I yearn for my father's heroic posture."

Her vague memories of her childhood still clearly remember her father's jokes back then. Ai Si once asked her father if she could be her hero, but her father just smiled and said that he could only be her mother's hero. If Ai Si wanted to get her own hero, she had to find it by herself or become her own hero. Be a hero.

This sentence has always been remembered by Aisi.

But until the appearance of the one-eyed black dragon, Ai Si didn't tell her father what she wanted after she made up her mind.

Hearing Aisi's words, Refiya froze in her eating posture, and realized with a mournful face that she seemed to be stepping on thunder again.

"Ai, Miss Ai Si..."

"Refia, I'm fine."

The blond girl shook off her distracting thoughts and said to Luo Pei seriously.

"Teacher, I think there is probably a big conspiracy behind this matter. Those strange monsters are obviously not the normal output of the maze. The enhanced monsters of the level of "filthy fairy" are powerful. There are also similar hidden, adventurers participating in the "expedition" are likely to suffer a huge blow. "

"You don't want the incident between the Zeus family and the Hera family to happen again?"

"I know that teacher, you are detached from the world. You are extremely bored with these trivial matters and only follow your own interests. But even if I didn't see the days when the dark factions were rampant, I can still hear it from the mouths of people in the past. One point, if Olalie faces the king of the dark faction again, the labyrinth city will really perish..."

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