The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1652

At that time, Olali was the strongest and the two strongest factions in the world. The Zeus family and the Hera family came out in full force to fight the one-eyed black dragon, but in the end the entire army was wiped out, and the two gods returned to the heaven.

After that, the whole Orario fell into a land of chaos and evil.

The evil gods and their families wantonly expanded their influence. At that time, the city Ola came to had no rules at all. It would be too light to describe it as a place full of corpses. happening all the time.


Rope nodded.

"My goal is to entertain the public, and entertainment and happiness are based on peace. Even if condoning evil can obtain happiness, it cannot be compared with the amount of the public. Plus my lovely students said the same, I will be a little concerned about the dark Faction matters."

It may be strange for a high-level demigod of the evil god system to say this, but Luo Pei never sticks to such trivial matters, just like he also served as the savior in the world of "Steins;Gate", as long as it is in the interest And mood, he wouldn't mind doing something nice.

"Let you cultivate your spirits for another day. Tomorrow at noon, we will go to the depths of the maze, and take a look at how the heretics are integrating and migrating."

Refiya heard this, and immediately turned to look at Aisi.

In the eyes of the elf girl, Ai Si has always been short-tempered, her body is fine and her heart is concerned, she must be eager to leave immediately after eating.

But to Refiya's surprise, Aisi nodded without saying a word, her cheeks were still slightly red.

"Then teacher, let's go to Rivera Town first to see if there are any adventure resources that need to be supplemented. I hope to have a private talk with you tonight..."

"no problem."

It seemed that Ai Si had figured it out a little bit.

Rope was in a good mood and left the hotel in Rivera Town with a smile.

There is a breeze hanging from nowhere in the floor, making people sigh the magic of the underground labyrinth and at the same time have a kind of refreshing feeling like being in the prairie.

Most of the adventurer merchants on the street are familiar with Rope because of the last Sword Princess trial, so it is not surprising to see the God of Miracles come to Rivera Town again. Some adventurers who like Rope's games and movies even took the initiative to ask for autographs. The adventurers casually mentioned that Olalie had already released several movies.

Although Luo Pei did not make it himself, he also provided the script, and the Demon God was very pleased with this.

This feeling of starting a new era by myself is a different kind of joy.

After leaving the town of Rivera, he walked aimlessly towards the southeast. After passing through the barriers of crystals and woods, an open space came into the eyes of the black-haired young man.

And Luo Pei also saw a surprising figure.

It was a green-haired goblin in a cloak.

The tavern maid of "The Mistress of Abundance", Lyu Leon, stood there quietly, wearing an adventurer's attire that was different from the usual waitress attire.

The clearing is surrounded by slender groves and crystals. A ray of light shone from overhead, and several cross-shaped tombstones made of wood tied with ropes were lined up here.

Lyu placed the white flowers on her hands one by one in front of more than ten graves, and then stood silent as if mourning, her eyes revealing nostalgia and pain.

But soon, with the sound of Luo Pei's undisguised footsteps, Lyu also suddenly woke up.


She picked up a short sword in an instant, and her fluency showed her rich combat experience.

But when Lyu saw Luo Pei, the elf's beautiful face seemed a little shocked.

"God Luo Pei...why are you here?"

"I'm not surprised anywhere. What makes me strange is you, why did Ms. Liu appear in the town of Rivera at the lower level of the labyrinth?"

Luo Pei walked to Lyu's side, and the fairy girl retracted the blade.

"It's probably because it looks boring in the eyes of the gods..." Lyu said, "My former family members are buried here, and I often come here to visit their graves."

"I don't find it boring to mourn my compatriots. Memories are a very important thing."

"Is it……"

Fairy girls are the type who don't talk too much, and Luo Pei didn't bother her, just looking at the graves buried in the dungeon.

After a while, Lyu opened his mouth and said.

"God Rope, my companions did not die in the adventure of the labyrinth. It is perfectly normal for monsters to fight with adventurers. If they died in the adventure, I would only feel sorry for them, but Not so obsessed with it. They perished from the despicable conspiracy of their own race, from the plot of the dark faction."

"What was your reaction?"


Lyu looked at Luo Pei.

"You can write a script like "Love between God and Man", and you are a great alien god. You must have your own opinions on the dark faction. I would like to ask you to explain to me the story of turning into a ghost for revenge. People, is it still justice? My friend once said probably not, and I followed her persuasion to return to normal in the dark faction silenced ruins, but I still can't get peace of mind, because I know there is still darkness The remnants of the faction lie behind Orari and the labyrinth..."

"Do you want me to show you the way?"

"I just want to hear God's opinion."

Luo Pei thought for a while and said with a smile.

"I abide by the "doctrine of strife." "

"The "reason of dispute"? "

"That's right, the act of killing and conspiracy itself will not be different because of the identity of the user. They are the simplest and most irrelevant things. The dark faction kills your companions, and you kill the dark faction. It’s the same. It’s just that “disputes” and “thoughts” have added various reasons to them. "

"Do you think I'm just a murderer driven by 'disputes' and 'thoughts'? "

"On the contrary, I think Miss Liu is very correct." Luo Pei said, "If blood is paid with blood, the murderer must have the consciousness of being killed. "Dispute" and "thought" add beautiful colors to simple killing. Color, if the blood of the dark faction in Miss Liu's hands can quell the riots and unwillingness of thought, then it is the correct behavior. This is the "principle of strife," seeking peace only in the depths of one's own heart. "

Lyu blinked cutely, she didn't expect Lopez to say such "chaotic" words.

Isn't this kind of disguised understanding to encourage the world to follow their minds and use blood and death to compose the music of disputes?

"Are you really the 'God of Arts and Wonders'? The entertainment you promote should not be carried by peace, but why do you advocate bloody killings that follow instinct so much? "

Lyu couldn't help but ask.

Rope laughed a few times.

"That name is just a nickname given to me by the gods of Olalie. Entertainment and happiness are just one of my essence. If I have to be serious, I also bear the characteristics of power, war, chaos, etc., and I can be regarded as the "God of War" . "

"This is really a big news..."

Lyu smiled lightly.

Even though Luo Pei's nature doesn't sound very good, for some reason, Lyu always has the feeling of An Ran in his heart.

It may be that the content described in "Love Between God and Man" gave Lyu a too deep first impression.

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