The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1653

"Miss Liu, don't feel guilty about killing. There is no right or wrong, and it won't make you feel entangled. It's a good behavior to use the blood of someone you think is a dark faction to pay homage to your companions. .”

"Well, I'll remember."

After the sweeping of the tomb was over, Liu turned and left gracefully. That snappy gesture made Lopez understand why Lyu was called the "Fairy of Gale Wind".

But who knew that Lyu's heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

The demon god of the other world stopped the blood by killing to stop the blood, and the theory that as long as the mind and justice can be calmed down, they can kill, left a heavy stroke in her heart.

The hand that was used to serving plates because of becoming a tavern waitress began to long to hold a sword again. The flame of revenge that was once suppressed by redemption was like a spark that started a prairie fire, which could not be extinguished no matter what.

Chapter 75 The Night of the Sword Fairy and the Demon, the Man-made Labyrinth and the Grim Reaper

Night in the maze comes earlier than outside.

Although it is very strange why there are day and night underground, the maze is the most extraordinary place in the world. Everyone is familiar with it. Only ordinary people who are new to the maze will be amazed by this phenomenon.

A few hours after saying goodbye to the Gale Fairy, Rope walked around the labyrinth floor in Rivera Town again, and then returned to the small hotel in Rivera Town in order to meet his lovely female student's appointment.

The wooden door was ajar, and after Luo Pei opened the door, the girl with blond hair and golden pupils was carefully maintaining the black blade bestowed by him.

His serious and focused attitude is completely different from the previous style of hacking with weapons and then handing them over to the blacksmith for repairs. It seems that the blade in front of him is not only a weapon, but also has other representative meanings.

"That sword blade doesn't need to be maintained so carefully by you. It itself is condensed from my immortal divine power, and it won't be easily damaged."

Luo Pei walked to Aisi's side, and the blond girl realized that she was concentrating on maintaining the sword.

Aisi sheathed the sword in her hand and stood up from the seat.


"No, you're here to talk to me about something, sit down."

Rope took out fine wine from the subspace and put it on the table.

But different from last time, this time it is enough wine to make people intoxicated.

It is estimated that he used wine to embolden Ai Si, and let Luo Pei hear the idea of ​​the cute female student's confession with his own ears.

Aisi did not refuse, took a few sips from the wine glass, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Old, teacher, you once said that you let me know the meaning of liking, and now I have a little understanding..."

She looked at Rope expectantly.

"Without you, teacher, I couldn't advance to LV.6. Without your hand-in-hand teaching, I guess I would have died in the previous willful deep adventure. I know that it may be wrong for students to like teachers, but I have come to Getting along with you is really supposed to like you..."

Ace was very embarrassed by what she had never said before.

But this is what Ai Si really said. Maybe she looks girlish and dull on the outside, but that is just Ai Si's natural character. It does not mean that her heart is rough and careless. Ai Si's girlish heart is actually very slender.


Rope asked with a smile.

"Why use "should"? It seems that you haven't seen your heart clearly..."

"...I like you."

"That's right, the style of cutting the mess like a quick sword is the lovely student I like."

Luo Pei tapped the table with his right index finger and continued to ask.

"Ais, I remember what you said, you look forward to being a hero, why do you end up falling in love with a god like me?"

"Although you are a god, I also think you are a hero."

Ace replied honestly.

"Although the incident of heresy caused Olalie to be in a storm, in my eyes, the teacher is the hero who saved a group of miserable people. I also heard from Loki about the matter of Lord Artemis. If it wasn't for you, Teacher, the bow and arrow of the Moon God will come to this world..."

"You call heretics human?"

"Well, they have clear intelligence and a heart that yearns for peace. I don't think they can be summed up as monsters anymore."

"Hahaha, if it was someone else, I would definitely say "my servant doesn't need someone else to name him, you are not worthy", but if it was you, Aisi, I would look at it differently. "

In front of those who are close to him, Luo Pei has always had double standards.

He never hides it either.

With the conversation over, it was time for Luo Pei to give his female student an answer.

The black-haired young man stretched out his hand to Ai Si, who was taken aback for a moment, then put his hand in Luo Pei's palm clumsily.

"I once said, wait until you fully understand what liking is, and then ask me this question, and my answer will definitely not disappoint you, Ace. Also, you are wrong. The love between teachers and students is not What is not right, our affairs are not for anyone to point out."

"Then teacher, you..."

"Why don't you just call me Rope?"

Rope said with a smile.

"Don't use "teacher", don't add "adult", and don't add "god" to the end because of my identity, just call me by my name. "

Having said that, Ai Si already understood that her confession had a result.

Before she had time to be happy, a strong force came from her arm, which made the blond girl unable to resist, and was pulled into her arms by her teacher.

The masculine breath rushed towards the face, making the girl's cheeks redder because of drinking.

Ai Si looks naturally dumb, but it's not like she doesn't know anything. The Amazon sisters in the family were always careless about the topic of men and women. Under the influence of Tiona and Tione, Aisi knew a little bit about everything she should know.



"Rope, God Hestia..."

"It's okay, I'll take care of everything."

The black-haired young man whispered in Aisi's ear.

"You belong to me today, just as I belong to you today."

The god of miracles who monopolizes the honor and shines, his own teacher...

Rope's words made Ace dizzy.

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