The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1661

Blowing from the front is a blazing wind like a landslide.

The fiery heat wave turned into a galloping tsunami, rushing towards Aisi.

"Tooth Slash!"

He stretched out his hand and swung the sword to absorb all the flames onto the black blade.

But the blade also became as hot as a soldering iron because it absorbed too much heat.

Aisi didn't even frown, but just waved the red sword blade to break through the magic of the fallen fairy.

Unexpectedly, the leak in the house happened to be raining overnight, and at this moment, the magic of another fairy was also ready.

"Meteor shower!"

The vast labyrinth sky was covered by light, illuminating all the darkness for a moment.

But this light is not a symbol of salvation, but a destructive light that destroys everything.

Every spell is the strongest chant that rivals "LV.6" mages, and the power of the children of the gods reappears in the maze after a thousand years.

Chapter 80 The Dancer of War, the Sword That Destroyed the Floor

The power of a single fairy is enough to make a team of well-equipped first-level adventurers feel overwhelmed. The powerful magic of two fairy spirits working together may even hold the breath of Olalie's strongest level seven.

Light and flames covered Refiya's sight, but those aftermath waves were completely blocked by a thin barrier, unable to enter the square inch.

The elf girl turned left and right anxiously, grabbed Luo Pei's sleeve and shook it.

"Lord Luo Pei, please help Miss Ai Si, this kind of power... Miss Ai Si can't bear this kind of power!"

"Take it easy, Refia."

Luo Pei uncovered the white jade teapot, and the cleanest rain from the "Element World. Water" was roasted, and a stream of smoke like a river of stars floated neatly in the sky, refreshing the surrounding air.

The black-haired young man poured black tea into the boiling water calmly, then closed the lid and said.

"Believe in Ace. I also believe in Ace. Ace is my cutest student and my most important girl. Do you think I will put her in danger?"


"It's all about benevolence. She wants to surpass her by her own efforts, so I won't interfere directly, and only give her seeds that can take root and germinate. Lefia, just watch carefully, Ais will definitely get through this Difficulty."

Luo Pei raised his head, and his spiritual vision passed through the curtain of fire and light, and landed on the blond girl.

"I hope my cultivation is not too hard..."

Guaranteed by the words of the God of Miracles, Refia fell silent.

In the flames, under the magical attack of two fallen fairy spirits, Ai Si felt like a willow leaf swaying in the wind. The protection of wind magic was already fragile to a limit, and it would collapse if she moved a little.

The blade in her hand had already burned black scars on her palm, but the girl never had the slightest thought of letting go of the blade.

Because Ai Si knew that if she hesitated at this time and couldn't persist, then the only thing waiting for her was a dead end.

The girl clenched her silver teeth tightly, closed her eyes that were stung by the light, and used her sword skills again, the flames were absorbed into the black blade violently again.

Immediately, it stabbed into the ground suddenly, not given by anyone, and Aisi's self-understanding sword skill was used suddenly.

"Tooth chopping. Karmic flames!"

The fire that burns with the karma of evil as fuel is the fire of karma.

The sword skill "Tooth Attachment Slash" was originally a sword skill to control the killing karma, but because Ai Si never kills, and can't understand the sinful karma of killing, she can only rely on the characteristic of karma that surpasses ordinary flames. Use "Flame Return" like "Thunder Return".

This recruiting fire flame was learned by Ai Si and Luo Pei during training, which temporarily abandoned people's hearts and turned into Shura's ideal sword skill.

Even the well-informed Luo Pei spoke highly of Aisi's qualifications.

The red lotus karmic fire, which is darker than ordinary flames, surged out from the ground, cutting off the interlaced attacks of the two magics of "Flame Storm" and "Meteor Shower" in an instant.

The momentary opportunity, Ai Si did not give up.

Gathering all her strength at one point, the magic element of wind magic turned into propulsion power, and the blond girl rushed out of the magic protection with an aura comparable to a shooting star.

"Secret. One Heart!"

The burning red sword blade was sheathed, not giving up the attack, but the slashing had been completed.

Countless slashes mixed with white sharp aura fell from all directions, and the ferocious smile of the fallen fairy froze on his face before he could retract it.

The body was cut off, and the green monster's blood spilled out, and was evaporated dry by the fire of karma.

The fire of karma surrounds it like maggots on the tarsus bone, completely eradicating the regeneration of the fallen fairy spirit, and at the same time burning her remnant body until it turns into light dust that dissipates, leaving only one orb on the scene, an exaggeratedly colorful magic stone.

"Ha ha……"

After beheading a fallen fairy, Ai Si's energy was greatly consumed.

She was leaning on the blade, and the pain in her palm kept her from falling to her knees immediately.

Looking back, under the command of another fallen fairy, the dense crowd of desperate monsters rushed out of the ground, screaming and surging like a tsunami.

Why, no matter how powerful an adventurer is, would they choose to temporarily avoid the phenomenon of monsters running away? That's why.

No matter how powerful an adventurer is, his physical strength has limits. And the monsters were born out of the labyrinth, and the killing for thousands of years is still endless, without limit. In the end of fighting with countless monsters, he just exhausted his physical strength, and then was submerged in the terrifying dungeon by the violent soldiers.

But when the girl saw the back of the group of monsters, the eyes of her teacher sitting on the cliff, the strength from nowhere made her stand upright again.

This is in front of the teacher.

He has already received too many favors, and received the guidance of swordsmanship favored by the gods.

If she can't rely on her own strength and tenacity to cross the adventure, then she, Ess Wallenstein, is just a canary who can't see the wind and rain, so why should she face the "Family of Zeus and the Familia of Hera"? One-eyed black dragon".

The power of the strongest monsters in the world is definitely beyond the level of the two fairy spirits in front of them.

At this point in her thoughts, Wind Magic returned to Ais's body again. Although the magic essence was broken, it could barely resist as a shield when Aisi forcibly raised her spirits to use it.

The girl rushed towards the group of monsters. After the black blade cooled down, it became less scorching, and its sharpness remained undiminished.

This is a personal battlefield.

Even exhausted, Ais is worthy of her title of "Sword Princess". The silver light of the blade was like a storm, sweeping through those weak monsters. At the same time, he still focused on the remaining fallen fairy, preventing the other party from using magic to interfere with his actions.

Bones crack, muscles whine.

It should be the limit of the limit, but Ais gradually heard a rhythm.

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