The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1662

Hidden in the slaughter, lurking beneath the battlefield, a voice that has existed since ancient times.

——A rhythm unique to "War".

Slowly, the fatigue disappeared.

A phenomenon that Ai Si didn't notice, a scarlet flame appeared in Ai Si's eyes, and also attached to her sword blade. The soaring momentum and the storm around him also turned scarlet, exuding an inexplicable pressure that frightened all the monsters.

War is a complex combination of strife, battle, killing, death, victory, plunder, strategy, and blood. As the evil god destined to be in charge of "war", Lopez can bestow power in the name of "lord of war".

Pure violence will tear apart the contractual nature of God's gift in this world, allowing Aisi to go to a higher level while retaining her original power.

Because Luo Pei doesn't want to overwhelm the seedlings, and the excessive "war" will make Ai Si lose her nature, so he only takes care of it slightly and doesn't go too far.

Now that Aisi is able to use the power of "war" as she wished, his expectations are not in vain, which proves that the girl's aptitude is enough to accept his careful cultivation.

"Miss Ace...?"


Luo Pei took a sip of black tea calmly.

"That is the power of 'war', which belongs to my essence. Ace will benefit from all battles, vivid and real, and the death of the enemy will become the nutrient that will never fail when she fights. She will only fight more and more bravely, and will no longer miss the chance of victory due to physical limitations. "

So strong.

Refiya looked at Jian Ji, who had transformed into a scarlet Valkyrie, and couldn't help feeling a little crazy.

Turning around suddenly, the distance between the two widened again, and Refiya suddenly felt that she might not even be able to see Ais's back when she looked up.

They are called companions, but they are actually drifting away under the tug of strength.

"Do you want to get that kind of power too?"

The voice of the black-haired god exploded in Refia's mind like a shock.

Refia turned her head blankly and looked at Luo Pei.

The latter said with a smile.

"You are Aisi's best friend, and I love you very much. If you want that kind of power, I can give it to you. Just like Aisi, you can turn it into a seed and bury it in your heart until you make it take root through your own efforts." Germinate, thrive."


Refia didn't know how to answer.

On the other side, the girl with cold and scarlet eyes had already killed the fallen fairy all the way.

The use of light magic fell from the sky, and Aisi just swung her sword, and the red flames covering the top of the maze suppressed the magic of the fairy legend.

Afterwards, the girl cut off the fairy's arm neatly, put the blade on her throat, and prohibited the other party from chanting magic.

"You've already lost." Ace said: "Tell me about "Arya", and I can let you go. "


The fallen fairy stared at the girl's cheek with a crazy expression.

"Eat you...we're going to be together...we're going to be together forever!"

The fallen fairy screamed again, and Aisi's ears were filled with buzzing at the unexpected close range.

At the end of the fifty-ninth floor of the distant maze, two fairy spirits appeared again, mixed with the power of magic essence enough to make people vomit, and chanted the magic that lifted the earth.

Knowing that it was impossible for the other party to answer her question, a trace of regret flashed in Ai Si's eyes.

In the end, she could only see the birth of the fallen fairy in the maze and why her mother's name appeared, but she couldn't see clearly like seeing flowers through a fog.

"It's time to end..."

Aisi slowly put the blade back into the scabbard, completely indulging herself in the rhythm of war.

Then a sword slashed out, and countless scarlet rays of light spread to the entire fifty-ninth floor of the maze.

Since the maze appeared in this world, it was the first time that the maze was artificially destroyed, and the feat of completely erasing the entire floor came from the hands of Ais.

So far, Ais is no longer the strongest swordsman in Orario, and she has become the strongest adventurer in Orario with the power of "war".

Chapter 81 Return of the One Who Returns to One, Wife-style Bubble Master

The destruction of the fifty-ninth floor spread like the wind to the adventurers in the maze, and they were all stunned when they knew that it was the work of "Sword Princess".

When did mortal things possess such miraculous power? Even the handiwork of the ancient gods was no more than that.

There is also a team of high-level adventurers who have good things to go into the deep layer to see it in person. The regenerated layer is like iron evidence, confirming that the rumors are not false.

Therefore, the adventurers in Rivera Town deduced that Aisi had arrived at LV.7, or LV.8 as they heard, earlier than the outside world.

The protagonists at the center of the whole incident are sitting in the tavern in Rivera Town, enjoying a warm dinner after the adventure, and bearing the envy, respect, and fear of others.

Ace didn't eat much for dinner, and she put down her knife and fork while Refia was still eating.

"Teacher, after the battle on the fifty-ninth floor, we haven't found any clues to those plots for the next month, and we haven't even seen the fallen fairy..."

"You cut a whole floor of the maze with one sword, and those fallen fairy spirits go crazy, and they also have the instinct of beasts to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Of course, it is impossible for them to appear."

Luo Pei is particular about holding a silver tea spoon, stirring the rare black tea with a few pieces of sugar.

"As for the "city destroyers" that Thanatos said, gods generally don't enter dungeons in person. This is a truth that everyone knows, so don't try to solve everything at once. When we go back, you'll think about it after you inform Loki about the matter. "


"How about the mastery of power?"

Ace froze for a moment, then blushed in embarrassment.

"Last time... the last time it might just be a good impromptu performance. Although I also hunted monsters during this period, I still haven't found what you call the "rhythm of war". That kind of scarlet arrogance can't be used as one likes, it can only make the blade appear in that state occasionally. "

"You still reject the power of "war" in your heart. Luo Pei shook his head: "How can you use power that you can't accept yourself?" "

"Sorry, teacher..."

Ace lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"That feeling... always gives me the illusion of being manipulated by a sword, and it's hard for me to get used to it."

"Following the rhythm is not being manipulated, it is more in line with the principles of killing and war...Forget it, this psychological obstacle has to be overcome by yourself." Luo Pei said: "Same as last time, the seeds have taken root and germinated, you The basic strength of your body has also been greatly improved, and how much you can use is up to you."

"Thank you teacher."

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