The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1663

"I told you to just call me Luo Pei."

"But a teacher is a teacher..."

Seeing a teacher-disciple and lovers having a passionate chat, Refiya puffed her face in dissatisfaction and drank in a muffled voice.

She also wanted to participate in that kind of chat and share her adventure experience with Aisi, but she was pulled farther and farther away, and now she couldn't understand a word of the conversation between the two.

The elf girl was full of sorrow, and she thought of the olive branch extended to her by the god of miracles at that time.

"If you need that kind of power, I can give it to you."

The more she thought about it, the more entangled she became, Suo Xingrefiya remained silent after eating, went back to the room and locked herself behind her back, and fell asleep with her head covered.

They stayed in the town of Rivera for another day, and on the second day, a month and a half after entering the maze, Lopez, Ais, and Refia finally embarked on their way back.

With a large bag full of high-quality magic stones, this adventure not only greatly helped the strength of the two girls, but also made a small fortune for the two of them. In addition, in the maze, Luo Pei paid for the consumption, This time will definitely be able to fill up the wallet that has been dry for a long time.

Under the blue sky, Refia breathed the fresh air full of forest smell, her face was full of happiness.

Ace bids farewell to Rope.

The blond girl stood on tiptoe beside Luo Pei, straightened his collar like his little wife, and said softly.

"Teacher, I'll go back to the Familia to discuss with Loki and everyone about the labyrinth. After the matter is over, I will come to you to continue training..."

"You're only looking for me for training?"

"...Also, I hope you can date me alone."

The current Aisi is already able to say such a clear couple invitation.

Lopez smiled and stroked the blond girl's hair.

"Don't think about eating a big fat man with one bite, first stabilize your current strength and integrate it into your own sword skills. It's no problem to come to me for dating matters at any time. The most important thing I lack is free time."

"Teacher, take care."

Waving his hand, he watched the two beautiful girls walk towards the Adventurer's Avenue. Luo Pei planned to go back to his villa where he had been away for a long time, and then went to see the situation of the heretics after they entered the town.

Going to the maze this time is equivalent to watching a wonderful movie, but he has not forgotten what he really needs to do in this world.

Movies and games are gradually on the right track, and the next step is the development of comprehensive entertainment, which will completely bring this lifeless middle ages to life.

Breathing the increasingly rich "happiness" in the air, Luo Pei is like a bottomless ocean, absorbing all these long conceptual powers and transforming them into the purest divine power bit by bit.

So leisurely harvesting, Luo Pei pushed open the iron gate of the villa.

Under the big tree, Andaris was awakened by the sound of pushing the door. He raised his head and saw the returning black-haired young man, wagging his tail quite flatteringly.

This big monster has been in Orario for so long, and it hasn't changed at all.

The original bright purple shell gradually developed into a darker color, and the fierce atmosphere around it eased somewhat. If it was a wild beast that chose to eat people before, then Andaris already had the feeling that an intelligent creature should have.

Luo Pei raised his hand and threw a fluorescent life force coagulation at Andaris, then pushed open the main entrance of the villa and walked in.

Passing the living room, passing the study, and in front of Hestia's room, Rope heard the noisy voices of plural girls.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Chun Ji output!"

"Hmm... I'm doing my best..."

"God Hestia, if Chun Ji is not used to this kind of game, don't force her anymore."

"Can I go to bed? Can't we finish the crusade against the Extinguished Dragon tomorrow..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm almost out of material!"

After opening the door, Chun Ji, Hestia, Lily, and Aisha sat on the sofa in a row, and all four of them had handles driven by magic stones in their hands.

But on the screen is a game that Luo Pei didn't expect.

- "Monster Hunter: World".

He raised his eyebrows, searched his memory a few times, but didn't remember that he had put the plan of this game on the table, at most he conceived it in his head, and now his focus is still on pure stand-alone games such as God of War.

Chun Ji, a fox-human girl, was the first to notice that Luo Pei pushed the door in. She happily put down the handle and ran to the black-haired young man. The second one is Lilyluka, who has become the "Hestia Familia" at this moment. The little human girl looked at Rope with a complex and grateful expression. It was the god of miracles who gave her the chance to be reborn.

"Lord Rope!"

"Come back, Rope."

"Lord Luo Pei, I am very sorry that we let you see such a scene..."

After saying hello one after another, Luo Pei reached out and touched Chun Ji's fox ears, then asked.

"Hestia, where did this Monster Hunter come from? How come I don't remember ever releasing it?"

"This game..."

Hestia was about to give an enthusiastic introduction when a cool girl's voice interrupted the Goddess of Kitchen Fire's explanation.

"it's me."

Looking back, Luo Pei saw a stunning white figure.

Yog Sothoth, "All into One", these humanoid incarnations of the great evil gods are walking towards him from the corridor. Her long white curly hair was tied into a single ponytail and swayed as she walked. Not seen for a while, the goddess of time is still beautiful and fascinating.

"I didn't expect you to come back."

Luo Pei smiled and bowed slightly.

Yog glared at the black-haired youth rather blamingly.

"You still want to salute me in such a field?"

"It doesn't hurt to do things that are unnecessary, isn't it? Your Majesty Yog."

Rope said.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​helping me release the game? Is your trip over?"

"It can be regarded as looking at the scenery inside the world with a normal heart. But it's just like that. I will come back naturally after I finish walking. If you are not here, I will help you fulfill the purpose of calling me in the first place."

Yog walked into the room while talking.

The girls didn't know whether they had a deep understanding of Yog, or they had full skills in observing words and emotions, so they withdrew one after another, leaving the venue to Rope and Yog.

"Not only console games, but also chess and cards, songs, clothing reforms, luxury reshuffle, as long as I can lead to exaggerated and hedonistic things, I have to intervene. Little Luo Pei, you are so lazy, how can I not take a little bit of responsibility? "

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