The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1667

"Hahaha, the pursuit of beauty is also the desire of God."

As Dionysus said, most of the gods didn't care about Loki's violation of the rules, and they were discussing the newly promoted LV.7 of Orario with relish.

Soon, the gods came to the banquet one after another, and even the beauty god of the organizer came out from behind the scenes, holding a glass of red wine to chat with the gods.

When she saw the proud Loki and Ais beside him, she smiled and walked over again.

"Congratulations, Rocky, my child finally has a talent who can be alone."

"Heh heh heh~ Every child in my family is a talent in his own right, but Aisi is a little more outstanding."

Loki said proudly.

"Are you envious? Freya, your Ota is definitely not as good as my Aisitan!"

"Of course I'm envious."

The sleek Freya smiled slightly, not accepting Loki's provocation of who is strong and who is weak, and looked at Aisi calmly.

"I'm so envious that I want to take this child under my family..."

"Don't even think about it! Ai Si Tan is the treasure of my family!"

Loki hugged Ais tightly, and then the blond girl helplessly picked up the nape of the shirt and threw it aside.

"However, Loki, you violated the regulations this time and brought your family to the banquet, so you didn't mean to show off to me, did you?" Freya asked, "Is there something happened that made you have to bring Sword Girl here? ?”

"Just to show off to you!"


"Other things will be discussed after the banquet officially begins."

Loki looked around.

"Haven't the Rope people come yet?"

Hearing Loki's answer, Freya knew something big was going to happen, but she still smiled calmly.

"I sent someone to send the invitation to Lord Luo Pei's mansion last night. Calculate the time, it should be here soon. The premise is that Lord Luo Pei is willing to come to the banquet."

"I also said hello to Rope, he will come."

Just as the voice fell, the door of the main hall was pushed open again.

It's just different from the previous situation, an atmosphere that overwhelmed the gods suddenly appeared, and it became more and more serious as the alien gods in pure white dresses walked step by step.

The majesty brought by the powerful force made the protagonist of the banquet shift from the glamorous Freya to Luo Pei in an instant.

Chapter 84 Speech at the Ball, Bait and Fishing Ditch

The pure white dress has no extra pendants, only the evil emblem of the double-faced tree is dyed with dark gold lacquer on the corner of the dress, which makes the black-haired youth even more dignified and extraordinary.

There was no sound at the scene, and the footsteps of the God of Miracles seemed to be stepping on the hearts of the gods. While the gods were tingling with such power, they also faintly had an ominous premonition.

"Hello, Hestia."

Hermes quietly approached the Goddess of Kitchen Fire who had come earlier, and asked in a low voice.

"Is your Luo Pei here to attend the banquet, or to make trouble? If you make trouble, please let me know for the sake of friends for many years, and I will run away now..."


Hestia bit the chicken leg, feeling a little puzzled by Rope's behavior.

"It was normal from morning to noon, and he played games online with me. But he seems to have met Loki yesterday. I don't know if there is any plan between the two."

"No way……"

Hermes looked at Loki with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Disregarding the regulations and bringing the family here, coupled with the fact that the Loki family and the Freya family have been fighting each other all year round, it is hard for the god of commerce not to wonder if Loki bribed Lopez and planned to follow the same example at the banquet. Istar's move directly sent Freya back to the heaven.


"Sword Princess" Ess Wallenstein is still a student of the God of Miracles.

With half a glass of wine in his hand, Hermes immediately began to wonder if he should just sneak away sometime, so as to save himself from worrying here.

In the silence, Luo Pei stopped in front of Freya.

After all, she is Olalie's number one goddess. Even in the face of such power, Freya's enthusiastic smile remained unchanged, and she stretched out her hand to Rope with a smile.

"Welcome to come, Master Luo Pei."

The gods held their breath, quietly waiting for the result.

Lopez paused for a while, and then the pressure melted away like ice and snow, and he took the hand of the Goddess of Beauty, Freya.

"I am also very happy to be able to attend your banquet again."

All the gods present breathed a sigh of relief.

Several "God of War" films, and the act of killing Istar once, made some gods wonder whether Luo Pei was specifically planning to make trouble with the gods and plan to cause a terrible disaster of the extinction of the gods.

The most frightening thing is that there is no existence that can do anything to him.

——It’s fine if you don’t come here to make trouble.

"Everyone who can come has come, and those who can't come will never come again. Let the banquet begin directly like this."

Freya glanced at the waiter next to her, who understood and stepped back immediately.

In less than a moment, melodious and comfortable music played around the banquet, diluting the majesty and tension when the Ability God arrived just now, and allowing the gods to resume the state of talking and having fun.

When Luo Pei watched and took his seat, Freya took the initiative to stand in front of him.

"I don't know if I'm honored to invite Lord Luo Pei to dance the first dance at the banquet?"

The beautiful goddess made an invitation that was supposed to be a man, but none of the gods present felt that something was wrong. The temperament of the god of another world was enough to support him to stand in a higher position than the god of beauty.

Rope smiled.

"What's wrong?"

Putting their dancing postures right, the two danced to the music.

After dancing a few steps, Freya, who didn't care about drinking, asked.

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