The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1668

"What are your plans for such a big battle today? I was really startled just now, I thought Loki was going to join you to deal with me."

"I don't remember the grievances between us, why does Goddess Freya think so?"

"Look at your most precious student, isn't he in the Loki family?"

Freya glanced at the blond girl who was following Loki, and Aisi was also looking at this side. The goddess and the sword girl separated as soon as their eyes met.

Rope shook his head.

"Isn't it that Ais would please such an overly demanding girl? The Loki Familia and the Freya Familia are considered healthy competition. Even if Loki says hell, I won't fight you without a reason... What's more, what can I do?" Can you treat the relationship between Xier and you as if you didn't see it?"

"It's a reassuring relief, but this doesn't explain your behavior? Is it true that you are just showing off in front of us weak gods?"

"You'll find out soon."

"For Xi'er's sake, can't you let me know in advance?" Freya's eyes sparkled and her smile was like a flower: "If it's something interesting, I, the host of the banquet, would like to help you."

"Just keep dancing."

Rope didn't intend to get too involved in the "City Destroyer" thing.

The main reason for coming here today is to support Loki for the invitation of Aisi.

In his eyes, the conspiracy of the gods in the heavens is nothing more than a trifling matter. If the plan of "City Destroyer" is just as good as its name, then compared to "City Destroyer", his plan to devour the "future" of this world is the real act of a demon god.

After dancing, Lopez and Freya left, and returned to Hestia who was competing with Loki.

He grabbed Loki by the collar and forcibly separated the two like a kitten.

"What, what, you will bully me!"

Loki immediately complained.

"Obviously Hestia was looking for something, why did you treat me coldly in the end! It's not the way to be unreasonable!"

"Because Hestia is my wife."

Rope crossed his arms and looked down at Loki.

"You have time to bicker here. Could it be that you have forgotten the reason why you brought Aisi to the banquet today? If you forgot, I just brought Hestia and Aisi back. Compared to this kind of banquet, I think they would prefer the combination of cold beer, potato balls, and Magic Stones."

"That's right, that's right!"

Hestia said happily.

"Forget about Loki, Rope, let's go back and play games!"

"I really lost to the two of you, and so did the little dwarf, relying on the support of Luo Pei to ride on the face..."

Loki sighed helplessly.

She gestured slightly to Ais, and the blond girl nodded.

Then Loki led Aisi to the central high platform of the banquet.

After all, he was the god who made an exception and brought his family. Loki's unusual behavior immediately attracted the attention of the gods.

Freya's gaze also moved along with Loki's walking, watching her go up the stairs that belonged to her without rising, she was just curious about what kind of medicine was sold in Loki's gourd.

The waiter who was playing stopped the music, and there was a low-pressure discussion on the scene.

"Cough cough, cough cough."

Loki cleared his throat.

"Many of you may have noticed that I came to the banquet today not only to show off my family's Ai Sitan. The main reason for bringing her here is to inform and investigate a matter, which may have something to do with everyone here. relation."

"Loki, what are you trying to say?"

"Another new prank, and we won't let you down!"

"Yes, yes, you won't start to make the same old mistakes in the heaven world again, will you?"

"I am Ganesha! I smell something interesting!"

The gods were clamoring, and it was clear that Loki had accumulated a lot of notoriety for her usual unruly behavior.

But who would care about such things, the goddess of mischief, Loki shouted with a big wave of his hand.

"Give me peace!"

After waiting for the scene to be silent again, Loki said seriously.

"Everyone knows that my family Ai Sitan successfully advanced to "LV.7". I am afraid that no one here except Luo Pei knows how to advance. ace. "


The blond girl stepped forward and said calmly.

"On the fifty-ninth floor of the maze, I met fairy spirits. For some reason, I have a special judgment on fairy spirits. Those fairy spirits are not ordinary fairy spirits. They seem to have become monsters after being infected by the maze. Corrupted species. On the way to fight against several fallen fairy spirits, I successfully advanced to "LV.7" with the help of my teacher..."

Esther paused, waiting for the gods to digest the amazing news.

But before the gods said "how is it possible" and "how can there be fairy spirits in the maze", she continued.

"But even so, it's still not the point." The blond girl glanced around the gods.

"During that adventure, I learned of a conspiracy, a conspiracy planned by the god named "City Destroyer". Although it is not clear what the god's motives are, the fallen fairy spirit, the monster's rampage, and the recent abnormal monsters in the maze may all be related to him. The "City Destroyer" itself is now the biggest suspect in secretly leading and manipulating the remnants of the "Dark Faction". "

"That's it."

Loki accepted Aisi's words with a laugh.

"Listening to a name is not a good thing, although I don't know who 'City Destroyer' is. If anyone here is secretly acting as a city destroyer, I advise that person to reconsider carefully. Once we find out, God Luo Pei and I will not easily bypass you, okay? "

The words seemed a bit stupid to show his mind for no reason, but under the expression of laughter, Loki's eyes were sharper than a falcon, sweeping across the faces of every god present.

The bait has been put down, from now on, it depends on who will take the initiative to bite the bait.

Chapter 85: The Unknown Behind-The-Scenes Manipulator, The Demon's Heinous Deeds

The city destroyer incident was announced, and the gods disregarded the happy attitude of the previous banquet, and there were a lot of discussions.

Although Loki's usual personality makes her words less credible, it is not guaranteed that this is another prank played by the gods as fools, but it can be announced at the Freya banquet with great fanfare, and there is a serious and frank sword girl The side evidence, coupled with the fact that the god of miracles, Rope, seems to be involved, undoubtedly increases the credibility of Loki's words by more than one level.

"Really, the lower world never has to worry about being bored..."

Hermes lowered the brim of his hat, and, like Loki, observed the surrounding gods.

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