The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1677

Goddess of Time's confident words made the black-haired young man slightly taken aback.

He said with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty Yog, have you put yourself in one calculation after another since your first birth? Eternal conspiracy and planning, there is nothing wrong with taking a break."

If there is anyone among the three pillar gods who is absolutely worthy of the honor of being under one god and above all gods, then it must be Yog Sothoth, even Nyarlathotep, who is constantly on the go. match.

The white-haired girl sipped tea, then spoke slowly.

"Since I was born, I knew what I was going to do and how to do it. The past, present, and future have no escape for me. Just like the contradiction between my omniscience and the unknown, how does little Rope know that I am not planning at this moment? Aren't you in a state of rest? Instead of worrying about a god like me, you might as well worry about yourself."

Yog winked playfully again.

"If little Luo Pei really loves me, then quickly ascend to the "fourth pillar" and stand on the honorable position that can bear my essence and strip part of my omniscience? This will definitely be much easier. "

"Is this the word of your personality, or the word of the god?"

"Who knows? Not much difference."

After drinking a cup of black tea, Yog walked to Luo Pei's desk, took a copy from the pile of proposals, and said.

"About what you said in the chat with me before, the boy you met when you first came, he seems to have caused quite a stir in the next-door kingdom."

"Bell Cranney?"

"I don't remember that human's name, but I'm a bit interested in fanning the flames."

Yog smiled and shook the plan in his hand, with the name of "V for Vendetta" impressively printed on it.

"You wrote this plan yourself, and I adapted it a little bit. Don't you think it's very suitable for the current situation? It just so happens that movies have begun to spread around the world. There are technology disclosures and shrewd businessmen. I will not pass up such an opportunity to make money.”


After reading the adaptation proposal, Luo Pei leaned back in his chair with a smile on his lips.

"Using nobles and commoners, adventurers and powerless, and the gap between the rich and the poor to make a fuss about. Calm down the anger, lead the oppressor to awaken the drama... It is really worth watching. Presumably after it blossoms and bears fruit, it can lead to a different world Fighting for "happiness" has become my food. "

"Then I'll shoot one for you."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's too early to tell."

Yog left with a tranquil fragrance, and the goddess' demeanor has been impeccable since her arrival.

Luo Pei slowly closed his eyes, repeatedly familiarizing himself with his sudden increase in divine power, and even transforming and denying other divinities, so that everything can develop in a balanced manner.

However, the mediation of the evil gods...

‘Azalia, if you recover your real body, can you command all the evil gods? '

'No play. ’ The head of the demons said simply: ‘I have never been in the group of evil gods as a ruler, I am just a symbol of the source. In addition, I am too lazy to discuss the issue of disharmony with those stinky stones. I am afraid that I will not be able to hold back and shoot them one by one, so that they can enjoy the wonderful feeling of death, rebirth and death. "

Still lazy after all.

Rope was speechless.

‘You are so capricious, you shot them all, who will share the pressure of the God of Order for me? '

'I can exchange the shooting for an unforgettable lesson. Of course, I will be the first to obey Ape's request, but how to deal with the mood swings of those evil sons, it is up to you, Ape, to figure out a way. Even Yog has been troubled for a long time, so I won't cause trouble. '

'...Are you sure you are the leader of all demons? '

'wrong! I'm Azalea! A weak and helpless but very edible system girl! '

Azalea categorically refused to take trouble, which was also expected by Luo Pei.

In the past, when the system mother was the head of the demons, she was almost like a mascot, and it was all Yog and Naiazi who were busy. If the ancient snake hadn't spread the flames of war to her, she probably wouldn't have looked at things like the war between order and chaos.

Thinking of the intricate hatred relationship of those evil gods, and the habit of shooting in the back of a fellow forever, Luo Pei deeply felt that maybe becoming a god was just the beginning.

"Rope, are you back?"

"What's wrong, Hestia?"

"Someone asked me to forward this invitation letter to you."

The Goddess of Kitchen Fire walked into the study and handed an envelope inlaid with gold to Luo Pei's hand.

Rope opened it and found that it was an invitation from Uranus.

"who is it?"

Hestia moved closer to Rope, squeezing his face to read the contents of the letter.

The black-haired young man smiled and folded the letter.

"It's nothing important, compared to that, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's have a grand banquet today, and call all the girls I know.

"What nonsense, you didn't just walk for a day..."

He muttered, but Hestia obediently summoned the girls who knew Rope well and began to prepare for the unexpected banquet tonight.

Another red maple leaf floated into the study outside the window, and the air was inexplicably comfortable under the magical autumn of time.

Luo Pei picked up the maple leaf and walked briskly out of the study.

Chapter 91 Rekindled Flames of Vengeance, Half-Elf Waitress

One of the staff of the tavern "The Mistress of Abundance", Lyu Leon has always been the most eye-catching sight among the many beautiful tavern maids.

The pointed ears, Cang Lan's eyes, and petite but just right figure, coupled with the fierce temperament of a former high-level adventurer in Liu's body, even the well-informed gods have to praise.

Almost all the elves in the lower realms have extraordinary looks. Even though there are not many elves who choose to leave the tribe and live outside, this reputation can still be heard from people from time to time. Beautiful as an elf, this is a very common compliment for Orario.

But for some reason in the past few days, the old customers who often come to the tavern to drink always don't see Lyu Leon.

"Little sister Xi'er, something happened to Miss Liu, right?"

The good gods asked about the gray-haired daughter with a single ponytail.

Xier just explained with an embarrassed smile.

"Thanks to the care of the gods and adults, Lyu is just a little sick, it's nothing serious."

"In this way, we can rest assured that we are not used to seeing Miss Liu's cold and indifferent eyes..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

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