The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1678

After the tavern made a sample, Xi'er was not in a hurry to go home. After finishing the remaining work and saying goodbye to her departing companions, she lightly touched the upper floor of the tavern and came to Lyu's room.

Xier knocked on the door and asked cautiously.

" haven't eaten for two days, even if you're an adventurer, you can't survive without something?"

There was no response from inside.

Taking a deep breath, Xier cautiously opened the door.

Like a sharp sword, Lyu sat neatly and straightly in front of the desk, her eyes fixed on a piece of letter on the desk.


"I'm sorry, Xi'er, I hope I can be alone for a while during this period of time. I will make up for the trouble caused by absenteeism to you later."

Lyu's voice was a little hoarse.

Xier shook her head and asked worriedly.

"What the hell happened? Lyu, when you came back from the maze, you were acting weird. After going out for a trip two days ago, you locked yourself in the room... We are friends, aren't we? What's bothering Lyu, I can help!"

"Only this matter, I don't want you to know the situation."

The elf girl stood up and put the letter into her bosom.

"I may have to go out for a while, and the tavern will trouble you during this time."

Seeing Lyu, who was walking past her, fully armed and even wearing a sword, Xier's expression was a little downcast.

Xier didn't speak until Lyu walked to the door.

"Haven't we already agreed? Let the past stay in the past, and the most important thing is to welcome the new beginning... Lyu, do you want to let yourself go back to the self at that time?"

Lyu stopped in her tracks.

"...I'm sorry, I broke my promise."

Said the elf girl.

"Xi'er, do you know? Our race elves are a hopeless race. They look down on other races because of their excellent appearance. After a long time, they even developed the habit of "not being able to have skin-to-skin contact with other races." , and deeply rooted in blood and tradition. "

"Ok, I know."

"The reason why I left the elf secret realm in my hometown is because I can't understand the behavior of my own people."

Lyu closed her eyes.

"But at that time, I really overestimated myself. Feeling the malicious sight and dirty greed from the outside world, my behavior was no different from those contemptuous compatriots of the elves. It was hard to touch and full of spikes... I cherish the Astoria family who can change me like this."

Hill was silent.

Lyu raised her head and seemed to be staring at the ceiling, but actually it seemed that she was observing her own heart.

"I used to think that the days of becoming a "ghost" and being on the adventurer's guild's blacklist had ended with that rainy day, but it seems... resentment didn't let me go so easily. "

"Dark sect... huh?"

"Well, I went to the information dealer and learned some things that are only circulated among the gods. The activities of the dark faction are still rampant, and they are hidden in the labyrinth that adventurers go to every day."

The characters of the Olalie gods cannot be expected to be tight-lipped.

Maybe some gods will choose to investigate secretly because of the seriousness of the "city destroyer" incident, but some gods are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and deliberately release news to enjoy watching.

For this reason, it is not uncommon for Olalie's information black market to be able to buy news of the meeting of the gods.

"Respond to revenge by killing, and continue the past with blood, is it really a good thing?" Xi'er asked expectantly: "Lyu, it's too dangerous, don't do this kind of thing anymore, your past is over... ..."

"Maybe my choice of soldiers is wrong, but I have been enlightened by a god. Only by killing and blood can I calm down the hatred that I have been unable to forget for a long time."

Lyu clenched the hilt of the sword in her hand.

"Beasts and monsters kill people by instinct. People who kill people should not be forgiven! Now that I know those guys are still dying, I will kill them one by one! This is also to prevent my experience from appearing in on other people."


"Xie'er, you don't need to ask about this matter anymore. I know you have a great relationship with the Freya family, but what suits you best is to have a carefree, happy laugh, and not be involved in a boring conspiracy. "

The Hayate Fairy left the room, and left the "Mistress of Plenty".

Xi'er was stunned for a long time before thinking of chasing Liu, but she was stopped at the stairs.

"So what if you go?"

The proprietress of the tavern, Mia Grando, wiped the plates calmly.

"That girl has already made a decision, and she won't take your word for it easily."

"But, Mia..."

"The direction she went out just now was not towards the labyrinth. She was probably going to find someone. It can be seen that the girl is not acting entirely out of anger."

"Find someone?"

Xier suddenly remembered that Lyu had said "be enlightened by a god".

It might be intuition, for some reason, the figure of the God of Miracles appeared in Xier's mind.

If it was him...

"Have you figured it out?"

Seeing that Seele's thoughts of chasing her ceased, Mia Grando snorted softly and turned around.

"If you want to understand, go to work for me quickly, together with Liu's share. When she comes back after the matter is over, we will settle the score with her."

Having said all that, Xi'er could only absent-mindedly grab the broom and clean up the closed tavern.


This is the first time for Rope to come to the Adventurer's Guild after staying in Orario for so long.

This building, regarded as the spiritual center by all adventurers in the city, is worthy of its importance and status in Orario. Not to mention the cleanliness and splendor of the building, just those people coming and going like a wave of adventurers are enough to amaze ordinary people who travel to Olalie.

The Adventurer's Guild is not only responsible for the registration of family members and adventurers, but also sells the information of the maze one-on-one, releases missions, and is also the official way to exchange magic stones for mana. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as an economic lifeline.

With the mentality of going on a green trip, Luo Pei leisurely walked into the Adventurer's Guild.

The noise like a vegetable market made the black-haired youth frown instantly.

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