The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1685

He smiled awkwardly, complaining in his heart about Yog Sothoth's crispness.

On his side, the means to attack Liu were almost ready, but in the end, he was shattered by the one who returned everything to one, and forced to buy and sell, turning a good pure love plot into a bullying drama, making Luo Pei feel helpless .

But it's a done deal, and we can only make mistakes.

"Lyu, you feel very angry and dissatisfied?"

"In the beginning, it was indeed like this... However, the goddess did not force me, it was my own choice to conclude the contract."

Lyu stopped talking several times, and finally asked the last question.

"Ropei, I will not evade my choice. But are you really willing to permanently eliminate the so-called "dark faction" in this world after I become your property as the goddess said? "

"I don't think it's too difficult."

"Yes, then I... sorry, I may need to calm down for a while."

Lyu stood up and lowered her head again.

"When my trip to the maze is over, I will immediately return to your side and fulfill the contract. Before that, please let me go..."

At this moment, she is strictly regarded as Luo Pei's property, so the question of whether to stay or leave needs to ask the demon for approval or not.

Luo Pei had no intention of embarrassing Lyu.

He also knew that the fact that the stubborn and strong elf could turn into this sluggish appearance at the moment was enough to show that Lyu's mood was very unstable, and it was better to let her deal with the matters of concern by herself first.

"Of course, you can stand here just to kill your enemies."

Rope made a gesture of please.

"Lyu, no matter how your external relationship with me changes, I will only be me, so don't worry too much. I am also very pleased that you can choose to go back to killing, so that your heart can be free from the enemy's blood. There is no wrong answer to stop killing with killing and stop bleeding with blood."


Lyu left Lopez's villa.

It's just that starting today, the relationship between the two is no longer as simple as it used to be.

Chapter 96 "V for Vendetta" is released, a different kind of respect

Due to the disappearance of a heretic, in order to avoid losing the patience of the god of miracles, the gods of Orario had to speed up the investigation of the "city destroyer" in the state of unknown information. Large numbers of adventurers entered the maze more frequently than usual.

But after untold hardships to dig out some clues, what awaited them was the corpses of a dark faction.

Those in charge of the autopsy can tell at a glance which remnants of the dark faction died at the hands of adventurers, not monsters and beasts in the labyrinth.

Is it someone who has found out the information of the dark faction, or is it a cover-up by the gecko's tail?

The gods of Orario couldn't figure it out, but the clues were broken again and again, which still caused unhappiness and anxiety to spread in the hearts of the gods.

A week has passed since the one-month deadline that Uranus swore to guarantee. With no progress, even Loki and Freya have to admit that if Uranus fails to fulfill his promise by the deadline, then the unreasonable god of miracles may really give the old god a happy death journey.

And under such circumstances, Luo Pei's new movie is freshly released.

The name is V for Vendetta.

It is reasonable to say that the people of Olali are already very resistant to movies and games. After all, during this period of time, Yog Sothoth's turmoil has forcibly dragged down the world's artistic taste and entertainment composition. It has been raised by more than one grade, and the people have started to shoot some movies spontaneously.

But without the support of Rope's high-quality script, those movies will still be a little less flavorful after all.

Ordinarily, it’s okay to pass the time, but if it really wants to trigger discussions in the city and even spread to the outside world, it needs a movie with the name of the God of Miracles himself. "Love between God and Man", "The Daughter of the Sea" and so on, have long been regarded as classics that cannot be copied, and are known as the benchmark of love in the new era.

This time "V for Vendetta" is naturally full of seats.

But after the broadcast started, the gods who sneaked in, and the adventurers who combined work and rest, they all found that they had made a mistake.

That is, this new film should not be viewed with a "casual" attitude.

The heaviness of this movie is not comparable to those of love and death, class conflicts, dictatorship, and the resistance of the people after the fire in their hearts is burning. Everyone is a "V" and a "V" is every oppressed person.

Most of the people looked at it in a ignorant manner, but they just had an unclear expression on their faces. But the gods who really tasted the thoughts expressed in this movie fell into deep thought.

Perhaps for Olalie, who is governed by the gods, whose family follows the teachings of the main god, and has a mature chain of division of labor, the ideas in "V for Vendetta" are hard to find an audience, and everyone just treats it as a movie with profound meaning. But this world is not limited to the city of Orario, those countries without the dedicated care of gods, their people are still living in dire straits as in the Middle Ages.

When the screening of "V for Vendetta" ended and the source of the film flowed from the black market to the periphery, the seeds that could not be suppressed really blossomed and found an excellent breakthrough.

In the kingdom of Lagia, in a hidden village in a remote mountainous area, a white-haired boy is sleeping.

Bell Cranney, this young boy who was still immature after experiencing countless battles, his childishness has long since faded, and with the scar left on his face, he already possesses sufficient fierceness and leadership qualities.

"Mr. Clooney! Look what I got?"

Bell was awakened from the dream.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the young man who was much older than him but still insisted on calling him Mr. The latter was holding a magic stone projector and introduced it enthusiastically.

"This is the new work of the God of Miracles! I beg the city mouse took a lot of effort to get it! Remember your favorite deeds and news about the God of Miracles?"

"God of Miracles...Lord Luo Pei?"

Hearing the name of the worshiping god, Bell Craney lost all sleep in an instant.

He grabbed the magic stone projector and said to the young man.

"Thank you, this is exactly what I need! Everyone must be tired after dealing with the knights for so many days, so leave the most basic soldiers stationed, let everyone take a look."


Bell Clonney's career, or rather his dream, has encountered a bottleneck.

They took advantage of the unpopularity of the kingdom to gather a large number of aspiring young people in a short period of time, but the ensuing problem was inevitably on the table-that is, it was difficult for ordinary humans to form an equal combat power with the knights who received favors.

It is also for this reason that Bell chooses to cultivate his health to accumulate strength.

Scratching his head, the boy was troubled by all the troubles that would engulf him after waking up, and at the same time called everyone to start watching the new movie of God of Miracles.

Out of respect for the god who led him to this path, now only by watching his works can Bell feel a little bit of youthful joy.

But even so, Bell never complained. Because this is his own path towards his dreams, negation and complaints are trampling on ideals and those who are willing to follow him to find their dreams.

The screening of the film was held in full view.

The expression on Bell's face ranged from anticipation to seriousness, to thoughtfulness, and finally he said nothing. Not only did the whole movie watching fail to bring the relaxation he dreamed of, but it made everyone present look dignified.

They all saw themselves in the movie.

Desperate for an idea, he is like a moth to a flame.

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