The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1686

A sense of devotion to a noble cause arises spontaneously from the bottom of my heart.

"Mr. Clooney..."

The young man in charge of starting the wake-up call poked Bell, and the white-haired boy woke up like a dream.

"Do you... have anything to say?"

Bell was silent for a moment, and finally walked up to the stage, looked at the people who were farmers and women in the audience, and said in a calm voice.

"I have said more than once that I believe in the God of Miracles. It was he who inspired me when I was most naive, and gave me the goal and aspiration to really strive for. It is also he who will come from another world miraculously Give me your thoughts, so that I can lead you to see clearly the unfair reality of this world."

Bell took a deep breath.

"It's the same at this moment, that lord always gives me what I need most - means like a loving father."

"Mr. Clooney, have you made a decision yet?"

The people in the audience were a little excited. They had been training for too long and urgently needed a booster.

"Ideas have no weight, but they can shake mountains. Ideas have no rights, but they can command. Ideas have no power, but they can destroy kingdoms. Ideas must exist before anything can exist." Bell said: "I The previous choice was a bit wrong. We should not gather together like this, we should break up and guide the concept that can support our dreams, and plant the seeds of that concept in the hearts of more people.”

"But what do we need to do?"

Bell also knew that it would be very difficult for these people who may not have received a few times of education to understand his words, but the God of Miracles had already put the explanation he needed most in front of him.

The white-haired boy moved aside sideways, revealing the smiling white mask behind the shadow.

"Method, haven't we seen it just now?"

There was an uproar at the scene, and an old man stood up tremblingly.

"Mr. Clonny, I very much support your statement. But if this is the case, I'm afraid our situation will become very dangerous..."

"It won't be worse than it is now anyway, will it?"

Bell Craney turned his back, looked at the white mask and continued.

"Whether to be a coward for a lifetime or a true hero of the people, I made a choice standing in front of the gate of Orario in the central city of the world. Now it's up to you, my friends."

It's not just the kingdom where Bell Craney resides.

A single spark is starting a prairie fire.

However, these are not things that Luo Pei, who is far away in Olalie, knows or cares about.

He is now walking on the road of Daedalus under the bright moonlight, heading for the residence of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, in Orario.

After walking for a while, the black-haired young man looked up and saw that the mansion, which was no less splendid than Villa Rope, stood in the courtyard. The ingenious design was obviously made by a famous artist, so that the moonlight in the sky could be refracted on the walls of the mansion, showing a A holy gesture.

It seems that Artemis is not simply living a life of wandering. The money accumulated by the family over a long period of time is completely enough for her to live well in Orario.

This kind of architectural taste is also very suitable for the identity of the goddess of chastity.

After knocking on the door, there was no need to inform, the girls of the Artemis family invited Rope in with great enthusiasm. After all, the God of Miracles is strictly speaking their benefactor of rebirth, and since Artemis began to relax his tone and not prohibit love, the girls are quite curious and longing for this outstanding God of Miracles.

Artemis, who was still in military uniform, gave up those useless restraints after seeing Rope, and trotted to the black-haired youth full of joy.

"Rope, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I wanted to see you, so I came here."

Luo Pei smiled and took the hand of the moon god, and Artemis blushed and did not resist.

The girls of the family who were peeping outside the door all stared out their eyes—they had never seen their own goddesses like this.

It was one thing to know that Artemis and Rope had an ambiguous relationship, but quite another to see it with their own eyes.

The Artemis family suddenly thought, and with the public relationship between Rope and Hestia, wouldn't it mean that two of the three famous virgin goddesses have fallen?

A different sense of respect for the God of Miracles arises spontaneously in the hearts of the girls.

Chapter 97: The Frank Truth

After the excited expression of meeting again, Rope properly let go of Artemis' hand.

"What about Hestia and the others? I heard that they have been coming to you since this morning, so they didn't cause you any trouble, Artemis."

"No." Artemis said with a smile: "Hestia and the others are in my room on the third floor. They seem to like my environment here very much. I also propose to let them stay for one night and treat them well. After all, I We were rare friends when we were in heaven with Hestia."

"It's thanks to your character that you can talk with that house goddess."

"Compared to other gods who are troubled by troubles all day long, Hestia is a very good friend."

Artemis beckoned to the door, apparently from the very beginning that her family members were peeping.

The girls shrugged open the door and entered.

"Go and prepare the food and wine for the banquet. After a while, I plan to entertain Rope and Hestia here."

"Yes, Lord Artemis."

The girls of the family left happily.

No matter what the reason is, it is not always possible to enjoy the banquet, especially if they are still under the light of their own gods, and they are seated with the god of miracles who brought them back from the underworld, which makes the girls even more excited.

Looking at the back of the family members leaving, Artemis shook his head with a smile.

"The kids love you, Rope."

"I care more about your smiling face than them, that's why I resurrected them from Hades."

Rope smiled.

"Listen to you, you originally didn't intend to hold a banquet for Hestia. Strictly speaking, did they enjoy my treatment by the way?"

The black-haired young man thought that this joke would make Luna shake his head shyly, but Artemis admitted it openly.

"That's right. Even gods are partial to those they like."

"...You haven't eaten anything strange lately, have you?"

Rope stared strangely at the calm and generous Artemis.

The goddess of the moon covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"You can't always indulge in the shyness of the past, can you? With enough time and thinking through the situation, I don't think this change should surprise you."

The last time we met, Artemis always used "longing" and "respect" to make excuses for himself. As a result, the goddess of the moon found that these excuses could not convince herself at all, and she finally faced up to her inner state.

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