The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1691

Every time he saw red blood flowers blooming from those disgusting guys, Lyu felt an inexplicable pleasure. It seems that in this way, the souls of deceased friends can be sacrificed, so that they can rest in peace in the arms of the gods in the heavens.

She was almost intoxicated by this pleasure.

But when she came to the side of the stream and saw her beautiful cheeks painted red, Liu was startled.

At some point, she was able to kill with a smile on her face.

Indeed, as Luo Pei said, he is constantly reducing his inner obsession. But this state made the elf girl feel an inexplicable sense of disgust.

Maybe it was Lyu's kind nature that was at work.

"It has to end quickly, and then return to Xier and everyone... Then completely abandon the past as an adventurer."

Lyu leaned against the stone cave identified as a safe area, chewing tasteless jerky to replenish her strength.

Looking up at the ceiling of this level of the maze, the girl's mind flew to the god of miracles who was destined to entangle her endlessly in this life outside the maze.

"After signing this contract, your life, soul, and life will belong to Rope, and you will no longer be yourself, but you will also be like a vine on a tree, enjoying a life and power that you could not have imagined before. Are you sure you want to?"

"As long as the dark faction can be completely wiped out, I have no objection!"

Thinking of the firm answer back then, Lyu couldn't help laughing at herself.

Was she being forced to say so swearingly and aboveboard? When the contract is in front of you, when the blood is dripping, is it really all unwilling?

From the casual meeting in the tavern at the beginning, to seeing the improvement of Luo Pei's first work, as well as the secret admiration in her heart, Lyu wanted to laugh a little. She just used an open excuse to force herself into the victim's position. In fact, it is not as indifferent as it seems on the surface.

Ask yourself, it won't be difficult for Lyu to fall in love with Lopez even from now on.

Where is all the goodwill?

After eating the food, when Lyu collected her mind and was about to go to the next meeting point of the dark faction, the noisy voices made her stop, and she hid aside to observe quietly.

The elf girl didn't know why she wanted to hide, maybe it was her instinct to draw a line between the ordinary adventurer and herself in the evil ghost realm.

After a while, a group of standard adventurers came into Lyu's eyes.

"Hey, I said Finn, when are we going to turn here? The supplies are almost exhausted, and if we don't go to the ground, our food tonight will be a problem."

Tiona complained to the head of the Loki family.

Finn of the little people explained gently.

"Tiona, we can go to Rivera Town for some supplies."

"I don't want it! The things there are extremely expensive. Even if everyone's pockets are more generous now, we can't waste it like this. We still have to save money to buy the elixir of the God of Miracles."

"Then bear with it a little bit. Now is the time for the gods and the entire family to mobilize. If the Loki family can find out the "city destroyer" before others, it will be good for our reputation, and maybe we can do it in one fell swoop." More than the Freya family. "

Finn came to Olalie just to earn fame and improve the status of the little people, so he would not let go of any chance to gain fame.

Tiona shrugged helplessly, and then aimed at the blond girl who was following behind.

Olalie's second "LV.7" is Ais Wallenstein, who has the reputation of the unparalleled sword princess.

"Well... Ais, why don't you ask your teacher." Diona said: "With the relationship between you and your teacher, that omnipotent god will definitely be willing to cheat a little bit to help you busy."

"...The teacher has an agreement with Master Uranus, and I always feel that the past is not good now."

"Ahhhhh, even Ace is like that."

"It's so noisy!" Burt said viciously: "You have been yelling all the way, and if you keep making noise, you will be thrown into the pile of monsters."

"Hmph! Who is afraid of whom!"

"Don't talk, there is something strange ahead."

Smelling the bloody smell in the air, the Loki family saw the corpses of those dark faction leaders killed by Lyu after they passed the corner.

Riveria squatted down and frowned slightly looking at the wreckage.

"...It was killed just now, the method is very simple and neat, it is not a monster."

"That is to say, the dark faction finally showed up and started killing adventurers? I've been impatient for a long time!" Diona picked up her big double blades and began to stretch her muscles.

"Not necessarily. Maybe these people in front of you are members of the dark faction..."

Riveria observed the clothes of those people.

Basically they are in a dilapidated state and smell bad.

Only adventurers who have not been in contact with civilized society for a long time and stayed in the maze will tolerate themselves becoming like this.

Aisi glanced at the wreckage on the ground, suddenly seemed to sense something, and put her right hand on the hilt of her waist.

"It's not an enemy, so there's no need to hide, right?"

The voice of the blond girl fell, and the Loki family entered a state of preparation for battle in an instant.

Lyu sighed.

After all, she is only a "LV.4" adventurer. It is basically impossible to completely hide her presence from a group of higher-level adventurers. Especially that sword girl, who is still the student of the God of Miracles she must serve.

She jumped down from the cave on the rock wall and stood in front of everyone.

"Who are you?"

"Miss Leon, Mistress of Plenty!"

The Loki family members were taken aback, apparently they did not expect to meet a familiar face here, and it was also a waitress in a tavern.

"They were definitely part of the dark faction and were killed by me."

Lyu said briefly.

"If there is nothing else, I plan to leave first, all members of the Loki family."

"Miss Leon, why are you here?"

"The reason I'm here has nothing to do with you."

The elf girl turned around indifferently.

"Please wait a moment." Riveria stopped Lyu.

"The reason you are here really has nothing to do with us. We also want to believe that these people deserved their crimes when they died under your blade. Now that Olalie is in trouble, I hope you can generously say how you judged that the dark faction is hiding. Do you know where the other enemies are? And do you know anything about..."City Destroyers"? "

"I have no reason to answer you."

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