The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1692

Lyu glanced at Ais and said again.

"Perhaps it will be more effective if you go to the God of Miracles instead of asking me."

Aisi frowned slightly, and the power of "war" deep in her soul throbbed inexplicably.

Diona said dissatisfied.

"Hey, isn't everyone busy with the affairs of the dark faction? It would be easier to have one more helper."

"My actions have other reasons, not as noble as yours."

Lyu is for revenge, and the adventurers are for Orari's peace and stability.

It seems that there is no conflict between the two, but in essence they are fundamentally different.

Lyu didn't want her past to involve too many people, and she didn't want another accident to happen during the killing.

After speaking, Liutou left without looking back.

"What, what a strange guy... Eh? What are you going to do, Ais?"

"I need to go to her to confirm something. You don't need to worry about me."

Ais chased in the direction Lyu left.

The Loki family and the others looked at each other, somewhat confused about the context of the matter.

Chapter 101: The Influence of the Contract, the Encounter with the Dragon Heretic

Although the floor of the labyrinth where Lyu is located can be called the "middle floor", it is not too difficult compared to the lower floors that are full of dangers. Her "LV.4" ability can easily solve most of the floors in front of her. monster.

The speed was so fast that afterimages flashed in the eyes of others, mixed with the fluorescence of emerald green magic essence, the dog-shaped monsters were cut into pieces without even making a scream, and the purple magic stones scattered all over the ground.

Lyu didn't even look at the magic stones that could be exchanged for money, and walked straight to the next gathering place of the dark faction.

She has only one goal - to clear the dark faction in the maze and let her obsession rest in peace.

The sound of running footsteps came from behind, causing Lyu's movements to pause slightly.

"Please wait a moment."

"...Is what I just said not clear enough?"

Lyu turned around and stared at the blond girl who was chasing her.

"Our purposes are different. What I will do next may be called "evil way" in your eyes. If we continue to get involved, there will be no harm but no benefit, Esther Wallenstein. "

"You have the power of a teacher in you, right?"

Although Aisi used interrogative sentences, her tone was very certain.

That kind of violent and brutal war power, as the recipient of Rope's war power, it is impossible for her to admit it wrong.

Lyu's eyes were slightly puzzled, but then became clear again.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I do have a deep relationship with Lord Luo Pei. If you came here specifically to ask me this, then please leave now when you understand."

"Since you have a deep relationship with the teacher, I can't continue to leave you alone like this."

Ace said.

"The lower the monsters are, the more dangerous they are. This is the common sense of adventurers. People from the dark faction have been entrenched in this maze for a long time, and they must know the details of this maze better than you. With your strength Entering the conquest, there is a high possibility of falling into a trap, especially now that they must have known about your mass killing."

It is true that Lyu's strength has firmly occupied the first echelon of veteran adventurers, even if it is not far behind "LV.5", but she is only one person after all, not a well-coordinated team.

It's one thing to know the position of the dark faction, but it's another thing to be ambushed or not.

"...I'll figure it out myself."

Lyu looked away.

Aisi still stared straight at the elf girl.

"The power of a teacher cannot be used indiscriminately."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Miss Leon has also noticed it? During the battle, there is a bloodthirsty tyrannical force affecting you. If you don't control it, you may become a beast addicted to killing and fighting..."

Ai Si thought it was the power given by Luo Pei himself, but the reality was far from it.

It was something that flowed from the soul contract, and its quality was so weak that even Lopez himself didn't notice it, and Yog didn't even care about these trivial things.

But even this little bit is completely enough to influence an ordinary mortal girl.

"It's all said, I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Miss Leon..."

Ace took a step back calmly.

"...Please put down your weapons first."

Lyu was startled when she didn't know when she had pointed the long knife at the blond girl.

With some embarrassment, she withdrew her weapon, and the tone of the elf girl calmed down a little.

"Sorry... I didn't mean it, I just lost control of my emotions."

"This is one of its effects." Aisi said: "I have also endured the teacher's power like you, compared to you who have systematically learned how to control it. If you don't mind, please let me walk with you. "

"The power of God Rope, no wonder my physical strength recovers so quickly..."

Lyu also thought that it must be a problem with the contract.

She looked up and down at O'Lari's famous sword girl at this time.

"If you insist on following me, I have nothing to do with the strongest adventurer. But is it really okay for you to leave the rest of the Loki family behind like this? They are your companions, aren't they?"

"They are going to Rivera Town soon, and maybe they will return to the surface after a while. Compared to them, I think Miss Leon may need me more."


After careful consideration, Lyu no longer refused to turn around and walk forward.

Ais followed closely, following her one step behind Lyu.

"How did Miss Leon get involved with the teacher?"

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