The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1753

Based on Jia Ling's observations, the performance of that person should be around four digits.

But for some reason, he was able to maintain his aura over Taisui Xingjun and Taishan Fujun under the attack of two gods and dragons of the same rank. As for the actions of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, they would be taken away by young people every time understatement like cutting wheat.

"This time it's... the spiritual status of the Indian gods. Nordic, Bible, Far East... how could it be possible for gods with so many compound spiritual status to come to the upper level? And also show the particularity of restraint against gods and Buddhas?"

Composite gods mostly refer to things that have been pieced together under the communication of the times.

Although this kind of deities can barely be classified as "natural gods and Buddhas", most of their strength is really hard to compliment, and they are not worthy of the title of the strongest "natural born gods and Buddhas".

But the scene in front of him broke Jialing's inherent cognition.

Hakoniwa is really a magical place where anything can happen.

Seeing such a strong support, Jialing also temporarily let go of his worries and waited quietly for the recovery of his injuries.

Life should not die, it is probably the current situation.

The girl of Dapeng Garuda is relieved, but on the contrary, it represents the troubles of Taisui Xingjun and Taishan Fujun.

They couldn't know where the strange god in front of them came from, but the opponent's strength was unquestionable, and the effect achieved by the cooperation of various spirits was far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.

Especially the golden sword of Yanling.

Words are weapons, tampering with the core of gods and Buddhas, and sealing their godheads.

Holding the book in hand, Lord Taishan knocked down the golden sword rain that was more annoying than flies one after another. At the same time, he felt the constant seal of the godhead in his body, and his serious expression finally loosened.

"Isn't this the power of Di Shitian?"

"Not only Indra, Baal and Susanoo are also involved, and... Rama."

Xinghai Dragon King looked around cautiously, and there were golden oceans everywhere.

Why is it so familiar?

Where did I see such power?

I have definitely seen it, absolutely impossible to forget it, and even discussed the matter of composite gods with the gods a long time ago...

The sense of uneasiness in the dark makes Tai Sui Xingjun restless, and the unknown unknown surrounds its mind, making it intermittent in attack and defense. Damage occurs.

""Slaughter Demon Lord" Rama? "

The emperor-like middle-aged man frowned slightly.

"The spirit of the South Asian brave man is also on him. Xing Jun, this matter is not easy."

"...Well, I think so too."

Xinghai Dragon King took a deep breath, and the roaring dragon's breath instantly blew away the golden sword rain surrounding them.

"The question is, why did such a powerful compound god remain silent until today? I think such a blatant display of complex spirituality is because the other party intends to hide their identity."

"The mask on his face is enough to show that the other party doesn't want us to know his true identity."

After the golden sword rain dissipated, the black-haired youth stood above the atmosphere in the clear sky.

Wind, rain, thunder, and the endless power of the weather are firmly held in his hands, and the wild thunder and lightning emit blinding brilliance.

"Heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court, the dragon of the evil star Tai Sui, and the Lord of Mount Tai who is in charge of yin and yang, do you only have this level?"

Rope's voice is always a little smiley.

It's just that compared with the gentleness he faced the girl not long ago, today's smile is only ironic and sarcasm.

"With this little power, you want to arrest Monkey King who is a half star spirit on Earth. To be honest, I think you guys are a little naive."

"What should we do, we don't need you to beak!"

Lord Taishan opened the book.

"Unfamiliar devil king, let me reveal the truth hidden under your mask. No matter what kind of conspiracy you have, you will have nothing to hide in front of me!"

Day breaks yang, night breaks yin. The authenticity is weighed, and the power is fair. Judgment of yin and yang, squinting at the details.

Among the powers and duties of the Lord Taishan, the most famous is the ability to "censor".

As the scrolls were flipped, Lord Taishan, who had gained knowledge through his life, gradually became embarrassing.

No matter how he used divination and spells to infer, he still couldn't know the true identity of the person in front of him. The blank volume seemed to be mocking his magnificent words just now.

No, just nothing. No, it is unknown.


With a chuckle, countless thunderbolts gathered in Luo Pei's palm, turning into a strange trident.

The maroon trident looks like a rusty broken copper handle, only the bright red snare drum tied to the long handle can add a bit of color.

Seeing the trident, Xinghai Dragon King's eyes widened instantly.

It no longer thinks about the origin of the weird and confused feeling as if it has forgotten something important, and the huge dragon body moves at a speed that does not conform to the laws of physics.

——"Void Star. Tai Sui".

Simulate the radiography of the star map to play a role.

Before the masked youth threw the trident towards Lord Taishan, "Void Star. Tai Sui" weakened the spirit power that Luo Pei was using, weakening its power a little.

But even so, the trident still broke through the speed of the fifth universe, and flew in front of Lord Taishan in the blink of an eye.

"This is, Shiva's..."

The majestic destructive force acted on Taishan Fujun's chest, pushing him to the ground like a nail.

Then came the Destructive Storm composed of thunder and lightning.

With the blessing of Luo Pei's spiritual power at this moment, the trident born out of the power of "Holy King" Rama has long been no longer the same as before.

The entire outer gate was shrouded in the aura of thunder and lightning destruction, and there was no need for miscellaneous fish on the battlefield on the upper floor. Except for some with special spiritual status, all the heavenly soldiers and generals were caught in the aftermath and turned into dust.

"……who are you?"

Tai Sui Xingjun watched the black-haired youth in front of him vigilantly, and asked in a dull voice.

"Why do I have that weird feeling about you?"

"You will know, but not now, Tai Sui. This is my decision."

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