The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1754

Luo Pei looked at the shapeless land, and the Taishan Mansion who was miserable at the center of the earth.

Immediately, he stopped his plan to continue wreaking havoc, and walked in front of Jialing who was defended with golden-winged fire.

"Eh? Wait..."


Before the girl could speak, Luo Pei grabbed Jia Ling's arm, and then the two disappeared in front of the Xinghai Dragon King.

The upset old dragon didn't chase after it, it slowly landed on the ground and lifted Lord Taishan out of the center of the earth.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem...Thank you, Mr. Xing."

In the end, with the identity of the God of Death, even though his chest was pierced and his spiritual status was severely damaged, Lord Taishan still maintained his sanity, but his complexion was a little pale.

"Just now it was Lord Shiva's godhead weapon "Binaka", I won't admit it wrong..."

"The other party left with Garuda's daughter."

"I was able to take one of the seven days by coincidence and strengthen our morale, but in the end, it was snatched away by unknown people halfway."

Lord Taishan sighed, but found that the old dragon seemed to be a little lost in thought.

"Mr. Xing?"

"...I have to leave for a while."

Xinghai Dragon King said.

"It seems that I have been cursed by an unknown strange curse. I must find out about this matter. Taoism will soon have a god to replace me. Lord Taishan, you will go to those gods to discuss the face of "Seven Days" Great Sage" countermeasures. "


Lord Taishan did not ask why, but simply handed over.

"It's my regret that I can't work with Xingjun. With unknown forces joining, my dignity as a pioneer is no longer important. I will immediately notify the heavenly court and Buddhism to let the main force enter."

"Except for the three emperors who left the box garden, the only one who can be equal to the Monkey King is the "Ziwei Emperor Zhongtian North Pole". For Buddhism, who will they send? "

"Pharmacist Lapis Light King Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva."


The old dragon moved his body, ready to leave.

Before the campaign against the Seven Heavens Demon King officially started, the Heavenly Court suffered a huge loss.

All from a sudden strange devil.

Chapter 29: The Actor Demon King’s Poaching Behavior

Four digits, seven seven six nine outer door.

After leaving the battlefield, Luo Pei took Jia Ling relaxed and comfortable, and went straight through several outer doors like an outing, and came to this space that seemed not to be touched by vulgar things.

In front of a large waterfall, emerald green forests are intertwined around, the river is crystal clear, and from time to time there are a few deer with fluorescent lights on their heads running and playing.

Luo Pei put the Jialing on the ground, then ignored the girl who was a little uncomfortable by the space transfer, and went straight to the river.

"Hey...cough cough, don't you plan to say something?"

Jialing rubbed his grasped arm, staring at the black-haired young man who was fetching water by the river with his beautiful eyes.

That god was so powerful that it was unbearable for her to be a demigod.

"I can tell from the way you wear a mask that you don't intend to reveal your identity, but there must be a reason for you to help me, right?"

Rope didn't answer.

He filled the bamboo tube that he took out out of thin air with water, heated it up, walked to Jialing and handed it over.

"Drink some hot water and calm down." He said, "Don't worry about someone chasing you. Lord Taishan was severely damaged. That old dragon was caught in a cycle of "unknown" because of my traits. It is estimated that it is unlikely to participate in your affairs. "

I don't know if it's because the injury from the previous beating hasn't fully recovered, Jia Ling was dizzy after listening to Luo Pei's words.

But then the girl realized that the person in front of her didn't answer her question at all.

She put down the bamboo tube in her hand and stood up, her face full of vigilance.

"If you want to have a good conversation, the most important thing is to be open and honest. If you continue to behave like this, don't blame me for being ruthless and ignoring your favor for helping me!"

"All right……"

Rope sighed.

He reached for his mask.

Probably driven by the atmosphere, Jialing was a little nervous, as if there was some invisible truth hidden under that mask.

When the mask was taken off, her lungs almost exploded.

There is still a mask under the mask, but the pattern is a little different.

"Sorry, I just want to change the mask."

Seeing the girl's anger rising wildly, Luo Pei shrugged.

"Don't pay too much attention to my identity. If you feel that you can't convince yourself, then treat me as a passing Kamen Rider, a hero who can't see a girl being bullied by a mob."


"Of course it's a lie. You'd be an idiot if you believed me."

Suppressing his anger, Jialing supported his forehead.

"...For the sake of you saving me, I don't care so much. Thank you for your action this time, I have to go back to Sister Dasheng and the others quickly."

"Just two pioneers make you so hard, the "Seven Heavens Great Sage" is not an organization of the same level as the Heavenly Court, Taoism, and Buddhism. Luo Pei shook his head and said, "Even if you brothers and sisters join forces to fight against the enemy, as long as the enemy is serious, you will soon be defeated." There is also "Twelve Days of Dharma Protection", they will not sit back and watch you wreak havoc. "

"According to what you mean, we don't do anything now, just wait for death?"

Jialing retorted.

"The moment we choose to become the devil king, we knew what kind of end we would end up in. But even so, we have to prove to those unreasonable gods and Buddhas that Sister Dasheng is not born evil, and we have our own qualities that cannot be underestimated." His dignity and honor!"

Even if it's hell ahead, let's fall together hand in hand.

This is the consciousness that everyone in the Seven Heavenly Saints should do well.

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