The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1755

"The awareness is commendable, and I also believe that you will cause a lot of trouble to those guys."

Rope said.

"But have you ever considered that maybe at some point, your own existence will hinder Monkey King?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's very simple. If I didn't show up this time, what would your recklessness lead to? Being captured by Lord Taishan and Taisui Xingjun, do you think your older brothers and sisters will just sit back and watch your little sister do nothing? Of course not. , They will definitely do everything they can to save you, just like you did when you saved Monkey King."

Luo Pei said slowly, cooling down Jia Ling's enthusiasm.

"Then, all the plans had to be overthrown and restarted because of your behavior. Facing enemies with high-level forces far superior to yours in this way is almost a way of death. They will definitely set up an ambush around you and collapse in one fell swoop." Seven Heavenly Saints". "

Jia Ling was like a proud divine bird that was drenched in water, and his aura suddenly became like a drowned rat.

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

"I, I know that I am impulsive and a little messy, but haven't I learned my lesson..."

"You didn't understand what I meant." Luo Pei said, "I mean, your strength is still not enough. Once the enemy dispatches a three-digit strength, everyone except Monkey King will become yours." short board."

The girl looked at Luo Pei suspiciously.

"You want us to ask other people for help?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jia Ling shook his head and said.

"No one from the gods with origins will come to help the devil, especially if we are in an alliance with the three great gods."

"Then you can go to the Demon King."

"Other demon kings? Forget it, every demon king has his own persistence, looking for them might as well wait for the gods to go crazy."

"Cough cough."

Rope coughed lightly and pointed at himself.

"Jialing, don't you have one in front of you? I am very happy to be an ally of the "Seven Heavens". "

"Who told you to call me by my name... Besides, isn't your strength similar to mine? Although you are a bit exaggerated as a composite god."

"I'm not alone."

Although his face was covered by a mask, Jialing clearly felt the young man in front of him smiling.

"Although I don't know many people, I still have some confidence in finding a demon king who is willing to help you and has absolute deterrence."


"Vientiane Useless."

Hearing this name, Jialing shuddered.

The girl blinked and took two steps back involuntarily.

"Couldn't you be... that guy's subordinate?"

The final trial of human beings is different from these demon kings, they are real godslayers and destroyers.

Especially the Vientiane Useless (Vientiane Useless) standing at the top. When Jialing was still young, he often heard the horror of that demon king mentioned by the Tianlongbabu people.

"You can think of it that way, but there are some differences."

Luo Pei lied without psychological pressure.

"He is a very special final trial. He will not be bound by his own characteristics, and he is very willing to participate in this kind of thing. With his presence, at least most of the high-level existences in heaven, Buddhism, and Taoism will not dare to act without authorization."

"So we can win?"

Jia Ling couldn't help asking.

The ensuing silence immediately weakened the girl's excitement.

"...Okay, I'm just kidding."

"It's not difficult for "Universal Useless" to wipe out the gods, but I don't think even if you are a demon king, you don't want to see that scene. For that represents the unfolding of the most terrifying final trials of humanity. "

Rope continued.

"And you are allied with me... I mean my master, he may be able to save you from the final fate of the devil king, and still get a good ending after the riot."

"What would it take for the "Seven-day Great Sage" to convince you that "Vientiane is useless"? "

"You promised to form an alliance with humanity in the final trial?"

"Is there no other good way?" Jia Ling hugged one leg and sat on the rock: "Of course, this is just my arbitrary decision. Brothers and sisters may disagree, after all, the name of the final trial of human beings... ...So, if I can pay the price you mentioned, I am willing to reach an agreement and alliance with you to relieve the pressure on my brother and sister."

"What a coincidence, what I want is to get it from you."

"Okay, then... wait."

Jialou crossed his arms and stared at the young man in front of him very vigilantly.

"You don't want me, do you?"

"You can say that, but it's definitely not what you think in your head, Miss Satori."


"I want you to abandon the title of "Great Sage Hunting Sky" after everything is over, and join my community. "

Luo Pei popped out a badge, and Jia Ling reached out to catch it.

The pattern of the Two-Faced Tree is etched on it.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, I just want you to give up the title of "Huntian Great Sage", it doesn't let you completely cut off the bond with your brothers and sisters, you can meet them at any time. "

"...the community of the final trial of mankind?"

"Unbelievable, isn't it? But it's the truth."

Rope said.

Jia Ling thought for a long time, and finally nodded with a rather reluctant expression.

"Abandoning one's own flag... It is indeed worthwhile to gain the support of a demon king of the level of "Vientiane Useless". In this way, it can be ensured that Heavenly Court, Taoism, and Buddhism will not dispatch high-level forces, right? "

"Absolutely. I don't think those guys would take the "Universal Useless" moniker as a deaf ear. "

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