The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1756

Luo Pei deceived Jia Ling.

The Buddhist sect has ghosts in their hearts, and they will definitely release water in a flood-like manner to conquer the Seven Heavens, and will only force the Equaling Heaven to submit.

Needless to say, Taoism, with the core ideas of that sect's "inaction", "let nature take its course" and "harmonize with the way of heaven", if it is not for the integration with the heaven, they will not participate in this matter at all.

After all the calculations, only the Heavenly Court will take it seriously, because the Jade Emperor really wanted to kill the Great Sage Qitian.

In other words, Luo Pei only needs to deal with the high-level people in the heavenly court to harvest Jialing, and even get people into his own hands after the Monkey King belongs to Buddhism.

A sure-fire deal.


Jialing readily agreed.

"I agree to your terms. Now you can at least tell me your name and take off that damned mask of yours?"

"The name is Kamen Rider, and the mask cannot be removed."

Soon, the forest at the outer gate was set on fire by the unbearable girl.

The Dapeng Garuda is a very fiery race.

Chapter 30 In society, you monkey sister, people talk harshly a lot

When Luo Pei followed Jialing to the outer gate where the "Seven Heavenly Sage" was, all he could see were ghosts, orcs, spirits and the like.

Before the "Seven Heavens Great Sage" became the devil king, it was an alliance community that guided non-human beings to achieve merit. It is not surprising that they were able to gather the hearts of so many monsters after the uprising.

Seeing those spirits dressed mostly with oriental characteristics, Luo Pei also secretly thought about whether to change into a more down-to-earth ancient robe.

But just thinking about it, his temperament is not suitable for wearing that kind of clothes.

"I will introduce you to the Yi brothers and explain the alliance between "Wanxiang Wuyong" and us, but don't tell us about the deal between us, or my brothers will not let it go. "

The bright and beautiful daughter of the bird, Jialing walked in the base camp of the Seven Heavenly Saint, whispering the precautions to Luo Pei.

"Also, I don't care what your real name is, even if you make it up, make it up for me! Kamen Rider? What kind of name is that..."

"Do you have the right to say that about me?"

The eyes under Luo Pei's mask pierced through the barrier and squinted at Jia Ling.

""Peng Demon King" doesn't seem to be a serious name. "

"It's not that I want to be called that!"

Jia Ling almost jumped up as if being stepped on a sore foot, and stared at the black-haired young man.

"The name of a lady is not something that can be sung by the world casually! Besides, those vulgar people always only see my blood at first sight, and the Garuda was just taken as the Peng Demon King. I am I want to be called Qiong Demon King or Miaoyi King, but how can Youyou's mouth let me decide?"

"Then do you think Jialing sounds better, or Peng Demon King?"

"Of course it's Kaling!"

"Okay, then I'll call you Little Jialing from now on."


The hot-tempered Jia Ling wanted to explode again, but then he thought about it, if the mysterious guy in front of him called her "Peng Demon King", there would always be an indescribable awkwardness.

Then she lowered her head dejectedly, and reluctantly accepted the other party's boudoir name.

"...Do as you like." She said weakly, "Do you need me to introduce you to the members of the "Seven Heavens Saints"? "

"I don't think so. I have heard of your names and experiences."


Even the subordinates of "Wanxiang Wuyong" have heard of the title of "Seven Heavens Great Sage". Thinking of this, Jialing puffed out his chest proudly.

It's quite a feeling of being recognized by the old seniors.

Soon, Jia Ling brought Luo Pei to the Cang Grotto in the base camp.


The Bull Demon King looked up and saw Jia Ling, and was slightly taken aback.

"Where have you been all this time? I heard that the members of your "Huntian Dasheng" community returned and reported that the outer gates were burned by divine fire and thunder, and there was no one. I thought you and Tai Sui Xingjun After the battle, something happened and they caught him. "

"There are, there are various reasons, Brother Yi."

Jia Ling poked his finger awkwardly.

"Although many variables have occurred, all in all, I have completed the task and helped you clear up many heavenly soldiers and generals..."

"Hahaha, as long as you come back safely, little sister Jialing."

The airy sage macaque king is still holding a jar of spirits, as if inseparable from intoxicating alcohol.

He kept scanning Luo Pei behind Jia Ling with his eyes, and asked.

"Jaling, don't you want to introduce some of the god you brought back? It doesn't look like a simple guy."

"Oh? I don't know how the macaque king saw that I am not a simple guy?"

Rope asked back with a smile.

The macaque king took a sip of wine and laughed.

"It's so simple! Ordinary guys wouldn't walk into the lair of our "Seven Heavens". We are at war with heaven, Taoism, and Buddhism. Now it is too late for most of the community to hide from us. How could they take the initiative to come to the door. "

Jia Ling coughed twice, put on a smile and introduced.

"Brothers, this is the helper I want to recommend to you. On the battlefield of the Seven Seven Eighty Six Outer Sect, he helped me who was in a very critical situation and defeated Lord Taishanfu and Taisui Xingjun."

"You have this strength?"

The expression of Jiaoliu, the great sage who overwhelmed the sea, changed, and a pair of dragon pupils kept looking at Luo Pei.

But obviously, under the influence of Rope's traits, he can't see anything at all.

"The meaning of the Jiao Demon King's words is that he is questioning your little sister's lying, and you still think that I have used some illusion to deceive the Great Sage Huntian?"

"……That was not what I meant."

Jiao Liu also realized that his rhetorical question was a little impolite, so he bowed his hands and saluted without a trace of arrogance.

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