The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1770

"Hey. Isn't it because he hasn't started the trial yet? Do you see other gods making moves? You are in a hurry."


"Heavenly Court is contaminated with too many elements of human history, making you all look like gods and people." The old man sighed and said, "But there is nothing you can do about it. The inevitable observation of human history, the personification of gods, and The gift of God bestowed upon man... a catastrophe."

Hearing this, Emperor Donghua looked embarrassed.

He came to ask for help, but he didn't expect Taiqing Daode Tianzun to deal with him in such a way.

Suddenly thinking of the theme of gods in Taoism, Donghua Emperor was silent.

Pure inaction and non-competition, follow nature, follow the trend of the sky, and use nature to enlighten all things.

But it is also because this teaching is too refined and cannot conform to the impetuous heart of the world, so there is a saying about the fusion of heaven and Taoism.

The corner of Emperor Donghua's mouth twitched.

"Tianzun, you have to give us a way?"

Taishang Laojun looked at the sky, as if Danyan was more attractive than Donghua Emperor.

After a long time, the old man spoke slowly in an anxious tone.

"Don't rush, don't rush, take your time, the Heavenly Court will survive, just face the catastrophe and changes..."

Said is the same as not said.

Emperor Donghua wanted to speak again, but Taiqing Daode Tianzun suddenly waved his whisk.

"Back off, there are villains coming here."

In the blink of an eye, Emperor Donghua disappeared into Lihentian.

Taishang Laojun shook his head and stood up, hammering his old waist.

"Let an old man who is about to retire from the profession of gods and Buddhas have no leisure, really..."

In the smoke, the black-haired young man approached step by step, with an extremely terrifying unknown dark breath, blowing away most of the blue smoke from Lihentian, and even the screaming fairy beasts were scared to run away.

"'Everything is useless' Rope. "

"'Taiqing' Daodetian...Forget it, let me call me Taishang Laojun. "

The supreme god of Taoism, the ultimate trial of the most vicious human beings.

The two outstanding figures in the two-digit "full power field" finally met in Lihentian.

Chapter Thirty-Eighth: The Meeting between the Most Demonic Demon and the Taoist Ancestor

The two-digit three-three outer door, in the Tushita Palace of Lihentian, the supreme god of Taoism and the final trial of human beings sit opposite each other.

Taishang Laojun lightly shook the dust, and the gossip copper furnace opened, and a few fragrant medicinal pills floated out of the furnace, and they were clearly arranged in the wooden box in front of Luo Pei.


Taishang Laojun said slowly.

"It has been more than 10,000 years since my two fellow practitioners left Xiaoting Garden. During this period, this is the first time that this Lihen Tiandoushi Palace has received people other than Taoist gods. .”

The black-haired young man took a pill without hesitation and took it.

The fragrance melts from the mouth to the whole body in an instant, and the charm is long and endless.

"Heh. Swallowing a golden elixir into my stomach, I realized that my fate was beyond my control."

Rope smiled lightly.

"Taoism follows nature, and the elixir refined by Daozu himself is already a treasure that many immortals of the elixir school dream of."

In the mythological system of Taoism, the Dan faction is a faction with a long history.

It is rumored that Liu An, king of Huainan, took the golden elixir and ascended to heaven alone. Therefore, in the alchemy school of Hakoniwa Taoism, the incomparable elixir is the fastest and best way to obtain the spiritual status of "immortal". The spirit status of "immortal" is also another promotion path that is popular among the lower classes besides "divine status" in Little Garden.

Of course, for Luo Pei now, these golden pills are nothing more than delicious jelly beans.

"Old gentleman, I have been refining the alchemy for a lifetime, and I have received countless praises from others, but I never thought that one day I would hear the praise from a human being who has finally tried it, the most demonic demon."

Taishang Laojun stroked his long beard and smiled.

"Everything is useless. The disaster you have caused in the lower realms recently is not small. Not only is the heavenly court terrified, but even the emperor Ziwei Beibei of Zhongtian died in your hands, killing the spirit of the star that has no beginning and no end. I also To see it differently."

"Don't be humble. If Daozu takes action, it is not difficult to do similar things."

The old man smiled and shook his head.

"Everything has a destiny, nature and me, and I and nature. Those who should not die will naturally be able to save themselves from danger. Those who deserve to die will not escape death even if their fate is added to them. I will just let nature take its course and do nothing all the time. Nature will not be interfered with by external forces."

The core idea of ​​Taoism is nature. As the incarnation of nature, how could Taiqing violate the essence of his birth.

"Before the four emperors were classified into the heavenly court, they were the four emperors of Taoism. Even the origin of the Jade Emperor was also in Taoism. Daozu really saw it, and was willing to ignore the death of the former god of the same religion?"

Rope asked playfully.

Unexpectedly, Taishang Laojun's laughter became even louder.

"Do you want me, Laojun, to burst into anger immediately and fight with you in Lihentian? Since you said it was once, why should I worry about it, Laojun?"

Once two words are enough to explain Taiqing's attitude.

The old man flicked the dust again, lowered his eyes, and continued talking whether it was joy or sorrow.

"Gods and immortals revolve around the history of mankind. Did the thousands of human history make the gods? Or the gods made the glory of human history? Laojun has been thinking about this matter, but in the end he underestimated its rotation. The god of Taoism , no longer Taoism. The god of heaven is the god of man. If you can’t go back, just walk along the river.”

Primitive Taoism is completely in line with the theory of ethereal nature and inaction.

But human beings are not that simple. They use their own ideas to add attributes and responsibilities to the gods.

Roughly speaking, doesn't Heaven look like a large human dynasty?

Emperor, empress. Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals. Tianguan, Tiansi. The gods perform their duties just like human beings, so they are not so much gods, but basically the personification of gods.

However, this is not the exclusive relationship between Taoism and heaven, almost all the gods and gods in human history look like this.

"The Taoist ancestor is free and easy."

"How can I be free and easy." Taishang Laojun shook his head: "If I were really free and easy, I should leave Xiaoting like my two fellow practitioners, out of sight and out of mind. Sigh... Tai Sui Xingjun is about to fall Because of the devil, perhaps in the end, Taoism can only leave traces on the way of "immortals". "

Rope fully understands this statement.

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