The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1771

In later generations, the number and scale of Buddhist temples were far greater than those of Taoist temples. The folks only know that Guanyin is worshiped at home, but they don't know where the Taoist spirit returns. Some are just personified door gods, land gods, and kitchen princes.

Even if there are some people who still admire the original Taoism, it is really pitifully small compared to the large base.

"Don't Daozu want to change this phenomenon?"

Rope asked

Taishang Laojun smiled slightly, and the moon-white round light behind him shone brightly on the Sifang Tushita Palace.

"Why do you need to change something? It's natural, and external force is against the foundation of Taoism. Everything is useless, so you don't need to make such excuses. If you are willing to change, why do you have to sit and hate the sky for thousands of years?"

"It looks like our negotiations have failed?"

"Talk, but no words come out. How can you know failure if you don't talk?"

"Okay. Since the Taoist ancestor said so, then I want the Monkey King, the half-star spirit of the earth, to sit on the Jade Emperor."

Rope said.

"I don't care for the famous Jade Emperor, and it's hard to be a gift. I won't start a full-scale killing of the heavens. I hope that you, Taiqing Daodetian, can come forward to appease those who welcome the new and old dynasties as the supreme god of Taoism. Alternate Heavenly Soldiers, Generals and Officials."


Taishang Laojun simply exceeded Luo Pei's imagination.

The old man shook his head, with a frivolous long beard.

"If you want me to get rid of this old face, it's fine. Monkey King himself, as the star spirit of the earth, has the qualifications to sit on the Jade Emperor. But everything is useless, I want you to agree to Laojun's two conditions."

"Tell me, what are the two conditions?"

"One is to tame the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, so that she has the virtues that match the throne. Adjust the affairs of the heavens, and become the righteous Jade Emperor, not a rebellious demon emperor."

"Hmph, I believe that Wild Lolita will do better than the current Jade Emperor, at least she is not a guy whose eyes cannot hold sand."

Rope sneered.

"I agree to the first condition, and tell you the second condition."

"That is to make Laojun I trust you, everything is useless."

Taishang Laojun danced his whisk lightly, and in an instant, the entire Lihentian star began to change.

All the smoke disappeared, and the mountains, rivers, and land moved in the form of Taiji Bagua, and the power of the full power domain was undoubtedly displayed.

Even behind Taiqing Daode Tianzun himself, the hazy light of yin and yang Pisces gradually appeared.

This is the manifestation of the spiritual personality of a two-digit Supreme God.

"After all, you bear the identity of the final trial of human beings. Natural calculations are not beyond the unknown. The theory of human beings' uselessness comes from outside the wall. Although the old man is pure and inactive, he does not want to see human history suffer tragically." Tiandong said "The fate has been broken, and you are left with "everything is useless". You have to let Laojun see that I can cooperate with you. "

Hearing this, Luo Pei's smile gradually grew stronger.

He stood up from the futon and looked at the supreme Taoist god in front of him.

"Would you like to challenge me?"


Taiqing Daode Tianzun spread his palms, and the endless fresh air rushed straight into the sky.

There is the core cosmology of the gods, and it is the most fundamental cosmology of Taoism.

"This is my Tao Te Ching, please let Wanxiang useless enter it. "

The simulated star creation map "Tao Te Ching" held by the supreme god of Taoism.

It can almost be said that it stands at the apex of all the universe views of Hakoniwa, and it is the simulated star creation map that most represents Hakoniwa's three thousand worlds.

Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be named, very famous. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, nameless, the mother of all things. A Tao Te Ching contains all the teachings of morality.

"It really has the style of fairy tales..."

Rope flexed his neck.

"Please enter the urn, please? Okay, I will also agree to your second request."


As soon as Taishang Laojun finished speaking, the unknown black mist that covered everything poured into the simulated star creation map in his hand.

The huge pressure even made Taishang Laojun hold back the simulated star creation map.

Like eternity and Xu Sou, Laojun sat with his eyes closed, without any movement.

When the pill smoke in the Bagua copper furnace of Tushita Palace rose for the second time, a black blurred figure left from the "Tao Te Ching".

The figure slowly turned into a handsome black-haired young man with the same smile.

"In this way, does it count as a trust between us?" Luo Pei asked.

Laojun opened his eyes, looked at the "Tao Te Ching" which was dim and gradually recovering, and smiled with satisfaction.

"The uselessness of Vientiane has been proved, so Laojun will naturally not break his promise. When the Monkey King steps into the sky, and after the grievances are cleared away, the Jade Emperor will belong to her."

"Ha, then I won't stay for long."

With that said, Luo Pei was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute."

Taishang Laojun elongated his tone and stopped Luo Pei's footsteps.

The black-haired young man turned his head suspiciously, only to find that the old man was looking at him with a smile.

"Come here, bring something before you go. Otherwise, the lower level will say that I have lost my courtesy to Lihentian, and it can be regarded as the heaven I evolved for Taoism. They made compensation for Qitian Dasheng and others."

Taishang Laojun waved his hand, and in the gossip furnace, more than two digits of pills flew into Luo Pei's palm.

"Since the fellow practitioner left, no one has enjoyed the pills that Laojun has refined for tens of thousands of years, and they have piled up into mountains. You can take some back, so that Laojun can clear the inventory for me."

"...Thank you."

After Luo Pei left, Taishang Laojun closed his eyes and meditated for a while.

After opening his eyes, the old man sighed helplessly, and got up to clean up the alchemy furnace like a mortal.

"The useless things of Vientiane are over, what's the point of staying in this Little Garden? Forget it, just like my fellow practitioners, let's choose a suitable time to leave as soon as possible..."

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