The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1773


Luo Pei stood up and approached the blonde loli step by step.

Then he held the half star spirit of the earth in his hands like a kitten.

"Before we go to heaven together, I want to make sure you have what it takes to reach the top. Don't complain, I'm impatient to teach, but that's how it is, let's work together."

"Brothers, save me!"

The blond loli opened her teeth and claws to escape, but Luo Pei held her firmly in her hands.

Both Jiao Liu and Jia Ling shook their heads, and the Macaque King drank with a smile.

Bull Demon King said.

"It's also good for you to learn more, if you become the Jade Emperor but make a fool of yourself, then not only you, but also our title of "Seven Heavens Great Sage" will be ashamed. Let them see the pattern with the existence of the "King's Tool"! "

"You wait! When I become the Jade Emperor, I'll wear small shoes for you!"

"Let's talk about it then."

After Luo Pei captured Monkey King, the demon kings met each other for a while, and they all laughed happily.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect... After becoming the devil king, we can still have the situation we are today."

Tears came out of Jialing's smile, but he couldn't tell whether it was joy or sorrow.

I thought this would be the same in this life, living brilliantly, dying without regrets, being conquered after preaching ideas in the body of a demon king.

But after their new brother-in-law, Wanxiang Wuyong appeared, everything turned around, and they were even able to touch the high position of the Jade Emperor, and then turned from the demon king back to the gods and Buddhas.

"These are all thanks to brother Yi."

Jiao Liu sighed.

"Brother Yi is to us, no less than the grace of reinvention. We will never forget this grace until the end of eternity!"

"me either!"

The macaque king nodded vigorously.

"It's natural to never forget kindness and righteousness." Bull Demon King said with a smile: "When the lion camel and marmoset come back to life, we must talk to them about what happened these days, and they will definitely be deeply moved."

"Before the brother-in-law teaches the sister-in-law homework, let's not be idle, and get ready for a tough battle with heaven and Buddhism."

The macaque king raised the wine jar, and his momentum rose sharply.

"You can't kill too many! Those guys who are enemies now may have to rely on our face to make a living in the future! Haha!"

The Cang Cave is filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

In sharp contrast to the "Seven Heavenly Saints", it is the heaven at this moment.

In Lingxiao Palace, all the gods and spirits in the heaven were silent.

Jade Emperor Dadi walked back and forth in front of the throne, stopped and frowned and asked Emperor Donghua.

"Donghua, are you serious?"

"I don't know the details."

Emperor Donghua smiled wryly.

"Heavenly Venerable only said, 'Evil guests come to your door'. But the existence that can be called the evil guest by Tianzun, counting the box gardens, and removing the gods who have nothing to do with this matter, only human beings are left to finally try "everything is useless". "

"What happened to Lihentian? Why is it useless for Taishang Laojun to receive Vientiane?"

The Jade Emperor thought deeply.

This is a heavenly official who came out and comforted him.

"Please don't worry, Jade Emperor. You are the lord of heaven appointed by Taoist ancestor. Even if you break away from Taoism, Taoist ancestor will protect you. Presumably at this moment in Lihentian, Taoist ancestor has already started a battle with that demon that we don't know about." Uncertain. If the game of "Full Power Domain" takes place inside Little Garden, it will definitely bring destruction. Daozu probably also considered this point, so we can't receive any news. "

"Well, that's all I can think about."

The Jade Emperor nodded, and immediately picked up the imperial decree on the jade table.

"Since Daozu made a move, we can't continue to stand still. Vientiane Wuyou is not by the side of the "Seven Heavens". We immediately prepare all the heavenly soldiers and generals to put a stop to this farce to comfort Emperor Ziwei and Lord Taishan. die! Contact Buddhism, let Sakyamuni Buddha also get ready. "


The turmoil between heaven, Taoism, Buddhism, and demon kings is about to clear the clouds and mist to see the bright moon.

Chapter 40 Raising the Banner of Rebellion to the Emperor of the Sky

Luo Pei and Monkey King stayed in the bedroom for about a month.

During the period, the other demon kings didn't see any of the two coming out, and when they passed by occasionally or when the maids went to give away entertainment, they could hear the horrific screams.

Therefore, in the base camp of the "Seven Heavenly Sage", there were even rumors that the Monkey King was undergoing some kind of horrific torture.

Finally today, the not-so-long study has come to an end.

It's not that the Monkey King has fully absorbed Luo Pei's teachings, but that time has not allowed the two to continue playing the game of teacher and student leisurely.

Outside the bedroom, the Bull Demon King and Jia Ling are quietly waiting for Monkey King and Luo Pei to leave the customs. The Macaque King and Jiao Demon King have already gone to the front line of the battlefield. Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

"Sister Dasheng, are you really okay?"

Jia Ling worriedly asked the Bull Demon King.

"The last time I went to visit Sister Dasheng, she seemed to have lost weight..."

"Don't be silly, how could the protoss change its shape due to external factors." The Bull Demon King shook his head: "That's just her mental appearance under extreme fatigue... I hope my brother-in-law can make her grow a little this time, " The title of "Emperor of Heaven" is not just about the name. "

The door was pushed open, the black-haired young man rubbed his brows, and walked out of the bedroom with a lack of energy.

The Bull Demon King and Jia Ling hurried forward and asked.

"Brother Yi, what's the matter?"

"Where is Sister Dasheng? Why don't you see her?"

"Don't worry, that guy is still preparing."

Luo Pei moved his shoulders, his tone full of emotion.

"It's such a miserable scene. Although I expected that guy must be out of line with ethics, I didn't expect that the education process would be so difficult...During this period, she just wanted to escape from me. She carried out eighty-four actions, and even I don’t hesitate to open up my own game field. It’s the first time I have experienced teaching people to be so tired.”

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