The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1774

Luo Pei himself is the type who is very troublesome. In the past, no matter what he taught, he would throw out the necessary things for the teachees to comprehend by themselves, and then follow suit.

This can be regarded as his first hands-on teaching, and the result can only be said to be barely passable.

"……You have worked hard."

The Bull Demon King said sincerely, and Jia Ling nodded in sympathy.

No one knows Monkey King's wildness and playfulness better than these sworn brothers. If you want to tame her to become the Emperor of Heaven, it's not easy just thinking about it.

"It's okay, it's a result."

Rope shouted into the inside.

"Miss Yuhuang in the future, how long do you plan to keep your brothers and sisters waiting?"

"What's the rush! Cough...I mean, it will be ready soon."

Soon, a young girl came into everyone's sight with gentle steps.

The Bull Demon King's eyes widened, and Jia Ling directly covered his mouth, his face full of disbelief.

It may be a bit convoluted to explain the reason, but I can only say that the Monkey King in front of them is definitely not the Monkey King they know.

The rice ear-like blonde hair that was originally swaying in the wind was combed into straight long hair, reaching to the waist. The top of the head is adorned with cumbersome gold and jade ornaments, adding a bit of extravagance to the girl's outstanding appearance. The clothes she was wearing were also extremely extraordinary. The black and gold-based oriental elegant lady's long dress was also embroidered with phoenixes and flying dragons, as if she was about to fly out of the clouds.

There are also several kingfishers surrounding the girl.


Kaling let out an exclamation.

It was hard for her to imagine that this was the sister of the Great Sage who just pulled a piece of tiger skin and used it as a skirt. She was completely different from before. No one could refute that the Great Sage Equaling Heaven is a graceful fairy at this moment.

But that fairy rhyme lasted for about ten seconds and ended.

The kingfisher kept flying around the Monkey King, the girl frowned, and threw one bird far away with a casual grab, and the other birds also flew away in fear.

"When I put on clothes, I put on clothes, and I do the same when I dress up. I get a few birds to fly around me and do something. It's so annoying..."

The Bull Demon King and Jia Ling both breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

The young girl is still the Monkey King they are familiar with.

Looking at Monkey King's behavior, Luo Pei raised his eyes instantly.

Miss "Fairy" quickly put on a courteous smile.

"I said, Lord Yixiong, isn't this still not enthroned as the Jade Emperor? In front of my brothers again, you can let me be more casual. I swear, I will never forget the teachings you have said these days Keep it in your mind!"

"Well...forget it."

Luo Pei thought for a while and stopped pursuing this trivial matter.

He said to the demon kings.

"Everything is in order, are you ready to send troops?"


Jialing quickly replied.

"Just wait for your order from Sister Dasheng and Brother Yi, we can directly enter the battlefield and have a final battle with Heaven and Buddhism!"

"According to Jiaoliu's report, Buddhism and Heavenly Court have already assembled gods and Buddhas seven days ago, and they are also working hard to conquer us demon kings." Bull Demon King showed a bloodthirsty smile. "What they don't know is that the righteous brother has returned from Lihentian, and has reached a consensus with their biggest reliance Taiqing Daodetianzun... Haha, I really want to see the expressions of those guys after they understand the truth."

"Well, that's good."

Rope nodded.

"The high-level power base of Heavenly Court and Buddhism is greater than ours, so I will go to the frontline battlefield to clean up those guys in a symbolic way. If the follow-up is finished, since Jiutian and Jiaoliu are there, I will hand it over to them. After that, I will fight with them." After the three of you meet, we will go straight to the Nine Heavens and enter the main body of the Heavenly Court through the South Heaven Gate."

"Aren't we directly involved in the battle?"

The blond loli raised one foot and stepped on the rock, showing her beautiful white silk legs under the skirt, with an extremely excited expression.

"I can't wait to dismantle those bastards into pieces, let us directly sweep down the group of gods and Buddhas with pride, so that we can raise our power!"

"...Do you want me to review the noble gift course for you before leaving?"

"Ah! No... sorry, sorry."

Monkey King put his feet down immediately.

Rope shook his head helplessly.

"Our goal is not to kill, but to go straight to the blitzkrieg of the Jade Emperor in the center. I will go to the front to clean up the high-level forces, and it is also to relieve the pressure on Jiutian and Jiaoliu. If we kill them all, you want to be the Jade Emperor again." Is no one available after that?"

"I don't care if those guys are my younger brothers." Monkey King snorted.

"It's your freedom to change how you want to change later, but for now, they still need to support the scene."

Luo Pei glanced at the three demon kings again, and then said.

"Let's set off immediately if there is no doubt."


Pingtian; Huntian; Qitian; the monsters gathered under the banner of the three great sages dispatched in a mighty and orderly manner, leaving no room for the battlefield of gods and Buddhas.

Perhaps a large part of them will die in this war, but this still does not hinder the high morale.

With the help of Luo Peiwei, nearly 100,000 monsters and spirits arrived at the main battlefield across thousands of outer gates within tens of minutes after the call was made.

What came to the face was the grand smell of gunpowder, as well as the beauty of stars shining with various spiritual qualities.

The Flood Demon King and the Macaque King had already used their respective sponsor authority to expand their domains, and the gods and Buddhas were also not to be outdone, and the scene was so stalemate that it was outrageous.

"Let the subordinates of the community go to fight the heavenly soldiers and generals and the Buddhist gate by themselves. I will leave for a while."

"Brother Yi, take me with you."

Kaling said seriously.

"I still think, let you fight alone..."

"Who do you think I am?"

Luo Pei smiled and flicked the girl's head.

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