The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1775

"The opponents are these guys. If you follow me, it will affect my attack strength. If you are idle and ignore it, go help Jiao Liu and Jiu Tian to make a rescue, but remember to keep your strength, our goal is still above the sky."

"All right……"

In the blink of an eye, Luo Pei came to the sky.

He took a deep breath, casually dodged the swords armed with two immortal spirits, and walked towards the gods and Buddhas of the stars shining like a stroll in the courtyard.

"Compared to the posture mentioned by Tiandong last time, both your quality and quantity have dropped a lot. The natural gods and Buddhas who used to be all-powerful in Hakoniwa will also have a day of slowly declining... Ridiculous."

The leader of the Buddhist battlefield, "Future Buddha" Maitreya opened his slightly narrowed eyes, as if he was inconceivable that Luo Pei would appear here.

But then, as if thinking of something, the fat Buddha sitting on the golden lotus bowed to Luo Pei.

"It's useless for Maitreya to see everything. I've heard what the World Honored One said, please don't worry, my trip with the Buddhist sect will not be too embarrassing to the Seven Heavens, everything is as agreed..."

"In view of the agreement, I will give you a piece of advice—run away now."

Luo Pei smiled grimly and raised his right hand high.

"Now I'm a little bit more excited."

In Maitreya's horrified eyes, a pitch-black pillar rose from Luo Pei's body, directly connecting the sky and the earth.

In the range covered by the black light, no matter whether it is a fairy or a Buddha, all of them have lost their proud spiritual light.

Then, amidst that black light, another round of the sun rose.

"Everything is useless, you actually violated the agreement!"

"I did not violate the agreement, but Sakyamuni never fixed my "deterrence" to what extent. So, run away quickly. Otherwise, dying in such a place would be completely laughable! "

The black-haired young man who made up his mind to stab the Buddhist knife after the agreement said he would run away quickly, but he didn't show any intention of showing mercy.

Swipe down with your right hand.

The horror of the demise of the gods and Buddhas reappeared in the four digits of Hakoniwa.

Chapter 41: The Three-Digit Battle Above the Sea of ​​Clouds

The Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court is still so resplendent and resplendent, many times better than the dynasties in the world.

It's just that due to the incident with Emperor Ziwei, and the fact that the Heavenly Officials and Generals will be dispatched to conquer the "Seven Heavens Great Sage", the hall that was originally full of immortals and gods is a little deserted.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne, closed his eyes and meditated.

The sudden sound of hurried footsteps disrupted the emperor's thoughts.

The Jade Emperor raised his head in displeasure, and stared at the heavenly soldier who dared to trespass into the Lingxiao Palace.

The Emperor Donghua next to him reprimanded him.

"Why are you so flustered? As a heavenly soldier, knowing the law and trespassing into the Palace of High Heaven without permission, can you know that the crime will not be forgiven?"

"Please, please forgive me, Emperor Donghua!"

Tian Bing was startled, and quickly knelt down covered in cold sweat.

"It's just that something big happened, and the subordinates really didn't have time to report it, so they made such a disrespectful behavior."

"What a big deal."

"The four-digit outer sect, the current main battlefield between Buddhism and us, has been attacked by the devil!"

Tian Bing wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

"Target confirmation is the final test of human beings, "Everything is useless"! "

"What did you say!"

The Jade Emperor rose up against the case.

Tianbing was too frightened to raise his head, but fell deeply on the ground.

Emperor Donghua also gasped.

"This is impossible. He clearly met Taiqing Daode Tianzun, how could Tianzun let him leave Lihentian so easily..."

The Jade Emperor also realized his gaffe, sat back on the throne, and asked calmly.

"What about the casualties?"

"Nearly half of the Buddhas and Heavenly Officials were killed! Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva were killed on the spot! Maitreya Buddha fled back to the Buddhist Lingshan in a hurry!"


Emperor Donghua was speechless for a while.

Everyone in Lingxiao Palace was silent.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor waved his hand.

"Go down. This is a natural disaster, not something you have waited for."

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the heavenly soldiers went down, Emperor Donghua bowed his hands to the Jade Emperor and said.

"This situation is urgent! Please allow me to ask for help from the "Twelve Days of Dharma Protectors"!" At the same time, continue to visit Taiqing Daode Tianzun and ask Daozu to help! "

"Oh, protect the Dharma for twelve days."

The Jade Emperor smiled lightly, with a sarcasm in his smile.

"Do you think they don't know that Wanxiang Wuyong left their residence? Even if they didn't know at first, they should have noticed something when they killed Emperor Ziwei, but they didn't show any signs of action. Donghua, you forgot that The devil also has an identity in the Twelve Heavens. The good gods who maintain order are really ridiculous..."

"How can this be?"

Emperor Donghua gritted his teeth and said.

"Facing the final trial of mankind, how could they be so lazy and inactive!"

"Not unexpected."

The Jade Emperor shook his head.

"Ancestor Dao..." He sighed, "Ancestor Dao. Why did you tolerate the gods who once listened to your teachings and fell into such a crisis situation? Could it be that it is just a useless Vientiane that makes you think that the half-star spirits of the earth will Is it better than me? Or is this the true essence of your practice of inaction?"

"His Majesty……"

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