The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1776

"No need to persuade me, I haven't lost my fighting spirit."

The Jade Emperor rose from his throne.

"Go and inform the five great emperors, the Queen Mother of the West, Doumu Yuanjun, and Wenchang Emperor... This time, our heavenly court will take the initiative to face the final trial of that human being."

What should come, can't escape.

Before Emperor Donghua could take orders, several brilliant spiritual auras rose from the Nantian Gate.

Among them are the daughter of Garuda, the fiery soul of the Garuda Dapeng; there is also the powerful bull demon who is powerful enough to pull mountains and rivers, and mow the universe;

Of course, the most important thing is the theory of the uselessness of human beings that makes gods and Buddhas tremble.

"Hmph, is it really aimed at me?"

The Jade Emperor snorted softly, stretched out his royal clothes, and walked forward gracefully.

Emperor Donghua followed closely behind.

The two arrived at the spacious sea of ​​clouds at Nantianmen, where the gods of heaven had been waiting for a long time.

Facing the large number of them, there are only four people.

"I have heard the name for a long time, but everything is useless."

The Jade Emperor cupped his hands slightly, and said in a neutral tone.

"I don't know what you are doing in my heaven instead of staying at your 6666 outer gate?"

"Now, everyone, stop pretending, Jade Emperor."

Rope spread his hands.

"Do you want to fight alone or together? I don't care. Hurry up and end this farce, and then give up the throne of your emperor."

"That depends on whether you have the ability to take it."

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, the Heavenly Emperor, who resided in the sky, showed his spirituality.

Countless golden rays of light even covered up the rays of the sun, making the Jade Emperor even more majestic and compelling.


Rope tilted his head.

"You dare to provoke my gods in Little Garden, Jade Emperor, you are still the first, I have to say that your courage is commendable..."

"Brother Yi."

The blond loli saluted solemnly.

"Here, can you give it to me?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Originally, I really thought that we would go all the way into the Lingxiao Palace, but now standing in front of the old Jade Emperor, I have a different idea."

The girl walked forward slowly, calmly watching the ruler of the sky.

"Everything starts from me, and naturally everything will fall from me."

She said to the Jade Emperor.

"Jade Emperor, I can keep my brother-in-law from attacking, but in contrast, you have to fight one-on-one with me. It is the same three-digit number, there is no game field, and there is no restriction of Hakoniwa rules. It is the most primitive and purest In a fight, the victor is the one that wins!"

The Jade Emperor didn't agree directly, he stared straight at the Monkey King and sighed after a while.

"My premonition has always been correct, you are the type who possesses the "King's Tool" and can be used. I should have directly suppressed and sealed you in the Heavenly Court back then, otherwise I wouldn’t have become the evil king of the world at this moment, triggering such a huge upheaval in Hakoateen..."


Jialing said angrily.

"If you hadn't oppressed us, the Demon King, and wanted to force Sister Dasheng to death, how would we and Heavenly Court have come to this point!"


The Bull Demon King wanted to stop the Peng Demon King, but was thrown away by the girl.

"You kept saying that Sister Dasheng was born as a sin. In the final analysis, it's not that you are afraid of Sister Dasheng's status as a half-star spirit on earth! Talking about selfish desires so high-sounding makes me sick!"

"Enough, Kaling."

After comforting her righteous sister, the blond Lolita continued to look at the silent Jade Emperor.

"What do you think? Old Jade Emperor, if you don't agree, it doesn't matter if we just start the fight."


The Jade Emperor nodded slightly.

"Then it starts with me and ends with me."

The battlefield is the starry sky above the Nantianmen sea of ​​clouds.

The audience is a group of heavenly gods and two demon kings, a demon king who is the final trial of human beings.

There is still a mighty Buddha light rising in the distance, obviously it is Shakya Tathagata who is aware of the change of things.

In just one step, Monkey King's luxurious fairy clothes were replaced by simple turf clothes, and he was holding an iron rod made of precious iron.

But this time even if he was rude, Luo Pei didn't say anything, just sat on the sea of ​​clouds and watched quietly.

The identities of the two are destined to be a battle that will be recorded in the important history of Hakoniwa. It is unknown how much disaster the unreserved battle between the three digits will bring, at least not inferior to the ravages of the Zoroastrian evil god Azi Dakaha and the Dharma Guardian Twelve Heavens.

Neither the Monkey King nor the Jade Emperor needed to speak.

With a movement of the blonde loli's body, the light of the protoss shone brightly, and the iron rod even tore apart the virtual thread of stars in the sky, and slammed heavily on the emperor in front of him.

Not to be outdone, the Jade Emperor held up a cloud of hazy air in his right hand, and the spirits of "Supreme God" and "Almighty" shone across the sea of ​​clouds.

——Simulated Star Creation Map "Jade Emperor Sutra".

It roughly belongs to the same system of simulated star creation chart as the "Bible" held by God of the Bible group of gods.

The "Jade Emperor Sutra" expounds that the Jade Emperor is the first god in the Taiji world incarnated by the Sanqing, who lives in the Tongming Hall of the Yuqing Palace. According to folk beliefs, the Jade Emperor is in charge of the 36 heavens and the 3,000 worlds. Gods and immortals have jurisdiction over seventy-two lands, four major states, and hundreds of millions of living beings in the mortal world, so they are honored as the Jade Emperor, the Great Heavenly God, the Xuanqiong God.

It even hides the reason why Tianting broke away from Taoism.

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