The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1794

Lamia said sincerely.

"Thank you for everything you've done for us, thank you."

Coming under the command of the terrible human final trial demon king, it is a happy new beginning.

I'm afraid that no one in Hakoniwa can imagine it?

"It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is happy."

Luo Pei waved his hand and said indifferently.

"I will prepare a dinner for you tonight, and express your current happiness at the banquet."

Accompanied by these words, the gloomy hall of the Demon Palace is filled with a faint cheerful atmosphere.

But it didn't last long, Bai Ye knocked himself on the head with a folding fan.

"I almost forgot, Luo Pei, I may not be able to attend the banquet tonight."

The white-haired loli said.

"The "Yasha" godhead that Sakyamuni gave you is still with you? Give it to me, maybe I will go to the lower level in a few days and take up the position of stratum ruler. "

"Have you negotiated a result?"

He had heard about Bai Ye's desire to go to the lower class to be the ruler of the class.

It's just that the Hakoniwa Knights were still serving as "full-power class rulers" at that time, so the discussions at the upper level were only planning for the future.

Now that the vampire clan was wiped out, Bai Ye just went to fill in the vacancy.

"Well, I personally also want to go to the lower floor to play small games. The games on the upper floor are too huge."

Bai Ye looked at Leticia and asked.

"The former plenipotentiary class ruler lady should have no objection?"

"How come?" Leticia said hastily: "It is the luck of the lower classes to get such a powerful stratum ruler like you."

"I think so too, they bring me entertainment, I bring them peace, mutual benefit, mutual benefit."

Saying that, Bai Ye sighed again.

"I really envy Luo Pei that you can freely travel between the upper and lower floors. My side is in trouble... It is obviously the final trial of human beings. The treatment given to us by Little Garden is really different."

"Is this your own choice?" Rope joked with a smile.

The white-haired loli glared at Luo Pei, shaking her fan slightly.

"I don't care, you come to the lower floor to accompany me after you're busy, anyway, it's the same wherever you are. Why don't you go to the lower floor with me to live for a while, just to experience different customs and customs."

"Okay, I promise you."

Finally, after Bai Ye left, the day of the Demon Palace came to an end with a cheerful banquet.

The pure-blooded princess sisters of the vampire king's ancestor officially settled down in "Vientiane Useless".

Chapter 53 "Daughter of Dystopia" Canary, Rope's new vest

The people living in "Locked World. Dystopia" are happy.

There is no fighting, no discrimination, no disease, and they live the same life every day, every month, every day, every second, and they basically don't even know what "unfortunate" is.

Without misfortune, what is naturally left is happiness.

And the gods also see this situation as conducive to ideological education, biased knowledge, and the improvement of the human breed. He believes that this is the correct way for God and man to get along with each other, and praises "dystopia" in the name of "building an ideal town".

But one good god scoffed.

No, there are many gods who scoff at this matter, but only his behavior and resistance are the most intense.

——The name of the god is Croa Baron.

He is the god of death, god of love, and god of life in voodoo in Haiti, South America. He has been endowed with various titles such as "Grim Reaper at the Crossroads", "Baron of the Cross", and "Demon King in Tuxedo" by human history. It is rare to have both demon kings and gods at the same time.

This god of death, life and death, love and pleasure, loves human beings more than anyone, and is more willing to believe in human possibility than anyone else.

For Croya, the existence of dystopia cannot be tolerated, and all the gods who support it should die.

You want people to live without knowing the taste of cigars and the toxicity of second-hand smoke? You want people to live without understanding the joys of wine and learning from its toxicity? You want people to conceive life without knowing the difference between sex without love and sex with love?

—God damn it!

Even if he was insulted as the god of a cult, even if false rumors were spread that he was the suzerain of black magic, even if his claims as a god were trampled on, and his beloved believers were ravaged one by one, the god of death never stopped fighting.

The vulgar god of death cursed those nominal compatriots loudly, even if he was alone, he wanted to find the possibility of human beings, and bury dystopia in Little Garden and human history.

For this purpose, Croa Baron even risked his death and came alone to Hakoniwa West District, where the demon king of dystopia was shrouded.

The spirit body was worn away, falling from the lofty status of the god of death, and turned into a thin silhouette monster.

"Baron of the Cross" Croa Baron still did not give up.

He wants to protect the possibility of human beings and the qualification of human beings to create miracles.

If he could exchange his vulgar life for the salvation of the closed world, the god of death would be extremely happy. As long as he can stand in front of the gods who support the transformation of human beings into domestic animals, and proudly raise his middle finger for the last time, he thinks it's worth it.

So even though Croya is about to be unable to maintain herself, she is still moving forward on the dystopian land.

Reaper's persistence is great, almost obsessed.

But the dystopian forces are just as great.

Walking on the land for a long time, the people he met were innocent people who could not understand his actions. Looking at those innocent and innocent faces coexisting with nothingness, Death's heart is bleeding.

—Even one is fine, please wake up.

Death's pleas go unanswered, and innocence and harmlessness hover over dystopia.

until one day.

"Do you want to see...the world beyond the walls?"

Silhouette monster routine questioning a girl who is a resident of a dystopia

The girl has golden hair and exudes a sweet fragrance.

"Don't you want to know what it means to be moved? On the top of the wall thousands of meters high, there is an iron gate leading to the outside world. There are novelties that you can't taste in your life, and it will also bring you unparalleled excitement. As long as If you think about it, I'll take you out of here."

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