The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1795

Repeating the question one hundred thousand or one million times has already numb the heart.

Croya didn't even bother to wait for the girl to react. He floated into the distance in frustration, to the next person who could ask, and the next person who refused him.

However, a miracle happened.

As if rewarding Shinigami for his long-term efforts, the girl spoke softly.

"...on the other side of the wall, what's there?"

The emotion in the girl's voice was very thin, as if she was responding casually to this question, which made people feel lacking in vitality.

She was a little shorter than average, and she was holding a doll in her hands. In a world where the prices of goods are equalized, she already belongs to the range of heresy.

Death stopped.

He could hardly believe his hearing.

What followed was a nectar-like touch.


The silhouetted monster choked up, but he didn't forget to answer the girl quickly.

"Outside the wall... there are humans outside the wall, real humans. If, if you really want to know, you have to confirm it with your own feet."

The girl blinked, and during those tense minutes of Reaper's life, she took a step forward.

Then, Grim Reaper succeeded.

Just like the twelve heavenly guardians led by Di Shitian; the gods and demon kings in the east; some gods destroyed by the dystopian demon king in Western Europe; he is not walking alone on the road of resistance.

After leaving the dystopia, Shinigami, who had regained his appearance and spiritual status, spoke solemnly to the girl.

"From today onwards, I will be your master. I will teach you everything Hakoniwa needs, and I will be your sibling and eyesight. Even when things come to a point where you have to sacrifice me to succeed, you have no hesitation." Only to defeat that ferocious godslayer, human beings finally try "dystopia"! "

"Master, what is it?"

"A role like a father, teaching you what is a person, what is a truth, and what is knowledge."

"What should I do?"

"This is something you need to think about yourself, and I will only be the sharpest tool in your hands."

Death paused, and continued.

"Letting you now to deal with dystopia is really hitting a stone with a pebble. Not only from me, you have a lot to learn. For the time being, go and visit those with lofty ideals who are willing to deal with dystopia. Learn and learn, now is the time to learn." You should. By the way, do you have a name?"

The girl tilted her head, and Reaper realized that she had asked a stupid question.

How could human beings living in a dystopia have a name, a precious thing that distinguishes them from each other.

"If not, let me get one for you..."

"what is that?"

The girl did not answer the words of the god of death, but curiously pointed to a golden bird on the branch.

Croya stopped and replied calmly.

"That is a kind of bird. People call them canaries, because of their beautiful coat color and cute image, they are very suitable for viewing in cages."

"Then I'll be called Canary."

The girl's act of naming herself was not opposed by the god of death, but he was so moved that he was about to cry.

"Fuck... sorry, kid, you don't want to learn these words."

The Grim Reaper wiped his tears vulgarly. As an emotional god, his lacrimal glands are actually quite fragile.

He flashed a high-spirited smile.

"My master, let us send that demon king back to his hometown in the cemetery together!"

Therefore, the limit of human beings, the talent from heaven and the chosen one possessing courage, wisdom, and courage at the same time, the girl Canary is advancing towards a peak with no end in sight.

The gears rotate step by step.

On the upper level, the "heaven" belonging to the gods of the Bible, an "angel" was quietly born.

He has a clear biblical record of mythology, but he did not know why he was born at this time. Even his own record is confusing in human history.

This incident also alarmed the three-digit God.

But after various investigations to no avail, it can only be considered as a mutation product of Hakoniwa.

On the edge of the sea cliff, a young man looked up at the dreamlike paradise in the sky.

He is a newly born "angel" who has records but cannot define the real identity.

A modern close-fitting suit composed of black and gold, a red tie to set off a sense of hierarchy, and dark purple gloves on his hands.

Behind the young man, a female angel with eyes stood silently.

"Master, my secret preparations have basically been completed. But if you are willing to change the plan, we can completely fight those angels and gods head-on with an order. With your power, we will be invincible."


The young man raised his finger.

"Have you heard that? Those horrific wails hidden behind the heavens? Using violence to plunder? The efficiency and fun are too low. The plan remains the same, continue to use your talent to replace the Bible of human history, and I will leave no trace , eating the entire heaven gracefully."

"Your will."

"Now, call me 'Azazel'. "

Vientiane uselessly put on a new vest for himself.

No matter in terms of his original bloodline, or the act of destroying heaven at this moment, it is an extremely suitable name.

——The cruel plan belonging to the demon continues to surge.

Chapter Fifty-Four The Hidden Evil of Tampering with the Bible, Corruption and Corruption Go Together

When a person is full of curiosity and asks what an "angel" is, even if he has a very superficial understanding of the biblical mythology, he can say something in a decent way.

There are white swan-like wings growing behind it, the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty, the extension of God, and the messenger who will lead the soul into heaven at the moment of death of a kind person.

——"A pure spirit with wings on its back".

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