The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1796

Such an image was silently established after the biblical religion believed that it was conducive to the spread of faith.

In fact, in the ancient Bible, this is only the image often used by the lowest angels. The cognition of middle or high-level angels is far from that of human beings, and they even completely transcend praises such as "truth, goodness and beauty".

The real upper angels, they are vaguely described as "four eyes, burning wheels of fire", "no limbs, only a body, but covered with insects", "a star with a human face", "like a moth, With six insect wings on its back, it looks angry."

The higher angels never come to the world, they always surround God. Because once the upper angel appears, it will announce the cleansing of the world, or blow the horn of the end.

But no matter how indescribable the image is, the religious nature of the Bible in human history cannot help but change the definition of the biblical gods as "good gods."

Just like Zoroastrianism's "dualism of good and evil", evil is always laying the ladder for good, the Bible is also a basic religious theory based on "evil" and "evil".

What Rope needs Philip to do seems very complicated, but to put it bluntly, it is just a reversal.

Reversing the position of good and evil, the chaotic darkness lurking under the light, stripping away the idea of ​​the Holy Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son.

The cognition of manipulating human history brings infinite despair and negates the foundation of the largest religion in human history that has lasted thousands of years. Rope can gain a lot of power whether he is a demon or the final trial of human beings.

When the faith is shattered, countless nihilists will surely be born.

Those believers who look back on life and history and find that eternity lives in deception and are bewitched will deny human beings and history even more crazily than Rope.

There is no doubt that human beings are the race with the most self-destructive factors.

This point has been proved by the evil gods in the multiverse starry sky for countless years.

That's why Lopez said he was going to "eat the biblical gods."

Build a throne upon the accumulated carcasses, laughing at the fragmented ideas. Even if the biblical system will never be destroyed because of this, it will be something else by then, or what Rope wants.

"Stupid lambs, you have missed too much with the truth, now listen to God's right way."

"Look, I anointed the holy oil on the top of the prophet's head, and his wisdom and eyes have been opened."

"Almighty God, the origin of everything, is always followed by four archangels by his side. Their names are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel."

"Michael is the most outstanding of God's many children. He is in charge of "fire", brave and good at fighting, repelling all demons, and lives in the holy abode called "Famhaut" closest to God in heaven. Mortals must never look at the divine son, it has a figure brighter than the sun. "

"Gabriel, who is in charge of "water", is a gentle and maternal archangel. It dwells deep in the warm sea of ​​heaven. The lambs are soaked in the water of the mother's belly before they are born, that is the love of Gabriel. It often also attracts those prophets and sages through dreams, telling them the correct and proper way. "

"If Gabriel is the angel who takes care of the lambs before birth, then Raphael, the Archangel in charge of the "wind", is the eternal star who fights against illness and encourages progress and knowledge. Raphael often appears in the image of yellow clothes, surrounded by the wind of illness, but please don't panic, it is the wind of redemption, and it is the image of Raphael fighting against the demon of disease with the holy sword in his hand. "

"Uriel, ruler of the earth, is a very strict archangel. Its dwelling place is hell, that is, the chaotic place that people can't see or touch. Uriel watches over the souls of sinners, as well as everyone in the world. It will appear in human form from time to time, it is your father, your mother, your closest friend, and it will decide whether you go to heaven or hell. "

"There are many, many great angels that cannot be fully described. Now, believers, please come forward, follow the prophet and me, and come to me to accept the baptism of true knowledge for the soul—"

Hakoniwa's strongest fourth type - "Poets".

Philip Lovecraft's spirituality and personality both determine what she sings, not the difficult and costly poems of ordinary poets.

Corruption and depravity prevailed unseen by the outside world, perhaps undetected even by the angels themselves who were sung about.

Darkness obscures the truth, and Rope is darkness itself.

"It's really a beautiful scenery. Corruption takes root in the hearts of believers. In the future of human history, when the folk religion of the ancient American continent collides with the secular world, the entanglement and the poison of belief will bloom incomparably beautiful flowers, and then bear fruit..."

Luo Pei was by the lake, looking at the outside scenery reflected in the water, with a lingering smile in his heart.

At this moment, Lopez didn't use his iconic dark-haired youth appearance. As the saying goes, the exercise must be performed in full.

His current image is closer to the traditional dragon.

With red scales, an upright body, bat-like wings on its back, and majestic horns on the dragon's head, it is a beast born only to illustrate evil.

The king of fallen angels, the first angel to raise a flag against God.

The king of hell walks with the dragon, disasters and doomsday, and the smoke of fire full of sulfur are all the authority of "Azazel".

At this time, an angel in the form of wings descended beside Luo Pei.

The red-gold wavy long hair, the beautiful female cheeks, and the lingering temperament of the body tell the extraordinary of the descending angel.

"Vice Prince of Heaven" Michael.

The veritable class of rulers of heaven is also the destined enemy of "Azazel".

"Azazel, your birth is full of doubts, but aside from these, why haven't you raised the flag of rebellion against my lord? Hell has emerged according to human history, and the demons of hell are also in their positions. Your coming is delayed After tens of thousands of years, why continue to wait?"

Michael asked with a female voice.

But that doesn't mean Michael is a woman.

It is sometimes an angel with androgynous characteristics, and sometimes it shows people with asexual beauty like traditional angels.

Luo Pei was too lazy to think about the doorways of these obscure descriptions. He would just classify what he saw as his own cognition and then define it.

In short, in Rope's eyes, Michael is the same as all winged angels who have abandoned their prototypes, helping her.

"Do not worry."

The demon in the form of a red dragon said slowly.

"Since it is late, it means that everything has been settled, and eagerness cannot bring about the prosperity of the biblical gods."

"Of course I know this, but the history of mankind has already decided that you will be defeated by my sword. You will use evil to promote good, just like the three dragons of Zoroastrianism." Michael frowned and asked: "Where is it?" Something went wrong, Azazel. Why did you become so lazy? You in ancient times..."

Michael paused for a while.

It shook its head, the mutual observation of Hakoniwa and human history confused Michael's memory.

——This is the actual first meeting between it and Azazel.

"Compared to that, Michael." Rope squinted at Michael: "How do you feel when you recently obtained the spirit status of "Fire" and "Sun"? "

"Very good, this is exactly the spiritual quality that matches me."

"Really? As long as you like it, as long as you like it... Soon, the stars of Fomalhaut in the sky will also be included under your rule."

Hearing the red dragon's congratulations, Michael always had an indescribably strange feeling.

Just like the joy from the heart, it is obviously hostile to Azazel from the standpoint of human history.

"...Since you already have plans, I won't say much. Your defeat and my victory should be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

Michael said.

"In addition, I want to convey to you the decision of heaven. Regarding the final trial of the lower human being, the gods of the Bible intend to let it grow. That kind of innocent creature is the appearance of heaven residents in line with our teachings. With "dystopia", our faith can go to the next level. "

"Why did you come and tell me? Hell is out of the belief system."

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