The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1798

Luo Pei threw away the head in his hand, took out a white handkerchief to wipe his hands, and strolled through the five-figure outer door.

This is his second visit to the lower level of Hakoniwa.

Compared with the behavior of only staying in the Vampire King City last time, this time probably can be regarded as the real arrival.

Frankly speaking, the scenery on the lower floor is a bit horrible at the moment.

After Hakoniwa Knights perished, the lower level seemed to have lost its backbone and protective umbrella. The demon king and the evil community ran rampant. Even if people with conscience came forward to resist, the upper level gods and Buddhas sent envoys to suppress it, still causing extremely large killings and evils.

Is Hakoniwa Paradise?

Well, that's right, perhaps it is indeed a paradise for the powerful existence of Shura gods and Buddhas.

But for those lower classes who are struggling to survive, Hakoniwa is really difficult to link with Paradise.

Although games are prevalent here, not everything depends on games. The Hakoniwa Center will not use rules to protect those weak people.

Just like the scene in front of you.

The village collapsed as if in an unnatural earthquake, and only crows hovered above the silent wreckage.

In one of them, under the rubble, a middle-aged man was deeply buried, his breath was like a silk.

The man sensed that someone was coming, and raised his hand tremblingly as if he was breathing his last breath.

"Please, please, save my Aisha...where she is...please..."

After speaking, the man exhausted his last strength and stepped into the Hades.

Rope watched calmly.

Although he didn't intend to help, he still looked in the direction of the man's finger.

Then the dark-haired young man's eyes penetrated the accumulated rocks, looking at the silver-haired girl who was crushed and flattened under the rocks, dead and unable to die again.

The poor father obviously didn't think, or didn't want to think, that his daughter died in the first wave of the earthquake.

"However, this hazy it bound by itself?"

Above the girl's body, a fragile and bewildered soul floats.

Sudden death, the soul of a person who has no resentment and is unwilling to die, will become a stream of self-bound spirits.

A common sight in Little Garden.

Some communities that deal with death also take the initiative to torture and kill innocent people to cultivate this spirit body.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, but Luo Pei always feels that the hazy self-binding spirit in front of him is very familiar.

Thinking, just when Luo Pei was about to bring the spirit body over, a burst of wind sounded from the back of his head.

No matter in terms of strength or speed, it is difficult to call it an "attack" behavior in Hakoniwa.

Luo Pei didn't even look at it, just tilted his head slightly, and avoided the flying throwing object.

It was a cross-shaped hammer, blunt.

"I guess you don't want to fight with me, do you?"

Luo Pei turned his head and looked at the little silver head hidden behind the grass.

"However, I can't just laugh at throwing a hammer at someone's head. Come out and explain, and I will decide whether you will live or die based on your explanation."

A female demon came out timidly from the grass, with curious gazes in her eyes.

A girl has a glamorous and cute but defensible demon nature, an immoral and sexy appearance that can deeply attract men, and her every move is charming and lovable.

But if anyone is captured by this appearance and thinks that the girl in front of him is just an ordinary weak beauty who can be bullied at will, then he is very wrong.

In Luo Pei's line of sight, the girl possesses both the spirituality of life and death, and because she is neither, she stands in the middle.

The girl in front of her was a big devil who was completely enough to be judged by the Hakoniwa Center as a five-figure figure.

Chapter Fifty-six: "Green Flame Demon" Vera and Jack's Pumpkin Lantern

The moment he saw the appearance of the devil girl, Luo Pei was in a daze.

Of course, this is not a trance because of the beauty of the other party. The experienced Luo Pei has long passed that restless age.

It was as if hazy clues were connected in series, including the girl in front of him, and the self-bound spirit that made him feel familiar, he found the source from the vast sea of ​​memory.

The Great Demon that manifested between life and death has the ability to manipulate the "Boundary Gate" similar to the Queen of Halloween.

——"Cangyan Demon" Vera Zha Ignifatus.

And the girl who unfortunately died in the earthquake, no matter what her surname was before she was alive, will be named "Aisha Ignifatus" in the future and become an earth elf.

Wait, the appearance of Vera also means...

Luo Pei seemed to have thought of something, a light flashed in his eyes, and he completely dispelled the idea of ​​going to wreak havoc in person.

The hostility in his smile slowly disappeared, and he opened his hands and asked.

"Miss, are you really not going to explain?"


Vera apologized softly.

"That child, I feel that I have a great destiny, and I found a big devil like you by my side, so I want to test it..."

This Cangyan girl has a nasty habit of hitting people with a blunt instrument and then observing their reaction.


That's right, according to his vest at the moment, Luo Peilinger's feeling is that of a devil, and he is still the kind of big devil who is the head of the devil.

"I see."

Rope nodded.

Vera blinked and asked curiously.

"Do you agree with my explanation?"

"Didn't you say that yourself? Or are you lying to me?"

"No, it's just that many times, everyone hates my greeting behavior, and they don't believe me when I explain it many times."

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