The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1799

Has very light, almost white light blue long hair.

Vera said words that gave people a natural sense of stupefaction.

This kind of invisible and defenseless magic charm ranks among the top few girls Luo Pei has ever met.

"Then, did you do this?"

Vera pointed to the village buried by the earthquake in front of her.

"No, I was just passing by." Luo Pei said, pointing to the man who was crushed under the stone: "This man suddenly stopped me and asked me to help him save his daughter... Well, in fact, you You should be able to see that his daughter was already killed by the earthquake."


Vera walked to the side of the pile of rocks, and gently touched the rough rock surface with her hands.

"This child's spiritual body is not stable yet. If it is taken away now, it may disappear or maybe... I have to let her continue to wander here and form an intelligence capable of maintaining her own will before I can help her."

Contrary to her demon identity, Vera is unexpectedly a caring girl.

At this time, there was a strange low-pitched laughter from the forest.

Luo Pei turned his head, and the dark forest ticket paid out two orange flames like will-o'-the-wisps. A pumpkin monster with a lantern slowly floated out.

"Oh, oh, you can't do this, master. I've said it many times. When you meet a stranger, you can't throw a hammer at the other person's head. It will be considered an aggressive behavior."

The pumpkin monster said so, but his eyes were full of guard when he looked at Luo Pei.

"I hope Mr. Devil won't be offended. I am Jack-o-Lantern Jack. This is my creator and master Vera Z. Ignifates. Please forgive me for the offense. The master's concept of making friends has always been a bit question."

"I don't care."

Rope looked at Jack-O-Lantern and said with a smile.

"Jack-O-Lantern, is it a demon based on Halloween monsters? It can be seen from your existence that Ms. Vera has very superb forging skills."

"Oh, thanks to your compliment, the master's talent is indeed impeccable."

Jack O'Lantern laughed funny.

"We have already registered our names. Does this gentleman have any secrets about not being able to say his name? It is too rude to always call you sir."


With the sound of Luo Pei's announcement, the flame in Jack's pumpkin lantern jumped violently twice.

It was silent, and then continued to laugh lightly.

"This is really... I didn't expect to meet the king. According to the faction I was born in, you are still my monarch in name, "Enemy of God" Azazel-sama. What's the point of not knowing that the honorable you will come to this five-digit outer gate? "

Luo Pei shook his head and said, "It's nothing more than the parallel observation of human history and Hakoniwa, some trivial events in the Bible."

When I looked at the jack-o'-lantern again, I found that the big pumpkin had pulled Vera behind him at some point, and he looked like he was on the highest alert.

It's no wonder that Jack would act like this, Rope's name at the moment is even scarier than Nightmare.

The dark-haired youth smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad. Rumors are always unreliable. If you rely on rumors to judge your first impression, it will undoubtedly make everyone in the world lose a lot of friendship, won't it? London's murderous ghost fog Jack. You obtained salvation through the "saint" St. Peter, and then deceived St. Peter. Strictly speaking, the two of us are born with the same position. "

The real body of Jack-O-Lantern, or the soul inside Jack-O-Lantern, is Jack the Murder Fog of London.

He had committed the unforgivable sin, and was redeemed by the mercy of St. Peter. However, Jack failed this kindness and deceived St. Peter.

The angry saint destroyed Jack and threw him to the junction of life and death himself to punish him for his eternal repentance.

In the void that was so long that it was close to nothing, Jack understood how dirty and disgusting it had done, but when he really regretted it, no one could hear its confession.

It wasn't until he met the great demon Vera that Jack was reborn as a "children's monster" pumpkin monster, and vowed to protect the children until the end of his life, to repay the mistakes he couldn't repay, and to alleviate the suffering in his heart every moment .

That's why Jack O'Lantern says he and Rope are of the same faction.

Ultimately, both Azazel and Jack-O-Lantern are members of the biblical system.

When Jack-O-Lantern heard his real body being spoken out, his laughter became bitter.

"I can't hide it from you, King of Hell. I have long since left the position of "evil". I really don't agree with the common position you said, but... Forget it, if you have no malicious intentions, then we will not force you." The former is too sentimental. Master, shall we leave? "

"But that child..." Vera was a little worried about the girl who died in the earthquake.

"She is a strong and good child, and she will definitely live up to our expectations."

Jack O'Lantern said in a gentle tone.

"When she gains self-knowledge, let's guide her again."


"Are you using the behavior of guiding souls to earn the merits of Hakoniwa?"

asked Rope.

Although Jack-O-Lantern was on guard, he seemed to understand that the Lord of Hell in front of him had no malice, so he replied seriously.

"Yes, saving lost souls, this is the policy set by us, or our future community. Helping lost souls, helping children find their smiles, if we can do it for years, it will definitely be a great thing. Very meaningful thing."

"Very good ideal."

"Hahaha~ Although I am not happy to be praised by the Lord of Hell, thank you for your appreciation, Lord Azazel."

"You don't need to leave in a hurry, I actually have a proposal, or I need your help."

Luo Pei said, stretched out his hand, and several chairs and a table appeared in the open space.

This time, not only Jack-o-lantern, but even Vera sensed that something was wrong.

As the famous seraphim and lord of hell in the Bible, Azazel would need the help of weak demons like them?

The black-haired young man took the initiative to sit down and made a gesture of invitation.

Vera and Jack O'Lantern glanced at each other, and after realizing the firm attitude of the other party, they also showed the courage of the big devil and walked to the opposite side of Rope.

"...I don't know if I can help you, but please tell me first." Vera said.

"You can definitely help me."

Luo Pei put his hands together and asked with deep eyes.

"Miss Vera Z. Ignifatus, excuse me, the reason why you came to Little Garden, is it related to a person? His name is Maxwell, a paradoxical demon whose existence is denied by science."

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