The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 180

Sitting on the exquisite armchair, Paul sighed while touching the red ribbon that symbolized his identity.

He has been obsessed with swordsmanship and spells for half his life, and finally won the title of "Red Devil" after defeating the beast, but in contrast, Paul did not have a family, so he regarded his brother's daughter Erica Brauntree as his own. Treat her like her own daughter.

Now Erica has gone to serve the king, and I heard that she is quite favored. Paul is very pleased about this.

But his good mood seems to be coming to an end soon——

From the position of the main entrance, a young man about twenty-three or four years old with a ferocious face walked in.

That was one of the great knights of the Red Copper Black Cross, and Erica's former competitor Gennaro Ganz.

He handed over a brown invitation letter with wax paint, and said respectfully in a gentle voice that didn't match his appearance.

"Commander, the commanders of the "Female Wolf", "Old Lady" and "Lily City" have all arrived in Rome, and are currently waiting for your arrival in the annex of the Red Copper Black Cross, saying that they have something important to discuss. "

"Those guys... Isn't the king in Sardinia, why did you come to me specifically..."

Paul muttered in dissatisfaction, but he quickly packed up his clothes and appearance, and prepared to go to the meeting.

This is not just a matter of personal preference. If there are rumors that "the red copper and black cross took refuge in the queen and disregarded the brotherhood of the past", then Paul, who has had a good face for half his life, does not need to live in Italy. mixed up.

The annex of the Red Copper Black Cross is not far from here, and Paul arrived at his destination in almost five minutes by car.

Push away, those old guys with hippie smiles rarely made fun of Paul today, but sat on chairs like mourning concubines, looking at a gift box in the middle of the wooden table.

"Call me here for something?"

Paul wasn't too polite. Anyway, on his own territory, he directly sat in the main seat.

After asking, no one spoke up——

"Tell me, can you tell me to come over and see your frustrated face?"

"...Paul, we are in big trouble." The commander of the female wolf smiled wryly.

"I guess... it shouldn't be about the new king, right?"

"Of course not!" the commander-in-chief of the old lady said angrily. "We are not so old and confused that we can't even tell the priority of things."

"Oh, please continue." Paul seemed to have taken a reassurance, and took a sip of the steaming black tea on the table.

"Our men dug up the 'Gorgon' in Antioch. " said the young man in Lily City. "And it seems that it has attracted the God of Disobedience related to it. "


The unswallowed black tea spewed out of Paul's mouth in an instant, and he looked at the gift box in front of him and asked in disbelief.

"...What's in it is 'Gorgon'? ! "

"Yes." The female wolf commander nodded. "We have tried our best to seal her power, but we still can't stop the footsteps of the disobedient god. That's why we came to you...or the help of the godslayer behind you, Mr. Luo Pei."

"Tsk... You have to give such a dangerous thing to the city, it really belongs to you."

Paul said with a headache. "Why are you looking for Mr. Rope? Isn't Salvatore Tony in Milan, that gentleman is definitely willing to deal with this kind of thing."

"I've already looked for it." The young man in Lily City said helplessly. "That gentleman is no longer in Milan."

"Disappeared so quickly?"

"Well, I was stimulated by being defeated by King Luo Pei before. Sir Salvatore Lei is now practicing swordsmanship on Mount Everest in China. He said, 'I won't come back until I cut the sky.' Now he's of no use at all."

"Ah, this bastard, it was the same in Milan last time, a key moment was lost, how could the leader of Southern Europe be so messy." The old lady commander complained.

"Be careful, he is also our king after all."

The female wolf commander gave a symbolic persuasion to his companion, and then pushed the gift box in front of Paul Brauntree.

"Leaving aside the Marquis and the King of Martial Arts, the whereabouts of the queen of demons is uncertain, and the king of Hades is busy protecting the safety of the south coast of the United States. Therefore, the only thing we can choose is Lord Luo Pei who is the closest. Recently, it has also been rumored that the Lord has killed Killing the two pillars of the God of Disobedience, with incomparable bravery, is of course the best person to deal with this kind of thing."

"Even if you say that, how can I speak?"

Paul said distressedly: "Even if you are a king, you will be irritable if you fight continuously? It is very likely that you will be self-defeating, and you will blame me, our red copper and black cross..."

Maybe it will also affect Wang's love for Erica.


The three commanders lowered their heads at the same time, pleading.

"The god of disobedience is not yet complete. If she retrieves the "Gorgon" and restores her disobedient body, then the disaster in Milan, Italy will happen again. Please think about it for the sake of innocent people, Mr. Paul ! "

"Hey... let me try and ask Erica."

"Thank you!"

Paul, who was so oppressed by righteousness, finally accepted the hot potato.

Chapter 66: The Young Silver-Haired Goddess

"That's why you gave this thing to me?"

In the early morning of Sardinia, Luo Pei sat behind the mahogany desk, gently pointing his fingers on the table.

What appeared in front of him was a stone, or a stone statue like a coat of arms.

The material is polished obsidian, with childish and clumsy human faces painted on the surface, and dozens of snake portraits carved on it. Those snakes are as lifelike as the hair of the characters in the painting. Moreover, half of this painting seems to have disappeared. The stone itself has a considerable degree of wear and tear, and it can be judged to be quite old just from its appearance.

——"Gorgon Stone"

Based on the concept of Medusa, the monster beaten by the hero Perseus, it symbolizes the divine tool of the past of "Queen of Hades" Athena.

In the original book, Erica also handed it to Kusanagi Godou, but Lopez did not expect that now that the "King of Swords" Salvatore Toni had not been injured, that martial idiot would let a man who could attract someone who would not follow him. It is really a ridiculous thing for the god of the gods to have the magic tool in his own hands.

"No way, Sir Salvatore is not in Italy now. After thinking about it, only you are qualified to handle such emergencies."

Erica blinked playfully, and snuggled up to Rope's shoulder.

"What's more, you are also looking forward to the news related to the God of Disobedience, right? Well, I have sent one now."

"It's really good."

in various senses—

"The God of the Earth, the Trinity of the Holy Mother of Darkness, the Queen of the Mediterranean... As an enemy, he is a god of disobedience that is not inferior to Veleslana."

As long as Athena regains her past and becomes a complete state of the Trinity, she will not be defeated even in the face of the god of killing, Veleslana. Of course, the premise is that she does not cast the sword of words for the god of war time.

——After all, the golden sword is too buggy.

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