The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 181

"Oh? Did you already know the identity of that bodyguard?" Erica looked at Luo Pei in surprise.

In her impression, her own king only had a shallow understanding of various myths not long ago, but now she can directly guess Athena from Medusa.

"Anyway, I've been doing my homework for so long, okay?"

Luo Pei sighed helplessly: "The incarnation of Welleslana's "Golden Sword" requires a lot of knowledge about gods, if you don't learn it, it will be completely useless when you encounter some unpopular gods who don't follow you. "

"Where?" Erica smiled and asked Luo Pei.

"You defeated its original owner without that sword. Even if you lose those messy methods, you are still the strongest king in my mind."

"Don't tease me."

Luo Pei pushed Erica away with a smile, then picked up the "Gorgon Stone" on the table and pondered carefully.

"If it wasn't for his hole card last time, he was almost overturned by Welleslana. That guy really didn't cover it. He wasn't so tired when he played Basatan."

This time also made Rope realize that the power "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" that he usurped to Basatan is not perfect.

——It relies too much on "water".

After being completely deprived of water or being expelled from the air by the enemy, except for the essential water of death, Rope can hardly use any of the power's abilities.

"But you still won."

"Haha, Goddess of Fate seems to like me a little more." Luo Pei laughed, unwilling to explain the reason in detail.

"Then, my lord, what is the final decision on this "Gorgon Stone"? "

"Go and tell Paul Brauntree, the God of Disobedience, I, Rope, have taken over!"

Holding the magic tool tightly, Luo Pei said firmly.


At the same time, in Rome, the capital of Italy, the goddess of darkness descended.

On the very common obelisk, a young girl quietly appeared.

Silver hair and black pupils, off-white wool shirt, black knee socks, brown round-toed leather shoes, and that cute cat-eared soft hat... I don't know this goddess of war and wisdom What do you think, dress yourself up like a Japanese junior high school student.

The young goddess glanced at the city indifferently, and then whispered to herself.

"Has the "snake" left... this feeling..."

Just relying on the residual breath, Athena locked the current locked position of her magic tool.

But what surprised her was the feeling from the "Gorgon Stone".

Ocean, death, victory, steel, storm.

Undoubtedly, it is the existence that the disobedient gods hate the most and wish to expel him from this earth-Campione, the son of the fool!

"Have you been oppressed in the hands of the ancient enemy... There really are you, the disciples of Hermes."

The Goddess grumbled annoyed.

She is not in full form now, and her strength is only about one-third of her prime. It is unwise to fight a powerful godslayer in this situation.

But Athena had no intention of retreating.

The wise "snake" of the Trinity has an absolute bond with her. This bond ultimately guides her, protects her, and then, as before, wins the final victory in the battle.

"I seek the Stone of Gorgon, the Serpent of the Ancients. Guide my desires, guide the journey of the Queen of Disobedience. Grant me again the wisdom of darkness, earth and sky!"

The Goddess uttered her oath-like words, searching for the whereabouts of the "Gorgon Stone".

Word spirit and divine power are mixed together, looking for the "thread" in the air - the indestructible traction called the past.

After a while, she opened her dark pupils.

"—Mediterranean, the "Snake" is still in this country. "

The young body disappeared from the obelisk in an instant, heading towards his hometown, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea.

From the beginning to the end, hundreds of pedestrians around did not notice the silver-haired young goddess.

Chapter 67: The Darkness From Treading Water

It is night, and the center of the town in Sardinia is still brightly lit, just like daytime.

Due to the well-developed tourism industry, the local residents who have nothing to do in the town will come out to set up stalls at night to sell some of their own food or other handicraft souvenirs. Over time, this has almost become a custom. Only after twelve o'clock will Sardinia really cool down.

With the reason of wanting to go shopping alone, Rope got rid of the two knights who had been very attached to him recently, took a small bag of rice balls he just bought, and took a leisurely walk on the street, admiring the exotic scenery of Sardinia.

'Azalea, I want to ask you something. '

'Um? '

'You said earlier that you need to pay attention to 'civilization' to complete another task 'clearing the existence of the God of Disobedience'. What is the meaning contained in this. '

'I can't say, it's beyond my purview. '

'Not at all? ’ Rope asked eagerly.

'Not at all! '

Azalia replied to Lopez without any regard for her previous affection.

In the two missions of "God Slayer", 'killing ten disobedient gods' is only the minimum for accomplishing the mission, and 'clearing the existence of disobedient gods' is to completely conquer the world and become The real mystery of the exclusive territory of Rope.

——Of course, she couldn't explain these things to Luo Pei in detail.

Rules are everywhere, even if she is the reason of the Supreme God, she has to succumb to it.

'You are so ruthless...'

'What's the matter, suddenly asked me this question. '

Azalea asked curiously. ‘Didn’t you say last time that you only need to kill ten disobedient gods? How can you care about eliminating the existence of the God of Disobedience? '

Luo Pei came to the side of the coast and sat on a stone step looking at the sea.

‘Think about it, Basatan, Vishma, Mekar, Velesrana, the gods I have killed now have a total of four pillars, and it is really difficult to make up the remaining six pillars. '

'What's the problem. ’ Azalea disagreed.

'Athena, Perseus, Susanoo, Monkey King, Rama, Saturnus, I can make up six for you from the original book alone, not to mention involuntary creation under your interference God of disobedience. '

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