The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1817

The pearl-like holy river water was evaporated, and Luo Pei stepped on the dry river bed step by step, and even the black and ominous unknown liquid flowed from the cracks in the soil.

As if deliberately sarcastic, Rope used the appearance of Azazel's red dragon.

"Your group of gods in the lower level has undergone such a big change, you can't be unaware of it, so what are you waiting for? Jesus Christ. Could it be that you are waiting for your believers to realize themselves and crawl out of my shadow Is it? Then you are too optimistic."

Rope stopped.

"No matter what you're thinking, what I'm going to do, it's useless to come to you at this moment, why don't you come out to greet me? Disrespectful god of monism."

As soon as the voice fell, a white cloud floated in the sky, on which stood a short Hebrew man in a white robe.

Wearing a crown of thorns, a solid-color halo behind his head, and holding an ancient parchment volume in his right hand, the image of the two-digit god Jesus Christ is surprisingly simple.

"I thought you would show me the splendor of the Bible in the guise of 'the tortured'. "

Rope said with a smile.

Jesus Christ opened his eyes, first exhaled slowly, and then spoke in a long and ancient tone.

"This is a trial..."

Chapter 67: The Awakening of the Holy Son

"From dawn to dusk, from the beginning to the present, I have been watching you, everything is useless."

"The other gods were deceived by your appearance, but I saw your terror. Your oppression of the lambs follows you everywhere."

"At the beginning of civilization, you were the darkness of the night. Human beings were afraid of beasts, poisonous insects, and you who smiled quietly under the night."

"When civilization is enlightened, you are an unknown destiny. Human beings are afraid of the impermanence of fate, and you who are attached to desires and weapons."

"When civilization develops, you become the devil of the energy crisis again. Human beings are worried about not being able to obtain resources from the ground under their feet for a long time. They don't know what kind of ending awaits them in the future."

"When civilization spreads its wings and human beings have survived most of the disasters that are enough to perish, you transform again and become the boundless darkness of the universe. Human beings seem to have returned to the primitive era, the ignorant species who fear the unknown in the dark."

"You are the demon "Infinite Unknown" hovering above the heads of humans from beginning to end. "

"So, this is a trial, a different trial than what you represent yourself."

"I was tortured on the cross and punished with a gun, so I gained imperfection as a human being. It is also because of this imperfection that I can override my Lord and be the "full authority" where humans and gods coexist. Identity stands in front of you. "

In the double-digit Garden of Eden, Jesus Christ said something like a declaration of war in a peaceful voice.

Luo Pei didn't interrupt, but just listened quietly.

He was well aware of the specialness of Jesus Christ.

Strictly speaking, this Holy Son is an "acquired god".

What is the acquired god?

The ancestral spirits with faith bonus are promoted to the existence of gods by virtue of their merits, and they are called acquired gods. The gods in Celtic mythology are typical representatives.

Generally speaking, this kind of god is not very strong.

But Jesus Christ was a very special exception.

Divinity is acquired through humanity, and humanity is acquired through divinity. Both are together, both go together. Even as an "Acquired God", it ranks at the top of the double digits, and is the only one in Hakoniwa and even the Three Thousand Worlds.

This also means that he has the most basic qualifications to face "humanity's final trial" just like Reverse Izayoi in the original book.

However, that's what you expect!

How much sense of accomplishment can be brought by slaughtering gods who have no resistance?

"I won't kill you, Jesus Christ." Luo Pei smiled very darkly: "Your spirituality will become a part of me, and the Bible sects spreading in the three thousand worlds will become a hotbed of distortion and corruption. I abound in the soul of a nihilist."

"Everything is useless, boundless curse, boundless unknown, I am ready to go into the trial, I will not let you continue to exist on top of Little Garden and human history."

Jesus Christ seemed to see through his own destiny.

The Holy Son is well aware of the horror of the trial before him, and he has never had the option of "victory" for him to choose.

Therefore, he didn't want to overcome this trial from the beginning.

In the funeral of a two-digit god, it is not too much to need a demon king who is the final trial of mankind to be buried with him.

If it were possible to highlight this trial in the form of a mutual death, Jesus Christ would gladly do so.

Sacrifice is not the first time for the Son.

It's just that it can be resurrected compared to the last time, and this time it may really be leaving.

The Holy Son of Hebrew took a last nostalgic look at the beautiful sunset in the Garden of Eden.

I have stayed here for countless years since I was promoted, and I thought I was tired of it, but it was only after I finally made a choice that I found that I was still reluctant to part with it.

After one glance, the divine language appeared from the mouth of Jesus Christ.

"The times are constantly changing, but the earth has not changed at all."

"The sun rises and sets, and in a flash it rises again."

"The wind blows to the south and turns to the north again, and the cycle is endless."

"The rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow; the rivers flow from where they come from, and they return to where they came from, and they never stop flowing."

The content of "Old Testament. Ecclesiastes" was eloquently narrated by the Most High Son, expounding that all the toil under the sun is empty, and only trusting in God above the sun is the principle of life satisfaction.

The visions caused by Rope's coming to the Garden of Eden are gradually fading away.

For that is uncleanness before the Son, and uncleanness is to be cleansed.

Luo Pei sneered, and put his right index finger and middle finger together, drawing an afterimage in mid-air like a sharp blade.

"Isn't it a bit unpleasant to preach "monotheism" in Hakoniwa? How about I change the venue for you. "

The game field of the two-digit devil king unfolded, and the dark luck included all the holy son and the demon.

Jesus Christ's expression remained unchanged, his eyes lowered, but the sacred words in his mouth changed into another appearance.

"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The void was formless, the face of the deep was dark, and the Spirit of God moved over the waters..."

"I'm tired of listening to Genesis."

Rope rides a dark tide.

Under the catalysis of the divine power of dark matter, layers upon layers, like the collapse effect before the birth of a black hole, are mixed with endless galaxies rushing towards Jesus Christ.

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