The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1818

The holy son's spiritual status erupted with dazzling light in an instant.

Like a star torch among the dark rivers, it illuminates all darkness.

——God said let there be light, so there was light.

The crown of thorns was burned into ashes by the light, and the eyes of Jesus Christ were no longer gentle and peaceful human pupils, but pure white jade.

The two-digit spiritual power is fully activated, and the sense of majesty and solemnity can hardly be described in words.

"I suffer in my own body, and return to God's side as the Son of God—"

The majestic cross blooms in the universe of dark nebula.

Rope is at the center of it.

Washed away by the strong energy, the black-haired youth involuntarily took half a step back.

But the smile on his face still didn't fade.

Compared with the barbaric confrontation with Tiandong theory, the current Jesus Christ is too "artistic" in terms of power and method.

"You and I, just stay here."

Jesus Christ stretched out his hand to grab it, and the palm that seemed to be stained with the soil of the Garden of Eden covered the sky and covered the sky, covering the nebula where Rope was located like a net.

The ultimate in monotheism is omnipotence.

Jesus Christ wants to use his spirituality to seal Rope here forever.

"It's a two-digit god, but I still have to show some real skills..."

Rope transformed from a fixed form into a black mist that blended with the darkness.

As soon as Jesus Christ's expression became concentrated, he immediately perceived the sign of the start of the "all things are useless" trial.

Even as a human and a god, he didn't dare to touch the black mist, but instead drove the light to continuously shift towards the border of the dark nebula.

Darkness is the unknown, and the deeper you go, the more you can't extricate yourself.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

While waiting for Jesus Christ to instantly react to this fatal truth, he was already surrounded by the darkness of the universe.

The chirping laughter, the threat of deprivation of temperature in the dark, telling how the so-called glorious achievements of human beings are not worth mentioning to the universe.

The divine face of Jesus Christ suddenly descended.

This is degrading, even more unreasonable than dystopia, simply denying its existence.

"God, God, why did you abandon me?"

The words that were originally a cry of grief and indignation were now filled with distress in the mouth of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Word, which strengthens the elements of the Trinity, forms a hazy figure around Jesus Christ, forcibly resisting the erosion and negation of the black mist with a faint holiness.

But it's just a slowing down strategy.

Jesus Christ took out the parchment scroll that he had been counting in his hand.

——Simulate the creation map "Old Testament".

The basic cosmology of the biblical gods, the starting point of all myths.

Based on monotheism, it promotes the teachings of biblical mythology, guarantees the sublime nature of the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and contains original principles.

"You will neither accept my advice, nor arrogantly reject my advice. Therefore, you will suffer the consequences and blame yourself!"

The power of simulating the Star Creation Map cannot be resisted by the game field.

In an instant, Rope's dark nebula was torn into pieces by the "Old Testament", and the conceptual reverse erosion dilutes the black mist like moths to a flame.

Jesus Christ actually used the simulated star creation map as a consumable, just to weaken the strength of "everything is useless"!

"Stupid insect! After my trial unfolds, you dare to use the cosmology of human history to deal with it. Are you despising my authority?"

"The name of human beings is weak. The name of human beings is cowardly. The name of human beings is worthless."

"No matter how you struggle, the gods born according to the history of mankind have no second way in front of me."

"Accept your disappearance and become a wreck on my dinner table."

"—The god is dead!"

The dense overlapping sounds spread over the head of Jesus Christ.

A more dire omen than disaster and doom.

Seeing that there was no chance of winning the battle of spiritual status, the Holy Son immediately embraced the determination to die, opened up his light, and walked straight into the terrifying final trial.

"Everything is useless, do you think I will accept your challenge without any research? I have mastered your cracking method, how to ascend the dimension to the ritual of being able to look directly at the "unknown", thanks to your tampering with the Bible. "

The nearly perfect humanoid body of Jesus Christ is extremely distorted, changing to the appearance of those indescribable evil gods in the depths of the universe.

Deep in the black mist, Luo Pei smiled sinisterly.

He actually wanted to ask a question—what gave you the confidence, how did you know that I would not understand my own cracking method, and would not use it in reverse?

The behavior of Jesus Christ was exactly in his favor.

Under the destruction of the double-digit Garden of Eden, the difference between victory and defeat is within seconds.

Chapter 68: The God is Dead

Jesus Christ, whose vision has been upgraded, is walking staggeringly in the useless black mist of everything.

The physical distortion was just the beginning, and the hazy thinking kept whipping his soul, causing him rare physical discomfort of dizziness.

This is an extremely unbelievable symptom for a double-digit plenipotentiary field.

Jesus Christ strives to maintain the characteristics of "humanity" and seeks the balance point after the sight is upgraded.

Can't be completely submerged, because that will lose the qualification to challenge the final trial. It cannot be too far away, because that will not have the power to challenge "everything is useless".

Ever since he came to the realm of full authority, he has never experienced such a difficult thing to maintain himself.

Like an old man holding on to a reed in a storm, if he is not careful, he will be swept away by the storm that shines and roars.

"What are you still insisting on? Insisting on my theory of harm, there is no benefit at all. Think about it, even if you let go of the Bible gods now, they won't disappear, and Little Garden will still greet the sun of tomorrow..."

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