The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1824

The girl thought for a moment, but she still showed her true colors as a warrior, and slowly flew in front of Luo Pei.

"The "Twelve Heavens of Dharma Protector" Uesugi Kenshin has met Lord Vientiane Wuyong. "

"... Kenshin Uesugi?"

Luo Pei was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his eyes focused on Kenshin Uesugi, looking him up and down.

This kind of scrutiny made the girl feel a little uncomfortable.

"Is there something wrong with my name, please?"

Uesugi Kenshin explained cautiously.

"I am the "incarnation of Bishamonten", and I came to Hakoniba to worship the godhead of the lord god Bishamonten. Although it may not be well-known at present, it is undoubtedly a member of the Twelve Heavens of Dharma Protectors, who came to the two-digit place in Hako Garden under the authority of Lord Insaten..."

"No, I'm not doubting your identity. No one dares to lie in front of me, and some have graves that are several feet high. I'm just a little surprised at your popular name."

Luo Pei covered his face and muttered softly.

"Kenshin Uesugi...almost got involved in the Sengoku Rance..."

Although speaking as Luo Pei now, there is a hint of black history, but when he was still a human, he really played a lot of little butters, and "Warring States Lance" is one of them.

Thanks to this game, he was deeply impressed by the name "Uesugi Kenshin".

Knowing that this is not the time to be happy, Miss Uesugi was still cheered up when she heard what Luo Pei said.

The two-digit demon king has heard of the name of a human girl like her who just came to Little Garden?

What does this mean?

For my hard work and mediocre mortal life, I still get some kind of affirmation...

The girl didn't know what kind of nasty things Luo Pei was thinking, but she was very happy because of the fact that "the two-digit demon king knew her name".

"It is my honor to let you hear my name."


Luo Pei hissed and coughed twice, and returned to a normal smile.

"I thought Di Shitian would be the one who protected the Twelve Heavens, but I didn't expect them to send you, Miss Uesugi. What? Is Di Shitian also scared?"

It's useless not to offend everything, but it's also not appropriate to speak ill of your boss.

Uesugi Kenshin said after thinking for a moment.

"Lord Di Shitian thought it would be safer for me to investigate the situation first. After all, your reputation is known all over the world, and you are among the strongest godslayers. We cannot be too cautious."

She hesitated, then asked again.

"Master Vientiane Useless, I have no intention of commenting on your grievances with the Gods of the Bible. The decline and glory of Little Garden are normal, and the double digits are no exception. But if you polluted the world axis of Little Garden, has it proved that you have launched your trial? ? The Dharma Protector wants to know the truth."

"I started some trials when I was fighting Jesus Christ, but don't worry, I've always been measured. As for the polluted world axis...that's just a certain feature of my divine power expansion."

"The characteristics of divine power expansion..."

Uesugi Kenshin thought that he was talking about the spiritual status, but he didn't know that this divine power and that divine power are two things that are incompatible.

"So, can you restore the world axis?"

The girl asked cautiously.

Rope smiled and held up his right hand.

On the pillar of the sky, the darkness receded like a wave, drifting and gathering in the right hand of the black-haired youth.

Just before the blink of an eye, Hakoniwa's world axis returned to its sacred and majestic magnificence.

"I am very satisfied with what Di Shitian has done with the matter of the Gods of the Bible. I will not trouble you any more, it is an explanation for my status as a "consultant". "

... You also know that you are the advisor of the Twelve-Day Dharma Protector!

Uesugi Kenshin muttered inwardly.

However, Uesugi Kenshin is already very satisfied with being able to reap such a perfect ending under extremely bad circumstances.

It is conceivable that coming alone to meet the two strongest final trial demon kings, not only escaped unscathed, but also successfully stopped the catastrophe in Hakoniwa, how fast such an achievement would bring about promotion.

Don't be ashamed of your identity as a Dharma protector for twelve days!

The girl was beaming with joy.

Happy to be happy, Uesugi Kenshin did not forget to take advantage of the good atmosphere to confirm some other things.

"Master Vientiane is useless."

"Just call me Luo Pei, don't you feel tired and flustered by such a long name?"

"Okay, Lord Rope. May I ask you about the "Holy Son" Jesus Christ..."

"You still call it an adult? Forget it, it's a two-digit veteran deity, and it's only natural for you to have some respect." Luo Pei spread his hands: "I didn't completely kill "Jesus Christ", but it's only limited to this concept." , the personality of Jesus Christ really does not exist from now on. "

It sounds a bit convoluted.

But Kenshin Uesugi followed Rope's fingers and looked up at the "sun" in the sky to understand.

There is the spirituality of the "Holy Son" Jesus Christ. With the spirituality, naturally "Jesus Christ" will not perish, but it is only limited to the concept of this name.

"Is that so..."

Uesugi Kenshin laughed a little hard.

Perhaps it was because Luo Pei said it too lightly, it was difficult for her to feel the fall of a god in the domain of authority.

"Thank you for your humble answer, Uesugi Kenshin is very grateful."

"Huh? Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, I still have the task of protecting the Dharma for twelve days, so I will report back to Lord Di Shitian. The power of authority is not enough to support me to stand in this world for a long time."

"Then continue."

Luo Pei's finger popped something out, and Uesugi Kenshin took it accurately.

After spreading her palm, the girl found that it was a small wooden badge.

The black-haired youth said with a smile.

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