The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1825

"I'm very interested in you. If you have time, come to the outer door of 6666 for a cup of tea. I will treat you well, Miss Uesugi."

"Sense, interest!"

Uesugi Kenshin didn't know what he thought of, his face turned red.

Then the girl saluted in a panic.

"I, I will think carefully! Farewell!"

"It's just drinking tea and chatting... that's all."

"That's all" has not been said yet, the girl has already fled away in a hurry, as if there is some scourge behind her.

But it is also true that in Luo Pei's capacity, he is much scarier than any scourge.

Shaking his head, Rope was thinking about the reuse of the spirituality of Jesus Christ, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to trigger another "wind of decadence".

The tyrant at the end of the road, whom everyone else fears avoiding, but Luo Pei really wants to see him again.

If he can observe carefully from the appearance of the wind of decadence to the end this time, maybe there will be a way to realize his interesting ambition.

In any case, the incident of Vientiane and the Biblical Gods has come to an end for the time being.

Without any accident, it belongs to the victory of human uselessness.

Chapter 72 The Harmonious Harem, the Sun Protoss in the Old Couple Model

The change of the Gods of the Bible and the axis of the world caused all kinds of news to flow in Little Garden in just a few days.

Some people insist on eschatology to the point where they can't control it. Both human beings and Hakoniwa are on the edge of the cliff, and they can fall into the bottomless abyss with just a slight push. Some people are more rational, inferring from the details what happened on the upper level, and the reasons for the rise and disappearance of mutations.

In any case, the reformation of the huge religion that occupies the most important position in human history cannot be seen at a glance in a short period of time. It will have to wait for the personal verification of the time that page of history that belongs to the Bible will go.

At this moment, Luo Pei, the useless demon king, is in the magic palace of the 6666 outer gate.

In the study room covered with a wine-red carpet inlaid with gold trim, Lopez stood in front of a table near the balcony.

He gently picked up a brown herb plant that was roughly similar to humans, ground it into powder and sprinkled it evenly in the flask, then drew complex heraldry in midair, poured in pure water, mixed The resulting potion boiled endlessly in the flask.

A potion made by the demon himself, shining ominously.


Luo Pei casually picked up the handkerchief, wiped his hands, and handed the potion to the vampire girl standing beside him.

The second princess of the vampire royal family, now a useless court concubine, Lamia took the potion cautiously, then drank it with her eyes closed and her head raised.

Surprisingly, the taste is not bitter at all, but has a hint of sweetness of mead.

After Lamia finished drinking, she opened her eyes and kept looking at her body.

"Lord Luo this all right?" She asked with some uncertainty: "Drinking a bottle of potion, can I get the ability to walk in the sun as I wish, even if I am not at your outer door?"

"To be honest, I have nearly 100,000 ways to modify the defects in your blood, but considering that you don't like to fight, instead of using strength and spirituality to make you overcome the sun, using potions to maintain your original blood way is more appropriate.”

Rope smiled and rubbed Lamia's head.

"Or, do you want to change your mind now?"

"No! No!" Lamia shook her head quickly: "That's good, I still like the feeling of being connected with my sister's blood, and this blood also carries too many memories of me."

Holding the glass bottle, she happily looked at the colorful liquid residues in the light source.

"Although you have been favored by you to be able to walk in Hakoniwa and gain unimaginable freedom all these years, I can only bathe in the sun at your outer door... In this way, no matter where I go, I don't have to worry about the sun. "

"If you had told me earlier, I would have done this little matter for you."

"You should also be considerate of his timidity." Lamia pouted and said coquettishly, "I heard from my mother that a woman who relies on others to survive is the fastest way to self-destruction ... Compared with some inconveniences in life before, it is obviously more important to ensure your favor."

"Do you think this kind of sesame mung bean request will make me bored?" Luo Pei nodded Lamia's forehead and smiled, "You underestimate me, don't you?"

"The accumulation of gravel can crush rocks. Pay attention to the smallest places to maintain it for a long time."

In the end, it was the princess who was full of romance, and Leticia would never learn such a well-behaved worldliness.

The two are two types of girls.

Luo Pei didn't speak any more, but hugged Lamia tightly in his arms.

The girl also leaned her head on his chest meekly.

At this time, the uninvited guest appeared.

"Cough cough."

The gray-haired loli stood at the door, covering her mouth with an elegant folding fan, her eyes revealing a thick and playful smile.

"Should the two of you pay attention to the occasion? The door is open, don't you feel embarrassed to be seen by the maid?"

"Surprisingly, I didn't expect this to come from your mouth. Does anyone dare to pretend to be my cutest White Night Demon King?"

Rope asked in feigned surprise.

"It's too much...Once a person becomes muddled, no amount of compensation can restore the image in his heart."

Bai Ye put away the folding fan with a snap, no longer pretending, and walked in naturally.

She said so, but her eyes still flicked around on Lamia dishonestly.

"It's a pity to give such a cute and docile girl to Luo Pei! Lamia, come to my room tonight, and I will love you even more!"

"Ha, even though we are so familiar with each other, Master Bai Ye still needs to obtain the consent of Lord Luo Pei first. I have always been a woman without my own opinions."

Lamia has lived in the magic palace for so long, she is almost used to Bai Ye's teasing, and she is very tactful in dealing with it.

Seeing that Bai Ye came specifically to find Luo Pei, Lamia instantly knew that the two of them had something to discuss, and without any orders from Luo Pei, she consciously found an excuse to leave.

After Lamia left, Bai Ye's eyes still stayed at the place where the vampire girl disappeared.

"Go back to God."

Luo Pei shook his hand in front of Bai Ye.

The gray-haired loli coughed twice.

"It seems that this younger sister is cuter. Her elder sister Leticia is too serious."

"Leticia was raised as a soldier and leader since she was a child, so don't ask so much of her."

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