The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1826

Luo Pei opened the chair and swept away all the clutter on the table.

"Is it about the "Story Ruler"? "

"a part of it."

Bai Ye was not pretentious, and sat on Luo Pei's lap, her slender legs in white stockings swayed slightly, looking cute and youthful.

"The time has finally been fixed, probably after the "dystopia" is conquered, I will take the godhead given by the bald man to the lower strata to become the ruler of the stratum. "

"It took a long time."

"It's mainly dystopia." Bai Ye knocked on his head with a folding fan: "The group of gods and Buddhas worried that I would directly intervene in the lower class at this moment, and there would be a chain chemical reaction with dystopia, so they put aside my request to take over as the stratum ruler. Press and press."

"Then why did you suddenly agree?"

"Why do you say? The gods of the Bible have been taken over by you, Luo Pei, who has time to take care of me?"

"Would it affect the whole body... that's fine." Luo Pei smiled slightly: "Change is always a good thing, and praising change is praising happiness."

"So when are you going to tackle dystopia?"

Bai Ye looked at Luo Pei suspiciously.

"Could it be that you forgot what you said in front of me?"

"How can I forget, it's just that the lower level is not yet the time for me to make a move."

Luo Pei snatched Bai Ye's fan, unfolded it gracefully, and carefully looked at the pictures full of Japanese flavor on it.

"Canary is planning to trigger a period of historical change in the outside world, and use the plague to eliminate the population, thereby improving the status of serfs in the slave society. If I make a move now, won't all her hard work be in vain?"

"Are you the type who cares about those trivial matters?" Bai Ye frowned: "No, wait, you are obviously looking forward to the great plague caused by the poet girl... Will the advance of enlightenment culture help you?"

"The third permanent mechanism, I want to collect the spirit of the final trial. Of course, this yearning has not reached the point where I have to intervene in person, just let it go, let it go."

"Absolute Evil, Dystopia, and the third permanent mechanism. Everything you can carefully intervene in is the ultimate test for human beings to destroy human beings."

"The self-destruct factor is a very important nutrient."

"Okay, since you said that... oh, poor Jialing and the Great Sage, they are bothering their brains about Canary and Dystopia, if it wasn't for Leticia's persuasion, the impulsive character of the Great Sage would have already plunged into it gone."

"Let her stay in the Heavenly Court obediently."

"I think so too."

Bai Ye nodded, and got off Luo Pei's knee.

Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, he was copied by the black-haired youth again.

"Hey, don't you think that now..."

"It's all here, pack something in your stomach and go back."

Luo Pei whispered softly in Bai Ye's ear.

"As the protoss of the sun, you don't like the night, do you?"

They're all old couples, why are they so shy? Thinking of this, Bai Ye slowly entered the state.

Copper, smelted out.

Chapter 73 Saya and Nyogda, the Daughters Departure

When Luo Pei's chaotic events in Little Garden came to an end temporarily, and while he was enjoying the wine and meat, certain corners of the multiverse, on the contrary, began to become agitated.

This is the kingdom of darkness.

No sky, no sea, thin air, a whole land of hard rock and minerals.

In the dark and sunless soil and rocks, the Amobo Zergs worked endlessly, and for this purpose, the master of the Kingdom of God opened up criss-cross underground tunnels. Those Amobo lords with crimson shells carefully molded statues of gods with precious ore, while whispering in fear of the tyranny of their masters.

This is the land of no light.

This is the cradle of Ever Darkness.

The eternally fallen territory of Nyogda, the high-ranking evil god and "Inhabitant of Darkness".

In a cavern of indescribable majesty, a dark liquid boils.

Nearly a thousand Amobo lords crawled on the ground with their forelimbs, in fear both physically and mentally.

It is hard for outsiders to believe that these expert masters who manipulate dark magic power and black magic will appear in such a useless posture. With the ability of the Amobo Zerg lords and a steady stream of subordinates, as long as they are used properly, they can destroy a kingdom and a magical civilization lightly.

But now, they can only beg the wrath of the gods not to burn too hot.

Or, the anger doesn't come down on their own heads.

"Stupid! Stupid insect!"

Nyogda was roaring.

"I need death! I need fear! I need dark and decaying souls! And what about you? What have you done for me besides scraping dirt and rocks all day long in my kingdom of God? I bestow upon you the grace of the earth and darkness, But you don’t make good use of it, why should I favor you? Maybe it’s better to favor a group of mealworms than you!”

Before the Amobo Zerg Lords could reply, Nyogda's tentacles rolled up the nearest Zerg Lord to her.

With just contact, the huge divine power destroyed the body and soul of the Zerg Lord, turning it into a fragile object like black coal balls.

Nyogda threw the wreckage at the lords full of arrogance, but the lords remained silent, letting those hurling stones mixed with tremendous force hit them.

"An ancient god who should be rotting and living with insects, dare to imprison me in the kingdom of God... Sooner or later, I will tear you all to pieces!"

The ever-dark goddess cursed.

One of them, Lord Amobo, with a golden shell, stood up tremblingly when he saw that the evil spirit's mood had gradually stabilized.

"My respected Nyogda, we have tried our best to fulfill your desire. But you also know that the seals of those hateful ancient gods are very powerful. Every time we use mortals to open the space channel for sacrifice, it will cost a lot The strength, and even the lives of many lords..."

"Are you justifying your incompetence to me?"

"Forgive me! Forgive me!"

"Incompetent waste, I decided to have you for dinner today..."

Before death fell on the head of the Zerg lord, the soft voice of a girl came to mind in the dark cave.

"Sister Nyogda, why are you so angry with your servant?"

The lords of Amobo seem to have heard the most beautiful sounds of nature.

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