The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1832

Pest hugged her arms tightly, and buried her cheeks halfway in the crook of her arms.

"I can understand my father's fear of contracting diseases, but he left me in the dungeon to fend for myself, without even saying a visit or a word of comfort. I really... hate him very much!"

"The blood relationship looks close, but in fact it's okay to be fragile."

Anilian returned to normal and said nonchalantly.

"The soul connection is eternal, just as I was able to cross countless worlds and find the location of my father. Of course, my mother also helped a lot. Compared with her, I am still too young as a god .”

"Your mother loves you very much, too."

"Mom? Love me? Hahaha, you misunderstood, her view of me is actually very distorted."

Anilaine smiled and waved his hand.

"My mother showed the image of a "gentle mother" only because I am the heir of my father. Maybe my other sisters can rarely enjoy their mother's love, but I can easily tell how hypocritical my mother's love is. The nameless heart of Cthulhu is more elusive than the deep sea of ​​Tyrus, this is a famous saying of the mystic. "

"Don't you blame your mother?"

Pest asked cautiously.

"The love of relatives is false, won't it make people uncomfortable?"

"What a naive idea."

Anilaine tilted her head.

"Why do you blame my mother? That is her personality. Besides, from the perspective of "mother", she is not disqualified in the slightest. She has done well what should be done and what is not necessary. It would be too much to blame her. A little ignorant. And as the "four elements" of water, I don't dare to be presumptuous in front of my mother. "

After speaking, the volcano goddess leaned back again and yawned.

"However, there are not no mothers and daughters who can be described as intimate. Lina's mother is completely different from mine. The Lord of the Star Sea in Deep Space completely mixes love and desire, and his heart is all in his father's heart." Aiwu and Wu also put a considerable amount of love into Lina in the body of the adult."


Pest never forgot that her future survival depends on that strange demon named "Lina".

The little girl began to inquire about the details about Lena.

"From your tone, you and your sister are not from the same mother?"

"Yes, Father has many lovers, so many that I admire them from the bottom of my heart. She is the daughter of the wind, I am the daughter of the sea, and there are other sisters with different mothers..."

Anilian paused, then smiled.

"This daughter of the sea is not the daughter of the mermaid's sea?"

This belongs to playing the piano against the cow.

It is impossible for Pest in the 13th century to know the fairy tales created by Andersen in the 18th century.

Probably after the body recovered temporarily, all kinds of sensations on the skin returned, and Pest slowly began to feel the ubiquitous coldness in the dungeon.

She shrank her neck and moved to a place where the grass was thick.

At the same time, two mice ran out in a panic. Before they could slip out, they seemed to be burned out of thin air, turning into nothingness that could not leave ashes.

"It's a bad thing inside the world. In a deliberately low-key situation, insects, ants, snakes and beasts always appear inappropriately in the sight..."

Anilaine muttered, and lightly lit a firefly in the air with his fingers.

As if taking care of Pest, who was afraid of the natural temperature, the moment the flame appeared, the entire icy dungeon was as warm as spring, and even the slightest bit of moisture disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Pest looked at the flames emerging from the air, and felt the urge to cry again.

I don't know if it's the emotional fluctuations of the survivors, but at this moment, she actually feels that the only person in the world who is willing to treat her well is the ogre in front of her.

"That, that... oh... sorry..."

Pest covered her red eyes and sobbed softly.

Anilaine half-closed her eyes and laughed loudly.

"What, are human beings so weird? You cry when I light a fire? Don't worry, this flame is not for cooking you. I used to eat people raw."

Anilaine said.

"You probably want to ask about Lina, right? My younger sister is a typical young lady with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. Sometimes all kinds of cynicism and ridicule towards low-level creatures, in fact, I don't mind helping them a little. I remember a long time ago..."

The volcano goddess began to sing a one-man show slowly.

The Sea of ​​Tyres, Cthulhu's Kingdom of God is actually quite boring for Anilane.

Mother is either sleeping or getting ready to sleep, and Dagon and Hydra are the main gods of the Deep Ones and have their own responsibilities. Only when her brothers and sisters arrived did Anilaine barely become interested.

Among them, her favorite existence is "Daughter of Recovery" Kexila.

Although this sister's divinity and power are not worth mentioning at all, and she can be called the shame of evil gods, but Anilein can chat with her very well. Many things that Cthulhu did not teach were taught by Professor Keshila. Anilaine's.

It was also Keshira who cultivated the casual and happy character that appeared in Anilein, and did not let her move towards the posture that a normal evil god should have in the darkness of the deep sea.

In the dungeon, two girls with very different identities communicated endlessly.

While talking seriously, while listening carefully, inserting some questions from time to time.

Time was like pressing the fast-forward button. Pest didn't feel any physical discomfort of hunger and thirst, and the outside world had quietly passed by for three days and nights.

Until around the afternoon of the fourth day.

A middle-aged man in noble attire walked into the dungeon with bloodshot eyes.

Pest was stunned immediately, she was so familiar with the face, but she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was her father, as if the blood and family relationship had already been cut off by the darkness of the dungeon.

Then Pest also noticed that her father was coughing constantly.

"Ahem... you're not dead yet?"

asked the middle-aged nobleman in disgust.

"You who have brought such bad luck to the family and the territory, why do you still have the face to live in this world? If you hadn't been born in the first place, you devil who brought disaster... Cough cough! Now, you are satisfied Right? People in the family, people are getting sick every day now."

Pest didn't mind what her father was saying.

She watched her father staring intently at her, and then at Anilaine, who was leaning on the railing and dozing, as if her father could only see her.

——It seems that I am not so unbearable?

Only I can see Miss Anilaine, and only I can get that almost impossible opportunity.

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