The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1833

Thinking of this, Pest suddenly laughed, and tears came out of the laughter.

Seeing his daughter's smiling face, the noble man frowned even more in disgust.

He immediately drew the saber from his waist.

"It really is a child of the devil! Beast, before the disease takes me to see God, I must first purify you, the child of the devil! It's all your fault!"

Father's footsteps approached little by little, but Pest was not afraid at all.

Sure enough, when she was about to reach the door of her dungeon, the dozing Anilane opened her eyes.

"Is there any mistake? I just take a nap and someone will disturb me. Is it so uncomfortable to keep a low profile..."

She murmured quietly.

"The lowly insect... bored to death."

Pest thought her father would burn to nothingness under the anger of the demons like those rats.

But in an instant, the endless flames almost blinded her eyes.

Subconsciously covering her eyes, feeling the explosion sound of shattering the eardrum, Pest simply passed out.

I don't know how long it has been.

When she opened her eyes again and slowly got up, the girl was so frightened by the scene in front of her that her limbs went numb.

No more gloomy dungeons and no decent buildings.

Pest herself was lying on top of the boiling magma, and all around her was a lake of flames as far as she could see.

Whether it is the territory, the family, the people, the soil, the mountains, or the streams, everything is gone.

Volcanoes erupting with anger stand tall on the twisted and deformed land, and the turbulent volcanic ash in the sky turns the light into a dark and eternal night.

——The world in my eyes is burning.

Pest was a little dazed.

"You finally woke up."

Miss Anilaine's voice came from beside her ear.

Pest turned her head to look, and found that the magical demon was changing from the half-human half-snake appearance.

Still a half-asleep and half-awake expression, still a laughing corner of his mouth.

It's just the flames of the magma, adding a certain sense of sacred terror to her.

"A little bit of anger will cause a little trouble, but it has no effect on our chat. Don't worry about those magma and flames, I temporarily order them not to hurt you."

Anilaine held out her hand to Pest.

"Let's get on with it, Pest."

Lucky to see the devil in times of despair? Nothingness after the destruction of everything that intersects with oneself? Or do you worship fear that is so powerful that it surpasses imagination?

Pest couldn't define this wonderful experience for herself, after all, she was just a little girl.

She could only stretch out her hand blankly and hold the demon's white palm.

unwilling to let go.

Chapter Seventy-Seven: Son of Time, Little Thoughts of the Daughters

It had just rained a little and the mountain road was muddy.

But what is a little weird is that the wind blowing is not cold and humid, it feels like being in a midsummer stove.

A carriage pulled by four black smoke horses passed the winding mountain road. The wheels and horseshoes were more than half a meter above the ground, suspended in mid-air by inexplicable forces. The car windows are carved from dark green gemstones, vaguely reflecting the noble ladies sitting quietly inside.

Lina Hasta opened her amber eyes, opened the car window, and reached out to gently catch the slight hot wind.

"The power of the volcano... what the hell is Anilaine doing?"

Ms. Plague does not think that in this world of scarcity, there will be an existence that requires the daughter of Cthulhu, Anilane, to use the power of the gods.

The only explanation was her sister's whim.

"Can't you be a little quieter? It looks more energetic and gentle than the spring tide, but it is actually a strong powder keg..."

From the time Lina and Anilein met, they have been complaining about this matter.

She understands that the volcano goddess is not a person who can't control her power, but under the influence of the "volcano" divinity, Anilein's emotional expression will become very extreme. Often a bit of unhappiness and unhappiness will erupt like crustal movement and heat shock.

For this matter, the two had a lot of fights.

Of course, compared to their respective mothers, Hastur, the "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea" and Cthulhu, the "Eternal Sleeper", Lena and Anilane are just childish conflicts. , are very restrained.

Because of this, they established a deeper friendship than other evil gods, and even other sons of Rope, so they reached a consensus and walked together on the matter of meeting their father.

Anilaine started to make trouble, but Lina still didn't intend to speed up her carriage.

It's rare to leave her mother's kingdom of God, and it's rare to not have to force herself to enjoy the boring opera anymore. Lina vowed to move forward slowly and full of leisure like petals fluttering in the wind.

"Bitter clove, the source of evil blood, Ajiro limoncello, water polluted by magic energy, blood of evil gods, highly toxic extract..."

Lady Plague concocts a virus wine that can destroy a civilization in the blink of an eye, which is more terrifying than the Black Death.

She leaned in front of the silver goblet, smelling the wine with a strange sweet smell, and the divinity of the plague jumped for joy.

Lina gulped it down with grace.

Before she could take a nap comfortably against the back of the velvet chair, the carriage supported by the wind suddenly stopped.

Lina opened the window and looked outside with slightly drunk eyes.

Then, her drunkenness immediately sobered up.

It was the posture of a young girl, about 1.5 to 1.6 meters tall, and her whole body was shrouded in a blue hooded robe.

In Lina's excellent eyesight to see through the darkness, the girl's appearance hidden in the darkness is an indescribable intellectual beauty.

No need to confirm who it is, the soul has already put the answer on the table.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to see another sister in this world besides Anilaine and me."

Lina asked with a smile while leaning against the carriage window, resting her chin on her right hand.

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